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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Winter 1945

“Here’s a marvellous convo

Ix several articles in the Virginia Quarterly Review, beginning in 1033, Walter Millis has analyzed the character and achievements of our government. In “A President Must Re Elected.” he points out what is to him the one. significant issue in the coming electoral campaign and the dangers that lie ahead for the country if that issue is not faced squarely on the platforms and at the polls.

A native of Georgia and a journalist by profession, Mn. Millis has been for some years a member of the editorial staff of the New York Herald Tribune. Among his books are “The Road to War,” 193.<>, and “Why Europe Fights,” 1910.

Only one country to the south of us still formally holds aloof from the war. In “Argentina; Postwar Threat to the Americas” Lloyd Mallan analyzes tbe reasons why Argentina has refused to join the Allies and indicates her plans.

Mr. Mallax has been a foreign correspondent for the Argentine newspaper, Argentina Libre. “This paper,” he writes, “is now being published in exile in Uruguay and its editor just escaped a Ramirez concentration camp.” Mu. Mallan has also worked as a research assistant in the Division of Intellectual Co-operation of the Pan-American Union and for the past year or more has been Literary Editor of the Committee on Cultural Relations m’ith Latin America, Inc. “Argentina: Postwar Threat to the Americas” is his first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly, but he has published articles and fiction in many magazines both here and in Latin America. At present lie. is working on a book about our foreign policy and that of the Axis in South America.

In writing “Tangled Bureaucracies,” Silas Bent intended, as he writes us, “a fair-minded discussion, not a bellow about the situation. Some of our agencies arc indispensable, .such as the bureaus of Indian affairs, standards, health, communications, transportation, and so on. Although a necessary part of our govcrn-

‘icnt place for our rehearsal.”

merit, bureaus constitute a threat to democratic processes, They have brought an immense and dangerous concentration of authority in Washington.”

A free-lance writer since 1922, Mr. He n’t is the author of numerous articles and books, including “Slaves by the Billion.” published in 1038, and “Newspaper Crusaders: A Neglected Stow.” 1930. He is now collecting material for a biography of Thomas Hooker, the founder of Connecticut.

Joachim Jokstkn was first introduced to readers of the Virginia Quarterly in “The Lights Went Out,” which appeared in the Autumn, 1912, issue. His present article. “Denmark’s Costly Revolt,” is n factual account of tbe August Danish uprising and the motives that prompted it.

Mil. Joestkn is assistant editor of Newsweek and editor of his own newsletter, Background. lie is the. author of two books on Scandinavia, “Rats in the Larder,” published in 1939, and “Stalwart Sweden,” which appeared last August. One chapter of the latter describes his own hazardous escape from Denmark on the day of the invasion, April 9, 1910, Doiiotiiv Wki.lhslry is an English poet, a friend of Yeats and of Virginia Woolf. who is commemorated in the poem, “Virginia.” She is the author of “Poems of Ten Years, 1021-1031,” “Selections from the Poems of Dorothy Wellcsley,” with an introduction by W. B. Yeats, and “Lost Planet and’ Other Poems,” published in 1012. In 1910 she edited her correspondence with Yeats on the subject of poetry under the title, of “Letters on Poetry’ from W. B. Yeats to Dorothy Wellcsley.” “The Famous Mathematician” and “Virginia” arc included in a new volume of verse. “The Poets and Other Poems,” (Penns in the Rock Scries I), 20 new poems in a limited edition of only three hundred signed copies.

the author of “Gasoline.” Vladimir Pozn-kii, is a Frenchman of Russian parentage. In the summer of 1039 he « «s working’ on a novel when he was ordered to report to his artillery depot Tor active duty. For one year he vegetated in the army, then in six weeks he saw a lite-time of warfare, and then France fell. Soon after he was demobilized, he went to North Africa, then flew from Tangier to Lisbon, and arrived in New York in January, 1911. Three of his novels have been translated into English and published in this country: “The Bloody Baron,” 1938, “The Edge of the Sword,” 1912, and “First Harvest,” 1943. Recently Mr. Pozneh has been contributing to the Fighting French press, and he is now at work on n new novel. “Gasoline,” his first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly, was translated from the French by Haakon M. Chevalier.

Hershel Biuckkll is a Mississippian by birth “with a Virginia background by heredity and a New England background by residence.” To this he. has now added a Latin-American background by choice, which enables him to write with love and understanding of “Popayan, Cradle of Colombia.Hie facts “of my life are in Who’s Who.” be writes, “but the rest of the story is that I came to Colombia in November, 1911, as Senior Cultural Relations Assistant to the Ambassador, with the first wave of cultural attaches. So I have, been two years a Colombian, speaking Spanish all day every day, spending my working and leisure hours with the people of tbe country, studying the problems, educational and otherwise, and trying through every known medium to explain us to them and them to us. T think Southerners and all people of Spanish blood arc curiously sympathetic, and I could write a book on this.”

Mr. Brick km. has had a varied career as editor, book columnist, and lecturer. In 1939 he was awarded Rosenwald and Guggenheim fellowships for research and writing. Currently, he is the editor of the 0. Henry Memorial Prize Story volume, the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of which has just been published.

“An Invite with Gilded Edges” is Ciiaiit.ks Weir, Jh.’r first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly. He is an Instructor in English at Cornell University.

whose chief interests are the .seventeenth century, modern poetry, and contemporary French literature. “I have written a fafr amount of poetry,” he writes, “a little of which has been published , . , an(] have done random book-rcvicwirig. At present I am trying to write a hook on Flaubert.”

Until November. 1913, Hans W. Wbi-ueht was head of the Department of International Relations at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. He is now professor of area studies and political science at the University of Pittsburgh, heading up the German area work which that university is organizing for United States Army ollicers training courses. He has published articles on political geography in numerous- magazines; and a book on geopolitics, “Generals and Geographers,” issued in this country in 1912, has also been published in a Spanish translation in South America. A symposium on political geography, “Compass of the. World,” prepared together with Vilhjahmir Ste-fansson, will appear early in 1911.

Of his article, incidentally his first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly, Mr. Weihkht writes, “This essay owes much to Vilhjalmur Stefansson. His writings, and many conversations with the great pioneer of the American Far North, are reflected in the main ideas expressed in ‘The Northward Course.’ “

Josbe IIanc. who reviews a group of books dealing with the aftermath of nanism and fascism, is Director of the Czechoslovak Economic Service in this country. He has taught at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Boston, and was formerly Czech Consul in New York. His latest book is “Tornado Across Eastern Europe,” published in 1912, Boris Souvarine, French scholar, writer, and historian, was General Secretary of the “Institut d’ Ilistoire Soeiale” of Paris in the last years before, the invasion. He has contributed articles on historical matters and foreign affairs to French and American periodicals and is the author of a book on the Russian Revolution which has been translated into several languages. Mr. Souvahixk’s review was translated from the French by Lucius Gaston Moffat’J’, head of the School of Romance Languages at the University of Virginia. Sltll’ati Ciiandrasekhar is a young Hindu Research Fellow from the University of Madras, India, now at Columbia University doing research in Demography, with particular reference, to Asia and India. He has just completed a study of Indian population problems which is to he published by the Institute of Pacific Relations.

Lionet, Stevenson- is head of the English Department in the University of Southern California, and the author of several hooks, the two most recent being “The Wild Irish Girl” and “Doctor Quick silver.” F. Cumvoirni Flint is a member of the English Department of Dartmouth College, whose, time at present is. as he writes, “devoted to teaching ‘Naval Eng-

lish’ in the Navy V-12 Unit. ‘Explain, well-educated seaman, explain1’ sums up what we are doing.” He has often contributed to The Virginia Quarterly.

Associate Professor of American His-tory and Biography at Scripps College in Clareinont, California, C. Vann Wood-waiu) is the author of “Tom Watson: Agrarian Rebel.” lie is now on leave while serving as lieutenant (j, g.) jn the United States Naval Reserve. Librarian of Princeton University Library and author of numerous historical works’, .Li.ian P. Bovn writes. “I am a librarian who plays at being an amateur historian or a historian who plays at being an amateur librarian. I am frequently accused of being either, depending upon the point of view of the speaker.”


Charlotte Ko/itcr, Mtum^rn^ Editor Advisory Editors

James Sootiialt. Wilson  John Calvin Metcalf

Garrard Glenn  Thomas Pehkins Aiieunethy

In the national service


R. K. Goocir  Fkank A. Gkldard

Ashley G. Davis, Secretary

A National Journal of Literature arid Discussion published since 1925 on tlie fifteenth of March, June, September, and December. Subscription rates: one year, $3.00; two years, $5.00. Canadian and Foreign: one year, $3.50; two years, $6.00. Single copies, 75 cents. Indexed in The Headers’ Guide to Periodical Literaturt and in Public Affairs Information Service. Title page and annual index available in November.

Manuscripts must he accompanied by postage, for return and addressed to The Editor. The magazine does not assume responsibility for the views expressed by contributors of articles.

All letters relative to advertising and other business matters should be addressed to The Managing Editor.

editorial ani) publication offices: one west I1ANOE, charlottesville, virqinu



Volume 20

Number 3

Summer 1944

the South after the war a new nationalism in europe human nature and world peace

the psychological man poetry:

a lonely field . . .. andalusia . . .. dawn in wartime

not even the gods  A Story

the lonesome youno man on the flyinh trapeze the magnificent american proposition our ance8tor8 of the soil . di8cu88ion8 of new hooks:

A Golden Day-after-Toinorrow ?

Tragic Dilemma: the Negro and the American Dream The Presidency in Action Count Sforza’s Act of Faith . Nationalist Soviet Russia Phases of Art in America . Ancient Music and Counterpoint Without a Common Denominator Past and Present .

H. Clarence Nixon  321

Andreas, Dorpalen  835

John M. Fletcher  350

. Walter Millis  363

Glenn Ward Drcsbach  378

Genevieve Taggard  879

Babette Deutsch  880

Carol Bache  881

Edwin Berry Burgum  392

John Temple Graves  404

. Walter Pach  413

. R. H. Gabriel  427

Rupert B. Vance  435

James Hart  445

William Huse Dunham, Jr.  448

Eugene M. Kaydcn  451

William Sencr Rusk  456

Stephen D. Tuttle  460

F. Cudworth Flint  464

Dan S. Norton  474

The Green-Room liv Notes on Current Books Ix Reprints & New Editions Ixxvi

Ent « «l u itcond

Copyright, 1944, by The Virginia Quarterly Review, The University of Virginia, id-class matter, March 16, 1925, at Charlottesville, Virginia, under the Act of March 3,


modem Italian History to officers in Yale’s Civil Affairs Training School and to G. I.’s in the Army Specialized Training Program. “Normally,” according to him, “I teach and write British History and as a Guggenheim Fellow after July I am going to do a book on British Allegiance.” Eugene M. Kayden is professor of economics at the University of the South and the author of “Consumers’ Co-operation in Russia before and during the World War.”

William Sener Rusk writes that “the only recent item outside the routine of teaching has been an article in the American Scholar in March, ‘New Dimensions and the Arts,’ in which I tried to suggest

the new world that the artist must interpret for us if he is to maintain his Iegiti-inate place with scientist and mystic as a leader of his fellows.” Stephen D TVttle, assistant professor of music at the University of Virginia, has collected transcribed, and edited the hitherto unpublished keyboard music of the sixteenth English composer William Byrd in a book published in 1.041 by the Editions de L’Oiseau-Lyre in Paris.

F. Cumvoimi Flint has frequently contributed to the Virginia Quarterly, He is a member of the English Department of Dartmouth College. Dan S, Norton, a native Californinn, teaches English at the University of Virginia.


Charlotte Kohler, Managing Editor

Advisory Editors

James Southall Wilson  John Calvin Metcalf

Garrard Glenn  Thomas Perkins Abernetht

In the national service Archibald Bollinq Shepperson  Hardy C. Dillard

R. K. Gooch  Frank A. Geldard

Ashley G. Davis, Secretary

A National Journal of Literature and Discussion published since 1925 on tie fifteenth of March, June, September, and December. Subscription rates: one yew, $8.00; two years, $5.00. Canadian and Foreign: one year, $8.60; two years, $6.00. Single copies, 75 cents. Indexed in The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literatm »nd in Public Affairs Information Service. Title page and annual index available in November.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by postage for return and addressed to Tbe Editor. The magazine does not assume responsibility for the views expressed by contributors of articles.

All letters relative to advertising and other business matters should be id-dressed to The Managing Editor.

editorial and publication offices: one west range, charlottesville, viroim



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