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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Summer 1936

“Here’s a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal”

In “Dictators and Democracies,” which appeared in the April, 1934, is:sue of the Virginia Quarterly, Calvin B. Hoover analysed the Russian, Italian, and German dictatorships, chiefly from the point of view of the techniques each employed in achieving power, and contrasted their political methods with the political methods of democracies. In “The Dictators March,” using Mussolini’s announcement of the nationalization of large-scale industry as a springboard, Mit. Hoover develops his analysis of the three dictatorships on the economic level. He is the author of “The Economic Life of Soviet Russia” and “Germany Enters the Third Reich,” both books being the result of extended visits to the countries discussed. Mr. Hoover is professor of economics in Duke University; during 1934 and 1935 he was economic adviser to the Secretary of Agriculture. He is at present engaged on a study of general economic theory.

Charles A. Beard’s “The Constitution and States’ Rights” appeared in the October, 1935, issue of the Virginia Quarterly. In “Corporations and Natural Rights,” he throws into historical perspective another constitutional issue that has become crucial in recent years. Ever since his “Economic Interpretation of the Constitution” appeared in 1913, Mil. Beard has written extensively on the subject of our constitutional history. His most recent book is “The Struggle Over Security,” written in collaboration with George H. E. Smith. Mr. Beard has served as president both of the American Historical Association and of the Political Science Association.

“Robert Bridges” is Albert Guerard, Jr.’s, first essay contribution to the Virginia Quarterly: Mr. Guerard’s review of “The Last Puritan” appeared in the April number. His short stories have appeared in a number of magazines, and he is now at work on a novel and a critical volume on Bridges’ work. He was educated at Leland Stanford University and Harvard University, and now teaches English in Amherst College.

“The Night the Bucket Fell” is Leonard Rapport’s first short story. Mr. Rapport is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of the University of North Carolina. Of this story he writes: “I have worked as a laborer on a dam construction, so the background is probably authentic: but I hesitate to call it a true story.” Mr. Rapport now lives in Chapel Hill.

The relationship between the work of the artist and the social organism in which the artist lives has been the special concern of recent writings of Herbert Read, whose essay on “The Artist as Individual” marks his first appearance in the Virginia Quarterly. Mr. Read is a native of England, and was formerly professor of fine arts in the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of numerous critical studies of literature and painting, among them “Reason and Romanticism,” “Form in Modern Poetry,” “Art Now,” and “Art and Industry.” Last year a volume of his verse, “Poems, 1915-1935,” was published in this country.

“Calling on a Dead Friend” is Raymond Dannen-baum’s first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly. He has completed a volume of verse, “If Time Destroys,” and is now engaged on a novel. Lawrence Lee and Robert Penn Warren have been frequent contributors to the Quarterly. Mr. Lee teaches French at the University of Vir-ginia; his latest volume is “Summer Goes On.” Mr. Warren, who is a member of the English faculty of Louisiana State University, recently published his first volume of poems, “Thirty-Six Poems.”

Of the American men of letters of the period between the Civil War and the World War, Henry Adams and Henry James have been notable for the influence they have exerted on the literary artists and critics of today. In “The Expense of Greatness,” 11. P, Blackmur shows how Henry Adams, in his lifetime search for the unifying principle that would explain human energy in its social, aesthetic, and religious manifestations, formulated those questions the answers to which are most pressingly sought today. Essays by Mr. Blackmur have appeared in a number of magazines and have recently been collected in a volume entitled “The Double Agent;,” which was reviewed in the April number of this magazine by Edd Winfield Parks.

“Fathers of the Victorians” is the product of a number of years’ study of the movement for moral reform in England from 1780 to 1837. The author, Ford K. Brown, was educated at the University of Washington, and was a Rhodes scholar at Exeter College, Oxford. From 1928 to 1930 he held a Guggenheim fellowship for study in England. He is now professor of English in Saint John’s College, Annapolis.

Readers interested in the relation between the belief in terms of which a poem is written and the poem itself will find it worthwhile to compare John Peale Bishop’s “The Golden Bough” with the poem he contributed to the April, 1935, number of the Virginia Quarterly. Ma. Bishop’s discussion of the influence of Sir James Frazer’s classic on the post-war generation is also a commentary on the search for unity that Mr. Blackmur analyses in the case of Henry Adams. Mil. Bishop is the author of two volumes of poetry, “Now With His Love,” and “Minute Particulars,” the latter of which was reviewed in the April issue of the Quarterly, and of a novel, “Act of Darkness.”

Walter L. Myers, who has contributed frequently to the Virginia Quarterly, is professor of English in the University of Pittsburgh and author of “The Later Realism.” Biioadus Mitchell’s most recent book is “A Preface to Economics.” He is professor of economics in the Johns Hopkins University. Carv Johnson, Jr., is professor of American history in the University of Virginia; he has recently completed a history of scientific thought in the old South, which will be published this fall. Robert C Bink-ley contributed “New Debts for Old” to the April issue of the Quarterly. His most recent book is “Realism and Nationalism: 1852-1871.” Kerker QUinn’s review is his first contribution to these pages. Poetry and critical essays by Mr. Quinn have appeared in a number of magazines. Eugene M. Kayden in professor of economics in the University of the South. Stringeellow Barr is a former editor of the Virginia Quarterly.




Advisory Editors

Stringfellow Barr  John Calvin Metcali*

Garrard Glenn  Carroll Mason Sparrow

Jamks Soutiiall Wilson

The Virginia Quarterly Review is published at the University of Virginia: in April, July, October, and January. Subscription rates: $3.00 the year. Canadian, $3.25; Foreign, $3.50. Single copies, 75 cents.

Contributions must be accompanied by postage for return and addressed to The Editor or1 the Virginia Quarterly Review, 1 West Range, University, Virginia. The University of Virginia and the Editors do not assume responsibility for the views expressed by contributors of articles.

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