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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Summer 1942

wars upon the effectiveness of our present government and upon our capacity to face the future arc not inconsiderable.”

The Virginia Quarterly takes particular pleasure in presenting a sonnet by Amelie Rives TrouBetzkoy, the Virginia writer who “was one of our earliest contributors. Although perhaps best known as a novelist and dramatist, she has also published verse of distinction in American and English magazines and in a volume entitled “As the Wind Blew.” Sidney Alexander is a graduate of Columbia University and a social worker in the New York City Department of Public Welfare. He is at present on leave for the purpose of completing a book-length dramatic poem on Simon Bolivar. His verse has appeared in a number of magazines.

“Among the German exiles whose background and firsthand experience of European affairs have enriched American journalism is Joachim Joesten,” according to , the sketch of him in Current Biography, “assistant editor of Newsweek and editor of his own newsletter, Background. Joesten enjoys a reputation as a prophet because of his amazing forecast of the Nazi invasion of the Scandinavian countries, and in recent months he lias tried hard to disillusion those who still look upon Sweden as anything but ‘an integral part of the German living space’; he himself spent several months in Swedish concentration camps because of his anti-Nazi views.” Mr. JoeSten’s article, “The Lights Went Out,” incidentally his first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly, is a factual account of what has happened to writers, to periodicals and to other cultural institutions in the Scandinavian countries since they became dominated by the Nazis.

C. Herman Pritchett spent four years with the T. V. A., from 1081 to 1938.’ For three of these years lie was on the staff of the Social and Economic Research Division, and during the fourth year lie was associated with an administrative survey of the T. V. A. made by the Public Administration Committee of the Social Science Research Council. At present he is assistant professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and a consultant for the Office of Price Adminis-


tration. He is co-author of a T. V. A, publication, “County Government and Administration in the Tennessee Valler States,” and has also published articles on government corporations, English local government, and the Supreme Court.

Wallace SteGneu is Briggs-Copclnnd Instructor of English at Harvard University and is the author among other things of “Remembering Laughter,” “On a Darkling Plain,” and “Fire and Ice.” He lias in preparation a work on the Mormon country. “The present story,” he writes us, “is taken from a novel on which I have been working for a number of years. Another story from that same novel, “Bugle Song,” was published in the Virginia Quarterly in 1988. Still others have appeared in the Atlantic, Harper’s, and Mademoiselle. This is the seventh, in other words, to he taken from that book. I note this simply to escape the onus ol being that fellow who writes stories otilr about little boys in Saskatchewan.”

Karl MenninGer is head of the famous psychiatric clinic in Topeka, Kansas, which bears his name. He is the author of many books and articles on the subject of psychiatry, the most recently published of which is “Man against Himself,” 1938. His newest work, “Love against Hate,” will be published early in the fall.

WillaRD Thorp, who recently contributed the review, “Intellectual Americans.”, to the Virginia Quarterly, is a member of the Department of English at Princeton University. As the present review would indicate, his major interest is in American literature and American thought. He 1$ joint editor of the recently published “American Issues.” SiGmund Neumann’ is professor of Political Science at Wes-levan Universitv and is the author of many books on political and other topics in both German and English. His latest work, “Permanent Revolution: The Total State in a World at War,” was published late last summer. Major Na-tHaniel F. Silsree, accountant, teacher, educational missionary, college comptroller, and writer and lecturer on aviation, is now Chief of the Information and Education Division, Public Relations Office. Army Air Corps. Last July he ad-dressed the Institute of Public Affairs.


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