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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Autumn 1929

No problem in America calls for more thoughtful consideration than the proper solution of the industrial situation in the South. Bruce Crawford in the July Virginia Quarterly presented one phase of it in “Whose Prosperity?” Broadus Mitchell, economist of The Johns Hopkins University, approaches it quite differently in his article in this issue. Mr. Mitchell is the author of the recently published “William Gregg: Factory Master of the Old South” (North Carolina Press). He has written other papers for the Quarterly, including another on industrial conditions, “Fleshpots in the South.”

The article “Maxim Gorki” was first prepared in honor of Gorki’s sixtieth birthday. Stefan Zweig, author of “Conflicts” and “Adepts in Self-Portraiture” and adaptor of the version of “Volpone” recently acted in New York, is one of the most powerful of present-day, writers of German. The translation is by Lettice Latane Sparrow. Gorki, by the way, has a new novel coming out in America this autumn, “The Bystander” (Cape and Smith).

Readers of earlier articles by Raymond B. Fosdick in the Virginia Quarterly will find the same vigorous courage of the progressive that marked “If Majorities Are Wrong?” in the April, 1928, Quarterly, an article which drew wide attention both in America and abroad in translation. The substance of these earlier articles is used by Mr. Fosdick in his recently published “The Old Savage in the New Civilization” (Doubleday, Doran). Mr. Fosdick, a lawyer in New York, was a member of the secretariat of the League of Nations, of which he is an earnest advocate.

An American judge on the Mixed Tribunals of Egypt, Pierre Crabites has been a contributor to the Virginia Quarterly for five years and writer for many publications.

His unique experience, bringing him into contact with all sorts of international complications in Cairo, and his Louisianian birth of French descent add a piquancy to his views on the foreign policy of the United States.

“Donkey’s Delight,” a modern fable, will recall the discussion among readers in April, 1928, as to whether “Little Yellow Dog” was to he read as sentiment or irony. String fellow Barr, author of both, was formerly managing editor of the Virginia Quarterly.

Andre Gide, the eminent French novelist, whose “The School for Wives” (Knopf) is scheduled for Autumn publication, is the author of the strangely experimental novel, “The Counterfeiters.” In the first of this series of articles, M. Gide discussed “Classicism”; in this number he selects his favorite ten French novels and pays tribute to some of other languages. Stringfellow Barr is the translator.

Hervey Allen, one of the founders of the Poetry Society of South Carolina and for several years a resident of Charleston, is a native of Pennsylvania. His recent home has been Somerset, Bermuda. “The Blindman” and “Earth Moods” are his latest volumes of verse, with “New Legends” (Farrar and Rinehart) announced for early publication. “Israfel” and “Toward the Flame” in prose are recent publications. “Sylvan Midnight” is the third printing of John Bryan’s work in this Quarterly. Nebraska, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin have been in turn his home. Two volumes of his verse have been printed for private circulation.

The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot has attracted wide attention for the courage and vigor of its editorial page: J. N. Aiken is associate editor. Besides being a writer for several magazines, he is a correspondent on political topics of the New York Times.

The article by James Southall Wilson, editor of the Virginia Quarterly, was not written as an answer to Mr. Aiken’s contentions. The two papers discuss so differently two phases of the same theme that it seemed appropriate to print them together.

Walter de la Mare is now among the acknowledged masters of modern English in both prose and poetry. “Willows” will take its place in the group of his strange atmospheric studies in psychology. Readers will recall Mr. de la Mare’s story, “The Three Sleeping Boys of Warwickshire,” which was first printed in The Virginia Quarterly.

Kenneth Murdock of the English Department of Harvard University, author of “Increase Mather” and other studies in American literature, is one of the editors of “The New England Quarterly” and of “American Literature.” Sidney L. McGee, while connected with the Department of Romance Languages of the University of Tennessee, has contributed frequently to periodicals especially, as a reviewer of French fiction. This review is based upon the French original. George Morgan of Philadelphia is the author of “The True Patrick Henry,” “The Life of James Monroe,” and other works in American history. The other reviewers have written before for the Quarterly. Frederick P. Mayer is a member of the faculty of the University of Pittsburgh. Edward Wagenknecht of the University of Washington has recently published “Utopia Americana” in the University of Washington Chapbooks. His “The Man Charles Dickens” (Houghton Mifflin) and “A Guide to Bernard Shaw” (Appleton) are announced for autumn publication. Allen W. Porterfield of the University of West Virginia is publishing this fall an edition with full annotations of five of Schnitz-ler’s Novellen and two of his Dramcn (D. C. Heath). J.

G. de Roulhac Hamilton of the University of North Carolina is himself an historian and author of many books. Marie G. Kimball of Philadelphia has shown her familiarity with their period by her writings on William Short and Thomas Jefferson. Archibald Henderson of the University of North Carolina is Shaw’s biographer and the author of many, works on literature and American history. Stringfellow Barr of the University of Virginia is on the staff of the Virginia Quarterly Review.


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