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Notes on Current Books

ISSUE:  Winter 1945


The Apostle, by Sholcm Asch, Translated by Maurice Samuel.

The facility with which Mr. Asch creates a setting, colors and peoples it, then enlivens the scene with a brilliantly cut central character is again evident in bis latest book. lint “The Apostle” is more than a stage performance. It is tlie ruggedncss, almost harshness, of an individual who knows only hardship; the pride of a nation which sees itself the chosen of God; the /.eal and devotion of tbe early Christian Church. Paul is that individual; the pride of that nation is his; and his the zeal and devotion which insured a firm foundation to the church. The book lacks the sweetness and gentleness which characterize “The Nfazarene,” but therein lies the author’s art. As with the first book. “Tbe Apostle” becomes its prototype.  Putnam’s $8

No News from Helen, by Louis fiolding.

The past repeats itself in the present, under the shadow of global war and its disasters, imperial and personal, in this latest novel by Mr, Golding. Tbe book is an extraordinary tour de force, with two days’ events strangely paralleling each other: the. day which Danny Mather, newly arrived in Kngland after a hazardous escape from Malaya and undermined physically and mentally by tropical disease and by no news from his wife and son, lost in the same exodus, spends with his mother and her four sisters; and the day which tbe five sisters arc celebrating together, that of their mother’s funeral fifty years before. A macabre yet human storv is well worked out.

Dial $;>.r,n

The Walsh Girls, by Klizabolh Jancway.

The commonplace and complacent daily life of suburbia and I he psychological tensions that exist in families and between individuals make up the substance of this novel, and make it at once an interesting and an exasperating book. The people

are too exactly like those that you know, the details of life in Ilackettston too like those of your own life for you to he entirely convinced that they are worth the time and skilful artistry that have been devoted to them. The novel is excellent, especially for a first novel, although the ending may easily fail to convince many readers. Hut can a book be more exciting than its situation and its characters, when these arc faithfully reproduced in all their drabness and banality?

Douhledaij, Doran $150

Tidewater, by Clifford Dowdcy.

In IH’M a bored CalVey Wade with his bouse servants in a coach and his Held servants and furniture in wagons left a run-down, debt-ridden, Tidewater plantation for newly bought land in Tennessee, (‘alley, who became known as “Tidewater,” finds the mud, the ramshackle houses, the fights, slave stealing, and secession organizations a different world from the one he expected, but with the help of a servant whom he refused to sell and a bold little girl from Pitch Bottom be manages to adjust himself. In the end, “Tidewater” sells his land to another Virginian and moves on with the woman he, loves,  Liltle, llroton

Out of the Silent Planet, by C. S. Lewis.

The irrepressible Mr. Lewis—and no one would wish to repress him—has discovered another means, only less original than the “Scrcwtape Letters,” of dramatizing certain of his moral ideas. Hut this fantasy of interplanetary adventure is no bandy outlined moral fable; the warm vigor of the author’s imagination has clothed every incident in a delightful sort of unexpected credibility, and the inhabitants of Mars impress us at times rather deeply with their superior civilization.  ’  Macmillan $

White Shore of Olimla, by Sylvia bf.’ii).

This story of simple lisherfolk on an isolated Brazilian coast is cast from the stuff that folk tales are made of. I » «t i* New Books from


not told with the directness of the folk Hie, The setting is idyllic, tlie details of daily life and work are interesting (es ptcially the descriptions of the food these people cat and how they prepare it), but the language and the action are some-itliat stiff and artificial, rather like those ;n a translation that does not quite catch llif case and freedom of the original.

Vanguard %’2f>0


IVnfenmW Summer, hy Albert K. Idell. The first big American exposition was very properly the celebration of our hundred years of independence at Philadelphia in 187C, How did we look, how did we talk, how did we act in those far-off limes? In this book Mr. Idell attempts to answer this by parading before us a wall, typical group of centennial Phila-drlphians. The sayings and doings of the Rogers family living in the suburbs of the Quaker city, and their two visitors from Paris make a diverting story. “Centennial Summer” is a good old-fashioned plot novel, quite nineteenth-century ”American” in sentiment and humor.

Holt â– %>

The Ship, by C. S. Forester.

This is the story, professedly based on the captain’s report, of a light British cruiser in a short engagement with the Italian fleet near Malta during the present World War. The mechanism of the ship, Ihc fierce engagement in winch the cruiser to twice hit and set on fire, and the final victory of the British boat and her accompanying destroyers are all vividly re-toiintcd. The characters, emotions, and experiences of some of the ship’s crew, ind above all their fine morale and cooperation, are. impressively sketched. Tbe narrator of this story of a ship in action lias the Kiplingcsquc ability of endowing m inanimate object with human qualities. Tlie Artemis is the hero, or heroine, of “ ‘is nautical tale. Little, Brown $>/>()

Stories, W.’,S.

But American Short Mitcd hy Martha Foley.

This collection of thirty short stories skill and craftsmanship

exhibits fully the

‘if (he professional short store writer of Jmcrien. The collect inn suffers largely »”m that limitation. N’one of the stories


By Arthur G. P owell. Tho rich, salty memoirs of an Atlanta judge. Authentic its iieanuls ami sugar cane, this hook depicts southwest Georgia null lis people— hard-shell preachers anil circuit-riding lawyers, red-hot sermons anil courtroom fights.



By Howard W, Odum. A discus-ion “f the peculiar problems of the South and llic Negro in relation to the total war, based on 2,000 current inflammatory rumors. $2.00


By Paul Oreen. Informal paper- on drama anil screen, education, and American ideals in wartime. $3.00


By Benjamin F. Bullock. A useful guide to practical farming, containing slep-by-slcp directions for performing all necessary tasks on tlie small farm. $2.50


By Adelaide Fries. The story of a Moravian community in 1753, told hy an eyewitness, Catharine Ernst, in her “mito-



Recently Published



By Krvin Hexuer 86.00


By Lndwick Hartley $3.00


By Helmut Kuhn $2.50


By Alexander A. Lawrence $3.00

The University of North Carolina Press

CHAPEL Htll, N. C.

is badly written, but no one can be said to possess unusual merit from any point of view. Tbe stories are notable for their remoteness from the present-day crisis. Nearly all look back a generation or two for their locale. As entertainment and good reading the volume is to be highly recommended. Houghton Mifflin $2.7C>

The Wide Net and Other Stories, by Eudora Welty.

Readers will be pleased or disappointed by these eight strange and misty stories of the Natchez Trace, according as they admire or deplore Eudora Welly’s growing attention to problems of form. Fantasy and keen, often lender, understanding blend with great success in “A Still Moment.” “First Love.” and especially in tbe title story; but in the remarkable “Asphodel” and elsewhere, macabre and surrealistic elements get out of hand, making the author’s poetic style appear almost exhibitionist.

Uareourt, Brace $2f)0

The Xighf of the Summer Solstice, and Other Stories of the Hussion War, edited by Mark Van Doren.

In a preface in which he points out the unfailing trait of humor in Russian war literature, Mark Van Doren says “I know nothing about these stories beyond tbe fact that they arrived one day in a parcel from Russia with a letter which transmitted but did not describe them. The names of their authors are only names to me: and though they came in English, the identity of the translators was not disclosed.” These twenty stories from seven authors have a unifying theme —that of the bravery of the Russian soldiers and, particularly, the citizens on the fighting lines and of their hatred of the enemy. They arc bare and strong tales, but so passionately elemental at times that they seem unreal. Holt $2f)0


The Vigil of Venus. Tbe Latin text with an Introduction and English translation, bv Allen Tate.

Mr. Tate has performed what


scarcely short of a miracle; he |liis created a beautiful and satisfying poem by means of turning Latin verse into English verse. The light touch, the diaplia-nous beauty of the phrasing, the delicate .sketching in of the Cupid pictures are all exquisite in execution. For those lovers of poetry who can find little contemporary verse that they can like, this translation of a poem of the third or fourth century may yield more pleasure than tlie newest cross-word puzzle in verse. It is erotic, but with such artistry and restraint that only tbe beauty of Eros is perceived. The Cummington Press -$.2f)0 andfo

Prose Poems from the Illuminations of Arthur Rimbaud. Translated by Helen Roolhain.

The prose translation on one page and the French of Rimbaud on the other give the reader in a convenient and beautifully printed form a selection of Rimbaud’s highly colored word patterns. It makes a convenient and pleasing introduction to tbe vivid imagination of tbe French poet, It will also remind readers of Amy Lowell and other imagists of the United States and England of the great influence Rimbaud bad upon the poetic movements of Ibe early twentieth century.

Xew Directions $1

Sacred ami Secular Elegies, by George Barker.

This little book of twelve elegies and a dedicatory poem will be a treasured possession to those who regard George Barker as one of the authentic poets of the new generation of Englishmen. Foi most readers it will have the unsatisfactory quality of so much recent verse that sounds to the ear as if it said so much more than the mind can find of understanding. Language is used with manifest skill and the phrasing of individual lines is distinguished. Xerc Direc!hm$l

New Poems, by Dylan Thomas.

Whatever one’s attitude toward Dylan Thomas’s undisciplined riot of imagination, there is no denying that something in the quality of his Welsh exuberance often strikes the ear with freshness and even

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â– jre.’in this veeent small eolleetion, that ieoiay one (lav be brought to realize; that Disking sense pays. The lengthiest of Ik new poems. “Ballad of the Long-Irtmd Bait.” is the one most likely to ^ |W| IT I—I pro,* entertaining. Xerc Directions $1 WlYII I I I

Harper Books


&kw, by Tom Boggs.

It is as impossible not to admire the simple precision of these few brief lyrics. Jfr. fl °gsnrs: collection, as it is to think that his taste and talent should not lead him to larger accomplishment. His regular little stanzas often delight the ere and ear. but seldom haunt the memory. And while usually bis diction is refreshing’ P00””-’ occasionally it is unconscion-ahlv careless, even slangv.

Coward McCaun $!,W



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American Decade, edited by Tom Boggs, Here, beautifully printed, are sixty-nine poems of the past ten years, written by poets, for the most part young, whom Mr. Boggs describes as objective, realistic, mature. The anthologist’s task is to dioose a poem which is excellent in its on right as well as uniquely representative of the whole body of an author’s «ork, so that one is reminded freshly and plensurably of that author’s characteristic style and substance. This Mr. Boggs has done in not a few happy instances, particularly well perhaps for Frost. Langston Hughes. Theodore Spencer, and Mark Van Doren. The Cummington Press $8f>0

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‘I Choice of Kipling’s Verse S; Eliot with Kipling.

Mr. Eljot is not purposing to defend


“The best novel 01 any kind I have read in 194.V–Orville Prcscott. .V. V. 7 :mes. ‘ Our choice for this year’s Pulitzer Prize.”—Sterling North, X. V. Post. $2.75

Edited by HARLOW


.Vor//i Window and Other Poems, by â–¡ llortcnse Flcxner.

Hortensc Flcxner does indeed see life through a north window in these cold, jovless. beautifully carved short poems. She is blessed with a minutely scrutinizing pane and with a mature artistic integrity that prevents her from undertaking too much. At her best she achieves mi intensity of expression and a spiritual insight very much like Kmily Dickinson’s. These arc poems to read and enjoy many limes over.  Coward-McCann $2



An over-all picture of modern science, seen through the eyes of the greatest scientific writers who ever lived. “A superb treasury. That so distinguished a scholar as Dr. Simp-ley should he willing to undertake this task is at once an indication ot its need and a guarantee of its excellence,” A”. !’, Times Hook Heview.





“Fur the next Pulitzer Prize in American history, 1 nominate The (iroieth of American Thought . . . a magnificent collection of separate histories which together make the American way.”—-C/uVrn/c Tribune. $5.00




A Christinas gilt /w excellence. About 250 lyrics selected hy Miss Millay from her published works. Uniform in format with Collected Sonnets. Cloth, $5.00, Leather, two volumes, boxed, $15.00.

HARPER & BROS. :: 49 E. 33rd St„ N. Y. 16

iVl a second-rate poet by this critical introduction and selection of Kipling hecause he contends that as a writer of verse— “a ballad writer”- and inventor of a mixed form Kipling is unique. Tlie. popularity of “Barrack-Room Ballads,” his prose, and politics have obscured the merits of his verse which often rises to poetry—”there is poetry in it; but when be writes verse that is not poetry it is not because be has tried to write poetry and failed.” In this little volume, Mr. Eliot has tried to present enough of Kipling to show bis “mutations” from one period to another and to give the reader a basis for a fresh viewpoint. Serihner’s $2,50

The Triumph of Life, edited by Horace Gregory.

“We who live today live in a world of potential values, untested by that sternest judge of poetry which is time; find we are .always best consoled by the memory of an enduring past and by the hopes of future accomplishment.” writes Mr. Gregory in the introduction to his new anthology, the latest volume in tbe Viking Portable Library. Consolation may not be the primary effect of the poems included, but the anthology is a notable one in range .and in format. Each page contains the maximum of print. yet there is no crowding. The selections are excellent. Mr. Gregory has included the poems that obviously could not be omitted, and has added as well many subtle and unexpected ones.  I”ikitty #J..W


Cavalcade of Ike Novel, by Edward Wag-enknecht.

In “Cavalcade of the Novel.” Mr. Wag-eiiknecbt has written less a history of the novel than a series of essays on groups of authors and individual novelists, arranged chronologically from the Elizabethans to Walter de la Mare - to whom he dedicates In’s book. This is no stereotyped rewriting of a textbook on tbe novel; it is a distinguished group of thirty essays on English novelists, original, different, and as thoughtful as Ihoiiglit-provoking.

Everyone who is interested in the “novel as art.” or in the idealistic forms of fiction, will find some of bis own ideas expressed with clarity and skill. Everyone will find judgments that are new to him and some that he will not accept,

Holt *j

(iHI)ert Keith Chesterton, by Maisie Ward.

What a pity there is no Chesterton to write G K’s life! Of course in a way be did—in the “Autobiography.” The more of Chesterton there is in any biography of him the better; for there was a great deal of him any way you look at him, as man, writer, or personality, Maisie Ward’s book is a good hook because it has a lot of Chesterton in it. It is the authorized biography, with all the family papers made available and written from the inner-circle view of a close friend who believed Chesterton to he “the greatest man of the age.”

The two figures, Chesterton and his wife, that emerge most (dearly from the narrative justify the book; but no American will read it without richly increasing his knowledge of public affairs in England. Chesterton was not only a leading essayist and author: he always called himself a journalist, and he fought vigorously through The New Witness (later G K’s Weekly)—-especially during the exposures in the malodorous Marconi ease, lie was a friend of interesting people too: Belloc, Baring, Wells, and Shaw. The most entertaining chapter ill this book is entitled “Bernard Shaw” and is annotated by G. B. S.. who also revised it a bit.

No book should be blamed for not being a different sort of book. Yet it is not unfair to the Ward volume, to say that it suffers from having been written by a woman and, without feeling any the less grateful to her, to confess that rich and full and rewarding as her biography is, it whets the appetite for a biography of Chesterton that will place him more in bis literary sphere and give a burlier picture of bis robust masculinity. ‘I’l” ’5 biography is weakened by the too-tre-qucnt quotations of testimonials to a nM whose best testimonial is himself, And.

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rliethcr we arc considering the interests of literature or the Church, it is poor art and bad psychology to make of the. life, dl a man as important as Chesterton a sari of pilgri”,s progress on the way to Home. Everything considered, it is one of the major biographies of the year. It fill interest the man of letters no less than tbe General Reader.

Shecd «$ Ward $4.60

forever Young. A Life of John Keats, tv Blanche Colton Williams.

Here is a full, day-by-day account of (lie last four years of Keats’ life, which succeeds, while avoiding sentimentality, in presenting a sympathetic, full length portrait. The author relics heavily on the. correspondence of the poet and bis friends. Her manner is that of the novelist, and she does not hesitate to fabricate conversations and thought currents, skilfully employing, wherever possible, phrases drawn from the letters and from Keats’ poetry. These fictional devices are often not without a poetic rightness (as when lines from Shakespeare are made continually to run through Keats’ mind), but they conceal, despite a few notes and a selected bibliography, the considerable scholarship of the work and deprive it of ranch value for serious students.

Putnam’s $S.tiO

Free Minds: John Marie if and His Friends, by Frances W. Knickerbocker.

This study of Victorian Liberalism, which then seemed radicalism, centers about John Morley. Leslie Stephen, and Frederic Harrison, with a detailed .study of the mind and work of Morley. To this circle of Liberals belonged Matthew Arnold and George Flint who have, for other reasons, been more generally remembered, while Morley. as Mrs. Knickerbocker says, has seemed remote because “ ‘illy of his ideas have long been consciously or unconsciously a part of modern ‘ “ought But liberal philosophies do not become static; the battle for freedom of mind has to be fought, again and again, especially today. It is well, therefore, to review the struggles of this group that Proved so evocative in an earlier generation. The present should lead to a rediscovery of John Mor’lev and bis friends

A wise, genial, autobiography marked by liiimor as dry as a hickory nut—and just as tasty

The story of the state jman-jcholor known as Uncle Toby

”He 1ms in extraordinary degree tlinl blend of shrewdness unci idealism which uccoiints fur llie extraordinary achievements of the Yankee kind. Now thai hr hits written his life for all to rend, 1 welcome the chance In mid what lie will not say for himself, that in us who grew up under his shadow, he inspired iilTcrlion as well as respect.”

— HKNHY SKI1>K,I, CANIIV. Illllstl’Utrll. $.).00 l.imilril Ch.lllrr Oak Kililiun, Allh»;ni|iliril, ST.50


The Medieval Conception of the Jew and its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism


“This is an able and scholarly investigation into the altitude toward Judaism in the Middle Ages, mid attempts to explain modern Anti-Semilisui as having sprung in large part from superstitions of that period. Sonic extremely faseinaling— and disturbing— information is contained in it.”— Ittwk-ol-the-Monlh Club .Yeics. Illus. $.{..>(>

EDUCATION at mi; crossroads


An eminent (iatholic philosopher explores if it* American system of education, shows what, in his opinion, is wrong with it, and what is needed lo licing about a higher level of democracy than we har bad. $2.00 â–  YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW HAVEN, CONN. â– 

iVlii and their contributions as critical essayists to liberal thought.  Harvard $8.7

Unfits ll’dmol Crisrvold, by Joy Baylcss.

It Mould have amused a member of the “New York literati” of the eighteen forties to have been told that Rufus W. Griswold would be remembered chiefly because he was the man who wrote about Edgar A. Poe. That has been his posthumous fate. As Roc’s first editor, he would have been famous, but as bis biographer his reputation became, infamous. Until now bis full biography has been unwritten, but Miss Joy Baylcss has uncovered most of the details of his active and not wholly fragrant life. Three times married, he seems never to have been happy—not even in the irresponsible butterfly days of bis youth when be fluttered from one editorial chair to another. He became the chief anthologist and one of the most prolific editors of other men’s writings of bis generation, a power of influence and the fear (and patron) of young poets, especially women. His life is a focus for the understanding of his era in American letters. On the whole, Miss Baylcss has combined entertainment with scholarly objeetivitv to compose an excellent biog-rajdiy. ’  _ Vanderbilt $81)0

Art and Freedom, by Horace M. Kallen. Two volumes.

This monumental essay, over which the author labored many years, began as a study of tlie relations between beauty and use in the arts, but grew to contain a much more compelling significance. Mr. Kallen now describes it as “a historical and biographical interpretation of the relations between the ideas of beauty, use, and freedom in western civilization from the Greeks to the present day.” As such, with sustained brilliance it links esthetic and intellectual activities with socio-political events and conditions. It will not fail to impress and enlighten all its readers, despite the fact that many great artists and art movements are neglected while lengthy discussions are given to all art theorists who help tbe author promote his scheme of organization.

Duel!, Sloan $ Pearer M.nO


Science and Criticism: The Humanistic Tradition in Contemporary Thottqht h Herbert J. Midler.  ’ ‘

Mr. Midler seeks to make available for the literary critic the recent findings of the natural and social sciences and to suggest how some knowledge of the newer physics, biology, psychology, semantics and sociology may have value for a more humane and just criticism than is today evident. His task is great; yet his survey of tbe sciences reveals understanding and good judgment. He has the ability to sift and evaluate fairly, both the matter of the sciences and the principles of literary critics, notably those of Richards, Wilson. Rurkc. Tate, Ransom, Eliot, and Einpson. No rider of narrow dogma, he helps to resolve the conflict of humanism vs science by suggesting a method of integration that avoids fence-straddling, Well-organi/.ed and well-reasoned, this book is a significant contribution to the literature of criticism.  Yale $3.15

The Little I.oeksmith, by Katharine Butler Hathaway.

An autobiography which delicately and searcbingly chronicles the growth of an individual by stressing the actions which took place in her mind. It is a sensitive and sometimes agonizing development because Katharine Butler Hathaway was forced through illness to spend ten years of her childhood lying flat on her hack to prevent her from becoming shaped like the little locksmith, and she never became strong. Out of this hardship came an appreciation of spiritual values and a perception of hidden loveliness that have found expression in this book finished just before her death last year.


Memoirs of a Superfluous Man, by Albert Jay Nock.’

Everyone who lias read the magazine papers o f Albert J. Xock knows him « a brilliant writer. When he was editor for four years in Xcw York of a weekly journal which, lie says, “was quite generally acknowledged to be the best pap” published in our language,” he had three ilk by

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Kqm’reinciits of liis writers. There must kapoint,it must be made, and tlie Kng-jjjji must be impeccable and idiomatic. )[t Nock’s memoirs are less an auto-Wography than sixteen essays making in wiieral the point that we arc living in |e Darker Ages. In bis philosophy of tnenliglitciicd egoism, he. submits every-liingto the test of three laws. Tlie first It falls Epstein’s law from the name of mold friend from whom he got it: “Man js always to satisfy his needs and de-ijfes with the least possible exertion.” Tlie second is Gresliam’s law which he applies to everything, especially books ind ideas, as poor books drive out good looks. Third, there is Ralph Adams Cram’s discovery that the masses of mankind arc not human beings. That Mr. Xock writes entertainingly in making tbe points will be felt by any reader irho ran keep his temper while a learned sophist proves white to be black. The memoirs could be described as a collection of sixteen crackling essays on the ideas of I literary egoist who has a horror of children,  II fir per $8

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The Interpretation of History, edited vidian introduction by Joseph II. Straycr,

This volume, the most recent of the Princeton Rooks in tbe. Humanities,” contains six essays by well-known historians; the editor in his introduction writes clearly and sensibly of history and its value; Jacques Bar/am concerns himself with the gulf between scholarly and “popular” history; Ilajo Ilolborn writes of the science of history, of the validity of results produced hy critical research and objective presentation; Herbert Hcat-cn discusses the impact of the economic interpretation, the dangers of over-simplification, and the substantial achievements of economic historians; Dumas Malonc stresses the importance and difli-nilfics of the biographical approach to history; and George La Plana, writing »f tbe “Theology of History,” shows the folly of trying to force history into a pattern imposed by non-historical beliefs. Both the social scientist and tbe intelligent layman will find these essays informative, clarifying, and stimulating’.

Princeton $2,50

DOUBLEDAY, DORAN Announces the

25th Anniversary Edition

of the



Seleded and Edited by herschel brickell

IIKRF, is the cream of shorter fiction published this year—selected by the famous critic and former literary editor of the New York Evening Post. Fittingly dedicated to tlie late Stephen Vincent Benet. this edition contains a timely introduction by Mr. Briekell along with pithy biographical sketches of the authors; and includes a list of those American magazines which were consulted in choosing the stories.


Kay Boyle

Bessie Brouei-

Pearl Buck

Dorolry Canfietd

Waller Van Tilburg Clark

Whitfield Cook

William Fifielct

Sarnh Grinnell

Elmer Grossbcrg

Nancy Hale

Josephine Johnson

Stories by

Clara Laidlaw Ben Hur Lampman Carson Meddlers William Snroynn Margarita G. Smith Austin Strong Alison Stuart James Thurbcr Peggy Von Der Goltz Eudora Welty William C. White

At your bookseller’s

DOL’HU’DAY, DO KAN (leurge

Knglish Social History, by caulay Trcvelyan.

This social history of the English people during the six centuries from Chaucer through the reign of Queen Victoria, written hy the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, complements the author’s well-known political “History of England” and is distinguished hy tlie same stylistic brilliance, interpretative ability, and power of vivid description. In it he presents a series of successive, scenes of English everyday life, noting the human as well as tlie economic relation of different classes to one another, the character of family and household life, the conditions of labor and of leisure, the attitude of man to nature, the culture of each age. as it arose out of these general conditions of life and took ever changing forms in religion, literature, and music, architecture, learning, and thought.

Longmans, Green tyJ/ftO

The Making of Modern Britain. A Short Hist or if, by John Martlet Brebncr and Allan Xcvins.

To portray briefly the spirited and colorful pageant of British history from the mystic culture of Stonehcnge to the determined efforts of this World War has been tbe difficult task of John Bartht Hrebncr and Allan Xevins. Their understanding treatment has resulted in a pleasing combination of expert scholarship and vivid dramatization of I Ingrowth through tbe centuries of civil liberty and political institutions that “inestimable legacy” Britain has bequeathed to tlie world. Mr. Xevins’ chapter is strikingly picturesque and Mr. Brobner’s thumb-nail portraits and informal style give the hook added appeal.

Norton P. . .^0

The Soul of a Nation, The Founding of Virginia and the Projection of New England, by Matthew Page Andrews.

Tbe title, of this volume has a sentimental sound, and the text a touch of romanticism, yet the scholarship is sound, and the argument will carry a measure of conviction to the unbiased. One school of historians maintains that American ideal-

ism and democracy struck first roots in Puritan Xew England, and that the London Company, motivated purely by self-interest, deserves little credit for its efforts, and that the establishment of the House of Burgesses was a mere matter of expediency. This school relies heavily upon the testimony of Capt. John Smith. Mr. Andrews eschews Smith and the dor-trines of the Xew England school His documentation is valid, his reasoning judicious, and his conclusions carrv considerable weight. Scribner’s

Mulinif in Janitor;/, by Carl Van Doren.

Mr. Van Doren has improved as a historian. After romanticising about Franklin, be has now written a realistic account of a very unromantie phase of the Revolution, and one hitherto neglected. The men of the Pennsylvania and New Jet-sey Lines who mutinied in January, 1781, were not really disloyal; they were merely protesting against injustice, and the officers who partially quelled the disturbance were not without sympathy for them. Lack of public support and eflieient government were to blame for an incident that might well have wrecked the Patriot Cause. The American public may never care to realize by what a narrow margin the war was won, but this book will aid those who wish to understand that desperate struggle and the courage of those who saw it through.  Viking $3$

The Free Negro in North Caroline, 1700-1860, by John Hope Franklin.

Professor Eranklin has combed tax returns, court records, and private papers to upset conceptions of tbe historical status of the free Xegro. In 1700 there were in Xortb Carolina 5011 free Negroes; by Ifid’O the number had increased to :H).H)0, While many received training in the trades through tlie apprenticeship system, in 1850 only about 200 of them were in sc bool. Hedged about with discriminatory laws, and cut olT from both slaves and whites, they present a classic example of mass frustration. North Carolina was more lenient in its treatment of the free Xegro than any other Southern state, vet in the end he sought roloniw |i9n even slavery-anything that would ffinovc him fi’m »’ llll> g’ ” »iip. This is in j,|frfsting contrast to the attitude of the hit NTcpn„s Virginia, few of whom foluntarily left the State, even when freed fur the purpose of migrating to Liberia.

North Carolina $J/

Uuoh and the Patronage, by Harry J. Carman and Reinhard II. Luthin.

Lincoln’s shrewd and statesmanlike Handling of the patronage question during lis administration is the main theme of this scholarly monogra)di. His two major objects in making appointments were to unite the dissident factions within bis party and to preserve the union. In the interest of the latter he insisted on in-eluding representatives of tbe South in bis cabinet. Tbe conflicts within tbe Republican party and the pressure of various factions on Lincoln are interestingly and adequately treated, and the importance of tlie conflict over the patronage in embittering the hostile elements is carefully evaluated. Tbe authors have concerned themselves with a great many individual appointments—perhaps too many — hut they have managed to present a well balanced picture of a confusing situation.

Columbia â– %>,/,()

Leaves from an Old Washington Diary ISf^-Oo, by Elizabeth Lindsay Loina.v. Edited by her granddaughter. Lindsay Lnmnx Wood.

The first impression of the reader of the earlier pages of this diary is that here is one more of those personal books with which family pride has bad more to do in the publishing than good editorial judgment. On the contrary, this is a delightful book to read and a valuable one to possess. The reflection of an intelligent Southerner’s impressions of life â– md thought just before and throughout Hie War of 18(il-(i5 is vivid and illuminat ng. There are brief but precious episodes in which we meet Robert E. Lee

a young officer and, among others. â– I K. B, Stuart and h’itzhugh Lee. A little group of friends and kinspeople in Washington and Virginia become very much alive, including Gordons. Lindsays, »â„¢i Hunters. Mrs. Lomax herself has » personal charm that pervades her sim-


“T/ie Magazine of the Future”

Features in January and February Issues, a

fine, two-part story:




During the next quarter, TOMORROW will feature articles and stories by such well-known writers as:

S’i’iunc.i’Ki.i.ow Baku, President, St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md.

Josui’ii I’ltilKMan, author of AYrcr Call Reheat

Oi.ivi’u Sr. John Goc.aktv, poet, essayist, and wit, author of .Is ! Was Going Down Saekville Street

Rich Aim IIacoiman, author of the important collection of short stories, 77/e Dove Hrinus I’eaee, to be published this spring. Title story of the collection will appear in an early issue of Tomorrow

Josui’ii MiiiNiT, Dean of the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University

Mahv I.avin, author of a collection of short stories, Tales from Peelire Bridge

GiiuiiAM MrNSON, former literary critic, now writing on economics and public affairs

Di’.ax Aistin Pahiui:, Bishop-Klect of the Diocese of Pittsburgh

I)k. CiiAiu.i-s Skvmoi’u, President of Yale I’niversity

JivSSK S’ivant, author of 7Vi/>. « for Private Tussic

John R. Yoms, Executive Director, Save the Children, Federation

C11 hi stink ‘i:sto.v, author of Indigo

The Book section features reviews by Jo-sepli Freeman, Herbert Gorman, Peter Monro Jack, Pearl Ruck, William Agar, Kay Boyle, Krnst Lothar, and others, with Kutherine Woods as Editor and contributor.

At all newsstands 25c. ph’, straightforward record of so many sad and happy days.  Dntton fri.oO

This Was Xnc York: The Nation’s Capital in 17S0, by Frank Monaghan and Marvin Lowenthal.

In this entertaining and soundly based account of New York City at the end of the eighteenth century, the authors write with gusto, make skillful use of contemporary sources, and present a well-rounded picture of every day life, in all its aspects. Their delightful recreation of the little metropolis of that day, with its mansions and slums, shops, markets, and wharves, newspapers, taverns, schools, churches, and courts, its one theatre on John Street, Tammany Society, and “Republican Court” of President Washington, is a spirited and valuable contribution to American history.

Doubled(ii/ Doran %f.7’~>

Richard Rush, Republican Diplomat, 17S0-1S69, by J. II. Powell.

This is a well-written, short, scholarly biography of an American statesman and politician who, though not of the first order of importance, was an extremely useful public servant from the presidency of Madison through that of Polk. Although he held several cabinet posts, serving under Madison as Attorney General and Secretary of State, and under John Quiney Adams as Secretary of tin; Treasury, his most important work was done as the negotiator of several treaties with England and as a tireless worker for cordial Anglo-American relations. Especially interesting (and useful, too, as a corrective of Walter Lippmann’s inaccuracies on the subject) is the account of the part Rush played, as American Minister to England, in the conversations and maneuvers which led to the promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine.

Pennsylvania â– %i.7i>

The Innocent Empress, by Erna Harschak.

In love with the Napoleonic tradition rather than with the third Napoleon, Eugenie outshone her somewhat commonplace husband. Her beauty and wit. her political ability and philanthropic activity

gave an outward glamour to the troubled reign of the last Napoleon. And then she lived to a great age—she died in 1920 at ninety-four—a pathetic reminder, in her English retreat, of her years of glory. Eugenic, was “innocent” of many things of which the French, who never liked “the Spanish woman,” accused her. Certainly she sometimes sadly erred in judgment, as in the Maximilian Mexico adventure. Temperamentally Eugenie, had the defects of the romantic, and though often “dilliciilt” she was never dull. She is an example of a tragedy queen in real life, for she was a lady of many sorrows, chief among which were the defeat of her husband, the loss of her throne, and the death of her son. the young Prince Imperial. This latest biography of the Empress, evidently based on careful research, eon-eerns itself mainly with her personality and social relationships. Though occasionally naive in expression, the book is very readable.  Dntton $S.nO

The Duke, l>y Richard Aldington.

Cnder Aldington’s sympathetic treatment the long-discredited conqueror of Napoleon emerges in something of his true stature, first and pre-eminently as a great general, the epitome of common sense, and second as a sincere, hardworking, and almost indispensable public servant of Government, the staunch but unpopular apostle, of aristocratic conservatism in a hectic era of English social reform.  Vikhuj $8.76

The Desire to Please. A Rhf/raphu of Hamilton Rowan, by Harold Nieolson.

Here is a biography of rare goodness, a model of fine writing. Seldom has Harold Nieolson employed his suave manner, his full awareness of historical forces, his nice critical perception of character and event to happier advantage than in this life of his great-great-grandfather. Hamilton Rowan f 17”> 1-1 S.’M) was a wealthy Anglo-Irishman whose spirited and exceptional temperament (which Nieolson tries always to solve the enigma of) led hjm to become involved in the cause of Irish independence. After associating with such men as Wolfe Tone and T.ord Edward ilS

as >n (!-lie ut in-iil 75


Fitzgerald, and conducting himself with dchliiWV tluit tin- Irish still remember kini through n mist of legend, he was eon-„0(0(1 of seditious and conspiring activities, and barely made his escape into exile. |„ N’icolson’s portrayal, Rowan emerges „ one given dangerously to self-drama-jation and love of popular acclaim, hut me whose loyalty and hatred of oppression never dimmed. If his sad career ws without logical consistency, “his consistency of spirit was undeviating and >u))crl).”  Ilarcourt, Brave $3.ill)

Wtm^Vonsanby, Queen Victoria’s Private ta’/nn/, by Arthur Ponsonby. Twenty-five years with the Queen as her private secretary gave Sir Henry I’oiisnnby iihimdant opportunity to know hat lady, British polities, and court solely (luring a period (1870- (89;)) not intimately treated in other hooks, From his correspondence with his wife and illiers, bis son, Lord Arthur Ponsonby, has constructed a letter-life of Sir Henry, ilio, as an army officer, equerry to Prince Albert, and private secretary, spent many wars in the royal service. Rut his main job, as bis son remarks, was (Queen Victoria, Liberal extracts from his personal letters reveal as much of his royal mistress as they do of himself. Many of the Queen’s letters to her secretary are given (they generally communicated in “riling and in the third person). The Queen’s prejudices, her acerbities, and her ^compromising political opinions made Sir Henry’s position one that required infinite tact. He liked Gladstone, for in-‘laiife, while Victoria emphatically did not, regarding him as “that half-mad firebrand who would soon ruin everything and be a Dictator.” Sir Henry’s estimate “f Disraeli is acute, and of course wholly liferent from the Queen’s: “Disraeli,”” «”otc Ponsonby to his wife, “writes with tongue in his cheek. lie is most dever; but be seems to me always to Peak in a burlesque , . . How’nnv-Wean put faith in Dizzy is what I lon’t understand.” Sometimes Queen and wctary fully agreed: “The (Queen and at tbe present moment live rather in a “”liial admiration soeietv. for she writes »letter saying the Duke of Cumberland is

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a fool, and I say it is perfect; and tlien I write a letter saying lie is a damned fool, and she says it is admirable.” The volume is valuable both for the light it throws on the Queen in certain less well-known years and on the chief political figures of the time. Macmillan $.i,7fi


Preview of History, by Raymond (iram Swing.

This “public diary” is a collection of broadcasts and speeches written from October, l<Ki8, to May, carefully selected with the object of presenting Mr. Swing’s interpretation of war events and the postwar future. Particularly excellent is the opening essay entitled “Realities of a Power Peace;”; our postwar world must be based on a peace of power and a relationship of trust among the Great Nations. The first prerequisite of a lasting peace is that people must “never again fear war more than they fear injustice.” Carefully indexed and well written, this book should be useful as a reference source as well as for informative reading.  Doubleday Doran $2

Free Men of America, by Kzcquiel Padilla.

The unity of the Americas will safeguard the freedom of the men of the Americas and will lead to a mighty strength in the post-war world writes the former Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Liberty, born of two hundred years of struggles to abolish slavery, serfdom, and political-economic imperialism has become inbred in the American spirit and may yet become a political and economic reality. Now is the hour to create the ideas for the world of tomorrow; and those ideas must include a philosophy of fraternity, interdependence, and humanity. This volume merits Carle-ton Meals’ enthusiastic introduction.

’/.iff’Davis $2.iV)

The People’s Peace, by representatives of the United Nations.

Tbe opinions of ollicial and iinollicial representatives about the peace aims of


their countries are collected here wit editorial comment from China, New Zealand, Mexico, the Philippines, the Fight, ing French, India, Norway, Greece, Poland, Great Britain, and the United States Much of the. material is reprinted from articles and addresses. The collection provides an unusual opportunity to sense and compare the national statements of such speakers as Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Anthonv F.den, ./an Masaryk, Kzcquiel

a, a

ml ot



Here Is Your War, by Krnie Pylc.

“On the. day of final peace,” writes Krnie Pylc, “the. last stroke of what we call the ‘Big Picture’ will be drawn, I haven’t written anything about the ‘Dig Picture,’ because I don’t know anything about it.” What he does know about, and what be writes about superbly in nn unostentatious way, is done from what he calls the “worm’seye view,” and the resulting picture is compounded of the dirt, drudgery, and boredom that make up nine-tenths of war. He is honest in writing of the fleeting exhilnrntion ol battle and equally honest in showing lion brief for any group or individual those moments of intoxication are. “Here Is Your War” is above all a very human hook. Krnie Pylc may not see the “Big Picture,” but the many little pictures he has set down make a pattern of the w that is worth reading and not ensy to forget.  Ml U

Malta Epic, bv Ian I lav (Major-Gcneral John Hay Rc’ith, C. 11. K., M. C).

How gallant, strategic Malta, the British outpost behind enemy lines in tlie Mediterranean, held the route to the Near Kast open, and now is taking her place in the coming struggle for Germany is graphically portrayed by fan Hnv. hi the same clean-cut fashion, the story of the other two famous sieges in Maltas history arc told; that of the sixteenth century when the Knights of St. John fought against the. Turks, and the fall of the French garrison there in the nineteenth century, which helped to destroy Napo



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foil’s Mediterranean life-line. Those invested in ’ brief sketch of West Mediterranean history, as well as those who jjni’ire Malta’s latest heroic stand will enjoy this hook. Appleton-Ccntury -%i

ImateilW at War: The American Soldier j, .W’w, edited hy Hell Ames Williams,

’ ‘J’liis volume brings together thirty-two narratives of battles in which Americans dare fought. Written for the most part liv the combatants themselves, the accounts rnnge from I.ovewell’s fight against Ike Indians (1725) to Guadalcanal. The actions of the Civil War and of World War II receive most attention, with seven descriptions devoted to each.

The collection seems designed to show that tlie American amateur warrior never bows when he is licked and that this weakness is his strength. These; are interesting accounts drawn from trustworthy sources. Houghton Mifflin >$3

Fantastic Interim, by Henry Morton Robinson.

The fantastic interim was the period in the United States between the first and second world wars. During this appalling period, writes Mr, Robinson, “political sloth, economic lMiarisccism, moral decrepitude, tinseled sentimentality, and brazen haal-worship wrote a saga of idiocy, signifying rin’n. The bind that might have Wen a field of glory became a crazy quilt of exhibitionism. The energy that could hare changed the world was dissipated in a thousand .stupefying nothings.” In a manner reminiscent of II, T,. Mencken in the old American Mercury, he hammers hard nt the grossest of the aberrations and the more ludicrous of the inanities, His journalistic account is savagely drawn, lopsided, full of colorful overstatements. Rut his indictment in the main is unfortunately all too true, and it dives point and timeliness to his admonitions against bogging down once again in the slinmeful morasses of irresponsible post-war “normalcy.”

Ifareoiirt, Brace $3f>0

â– In American Diary, by Samuel Grafton.

I’.xtrnets from the column which Mr. Grafton wrote for the New York leveling Post between I!>:}<) and I!) ID make


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up the substance of tins book. lie describes bis objective as a desire to present a “serial story of tbe development of a more democratic world, as that ideal has advanced and receded . . . since the summer of I!) «’{!).” No more accurate mirror of the moods, fears, hopes, and opinions of the American public could be found than Mr. Grafton’s column. lie has seasoned the whole with his own wise and honest views.

Doubleday, Doran $,!/>()

Under Cover, by John Roy Carlson.

Despite the rather flamboyant title, Carlson’s narrative of his activities as an investigating agent is worthy of tbe great interest which it lias aroused. While most of the material relating to the activities of fascist and profaseist organizations in the United States has appeared elsewhere in print, it has never appeared in a form that reached n wide audience. Ry dramatizing bis experiences into an autobiographical account, Mr. Carlson lias produced a book that meets the standards necessary to make a best-seller. Vet be manages to avoid the worst type of sensationalism by basing his story upon the facts that he has discovered and presenting them without dilution. For a comprehensive survey of pro-fascist organizations and the catchwords under which they operate, one can do no better than to turn to “Under Cover.”  Dnlton %H/,0

The Coebbels Experiment, by Derrick Sington and Arthur Wcidenfeld.

Political and psychological warfare as waged against tbe German people and against other nations on a scale never before achieved in history is described in this volume subtitled “A Study of the Nazi Propaganda Machine.” How Nazis used propaganda in rising to power between IS)18 and )’V1 is first told. The authors-go on to describe in detail tin. immense machine of the Party Propaganda Department and show bow this dominates the National Ministry of Public Enlightenment and the Reich Chamber of Culture. Separate chapters discuss broadcasting, the cinema, the theatre and litera-


ture as propaganda efforts of the Third Reich.  Yale ft

South of the Congo, by Sclwyn James.

In the dark days of 1 })10 when Suez was too precarious for the British life-line, the longer route around the Cape of (iood Hope became the only way of safety and the whole of southern Africa sprang into prominence. Sclwyn dames tells how the Union declared for war by the slimmest of margins, how the Nazis planned to control tbe rich resources south of the Congo, how Japan wished to use Madagascar, and why the Dark Continent lias assumed a new and vital position in this global war. The book is timely and critical, particularly in regard to the native problems and their solutions. This latest effort to portray southern Africa is worth careful consideration. Random

The Union of South Africa, by Lewis Sowden.

Today Jan Smuts is the hero of South Africa, a country united by its war effort but seething with factions underneath, Opposed to Smuts and his far-reaching theory of Holism have been the Conservative Nationalists, the New Order Party, and tbe Purified Nationalists. In .addition, there remains the traditional problems of the Union: gold. Bantu, Indians, a German minority, and the ever present conflict between Afrikaancr and Englishman. Lewis Sowdcn’s vivid sketches of the leading personalities involved, not forgetting “Ouma,” and his interpretation of South Africa’s part in tlie war and the future to come make this book a valuable, contribution toward understanding the Union.

Doubleday, Doran $8

The Spanish Labyrinth. An Account of the Social and Political Hacke/cound of lk( Civil War. By Gerald Brenan.

No one volume can give a complete understanding of the intricacies of Spanish political and social life of the last fifty years. Nr. Rrenan, however, comes as close as is possible to such an achievement. His long residence in Spain, coupled with a serious studv of Spanish ffojioinfoj social, and political conditions, (as enabled liim to write with unusual -laiitV «nd authority. The political nar-[jfivc begins in l «7t and comes to an m witli the outbreak of the Civil War. Of much greater interest and value are die chapters in which hi- presents a dc-Itoiled analysis of the major political I parties of Spain and his discussion of the agrarian problem. His treatment of the position of the Church is sober and honest, and lie makes clear tlie close interrelation of religion and politics in Spain.

Macmillan $3S>0

fk American Land, by William R. Van Dersal.

This history of the American land undertakes to tell what changes have taken place in tlie soil and its products since, the primeval forests gave way to new land patterns. The land in the beginning, tthen the Vikings looked upon our northeastern shores, the land through tlie early centuries of occupation, and finally those transformed stretches of quiet farni-seapes and vast: prairies, all are made to pass before the reader’s imagination. It is a fascinating story, made more realistic by numerous photographs of landscapes ami growing things. Topographical descriptions are supplemented by discussions of the uses of the soil. “From the incredibly fertile soils of America we have taken wcnltli beyond reckoning, and almost, but not quite, we have succeeded in id j destroying the soil on which our way of n- , life depends.” “The American Land” is a good book to have and to heed.

Oxford $s:rr>


« i-






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The St. Johns: A Parade of Diversities. By llrancli Cabell and A. J. II anna.

There is no necessity of reading the other “Rivers of America” books to be siw that this is the most entertaining mid the. most distinguished of them all. America’s chief stylist has lavished his “it and bis labor to keep the pages sparging and to link the anecdotal chapters together in expectancy of interest. Whatever part Mr. Ilanna’inay have had in the collecting of material, the pen that wrote the book is Mr. Cabell’s, with no hint of censorship or other than artistic restraint.




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AWV Every paragraph is signed by the author’s own hall-mark, and the material is indeed “a parade of diversities” from the days when the Indian Itiver, “Welaka,” “was first sighted hy European eyes upon Wal-hurga’s Eve of  and the struggle

began for its possession by the French, the Spaniards, and the English to that day when Stephen franc’s widow returned to build her strange house in Jacksonville to “make a go of it.”

Farrar $ Itinehart %,!/>0

The, Bayous of Louisiana, by Harnett T. Kane.

Land and water seem one along the twisted paths of the bayous of southern Louisiana where live a people unique in America. Gallic in origin they are garrulous and romantic, hard working and realistic, and from out of the waters they have made their livelihood, built their homes, and formed their communications. With sympathy and understanding, based on first hand knowledge, Mr. Kane has pictured this land of Spanish moss and palmetto, with its soft breezes and violent storms, where the daily life like the bayous themselves “may flow in two directions, depending on the forces that hear upon it.”  Morrow $J.~>0

The Farm Bloc, by Wesley MeCune.

Mr. MeCune writes of agricultural matters with the skill and penetration that come from long familiarity with them. He leads his reader dextrously through the mazes of congressional and pressure politics as represented in the most highly organized and powerful of all special interest groups, the Earm Bloc. The power of Congressmen with rural constituencies cannot be denied, and their influence in Congress cannot be ignored by the leaders of either party. The present-day position of the Farm Bloc and the history of parity make up the, more interesting portions of the book. Tn addition to an account of the Congressional Farm Hloe, Mr. MeCune discusses the various pressure groups such as the Farm Bureau, the Grange, and the. Farmers Union, which exert immediate pressure upon Congress. The highly factual nature of the text re-

moves this hook definitely from the expose type of literature, and puts it in the class of sober and honest studies,

Doubleday, Doran &

The American Talent System, an Economic Interpretation, by William II, Bennett.

Major Bennett’s analysis of our patent system is scholarly, concise, and up-to-date. The present patent law is explained and such eventualities as royalties, licenses, antitrust laws, and international agreements are examined. Germany took advantage of our patent laws in 1!)1’2 to forward her own ambitions. Major Bennett explains how. These and many other questions of interest to a patentee, a corporate concern, and the public are answered on the basis of economics, court decisions and opinions of eminent authorities.  Louisiana $3

Trees and Test Tubes: The Story 0/ Rubber, hy Charles Morrow Wilson,

Drawing upon his residence at an experimental rubber plantation in Central America and upon careful research (much of it from technical sources), Mr. Wilson has written an excellent history of rubber culture and industry. Here is Charles Goodyear’s struggle to uncover the secret of vulcanization, the story of rubber-producing trees and shrubs, the bitter epic of Amazon rubber, the history of British and Dutch rubber culture, and the record of the synthetic rubbers. From this account, the reader gains real insight into rubber’s past and probable future, Included in the volume are the Barueh report in full, ,-iu excellent reference list, and a first-class index.  Holt $SM

‘The Rights of Man and Natural Lav!,hx Jacques Maritain.

Here is an analysis of the political and social requirements of man from the point of view of an outstanding Catholic philosopher. Liberal and idealistic in ids approach. Maritain expresses his confidence in the possibility of a better world. The inherent and essential dignity of man who transcends all material things, vet who oinnot live without the state anil in certain matters remains inferior to it, forms the basis of his exposition. It is the (llitv of the state to provide for the I common good, but the state must not cx-I eeed the rights of man as established by I virtue of his divine origin. Maritain’s I statc of the future is one whieh wilt fully protect the political rights of the individual find the economic rights of the working man. Without too much inaccuracy it may be described as Christian socialism operating within a completely democratic framework. Scribner’s $I.i~>0

In Praise of Wisdom, hy .Jacob Klatzkin.

Wisdom was praised before Solomon and, like virtue, has all too often starved. Now here is another volume of wise saws somewhat in the manner of Montaigne and Pnscnl. Dip into it almost anywhere and you will be rewarded by some exceedingly striking sentiment in the form of a little essay on an abstract theme, suggestive of Kmcrson or with aphorisms after the fashion of Heine. This work, by a well-known European philosopher who has written and edited many books, not only praises wisdom hut is full of it. It is a miscellany or treasury of profound, witty, and often brilliant observations on life and manners. One would hardly wish to read such a volume steadily from cover to cover, but for refreshment of mind and spirit and from time to time one would do well to turn to it.

L. 11. Fischer $3..r,0

Bask English and Its Uses, by I. A. Richards.

This is the most comprehensive description of Basic English yet to appear, and by far the most persuasive presentation of it as a very important means of hastening, in Dr. Richards’ phrase, “the growth of a world consciousness.” The author is lot ronccnied solely with showing how Ogdcn’s simplified, analytic language is the best one for world use; he has written also concerning the means and methods

of teaching it. His two final chapters are the most stimulating of all, for in them he discusses the immediate applications which can be made of Basic English among English-speaking people to facilitate better reading and thinking.

Norton $2

Rembrandt, selected paintings, with an introduction and notes by Professor Tancred Borcnius.

The Phaidon Press adds another handsome book of paintings to its list with a choice selection of 112 plates in photogravure and colour from Rembrandt. A number of new detail photographs have been added and the eight colour facsimile plates whet the appetite for more. The introduction gives an appreciation of Rembrandt showing his relation to the times and his debt to Tintoretto and Caravaggio. Tbe three, earliest lives of Rembrandt, Sandrart in Ki75, Baldinucei in HiSfi, and Hoiibrakcn in 1718, are printed here for the first time in English. An extensive catalogue of the selections is included.

Oxford $4.SO

The Music Lover’s Handbook, edited by Elie Siegmeistcr,

“This book looks at music not as something that is dead and gone, but as a living and growing art, one for all to partake of.” With its good index and clear cut divisions, this storehouse of material on nearly every kind of music and composer should enrich the pleasure and knowledge of all music lovers. The. sections, composed of abridged and adapted essays from fifty-two of the outstanding musical figures of the day and harmonized by Mr. Siegmeister’s running comments throughout the. text, are divided into the following classes: Kiddle strings and ballads; How music is made; In the concert ball. High (“s and pirouettes; Meet tbe composer; and Music of America. The recurring theme is that all great music has its roots in the people.

Morrow $//

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Jfwim Litvinoff, by Arthur Uphntn Pope.

Soviet foreign relations and the role of Russia in world politics arc recounted ia the career of Maxim Litvinoff. Acknowledging that “the life of a statesman cannot be fully recorded while he j, siiU at the height of his career,” Mr. Pope ha3 woven the available speeches ant! documentary materials into a story which depicts the high ideals of the man and his diplomacy.  Fischer $8.50

My Revolutionary Years: The Autobiography of Madame Wei Tao-Ming.

This concise and spirited account is more than the autobiography of one of China’s foremost citizens. It is tbe story of events connected with the emergence of the Kuomintang and with the astonishing development in the status of women in China. Deeply serious, Madame Wei speaks for an optimistic, freedom-loving people.  Scribner’s $2.15

The New Sun, by Taro Yashima.

A Japanese anti-fascist here tells in a series of some three hundred black and white drawings the story of his life as an artist, of his struggle against Japanese militarism, and of the imprisonment and suffering of himself and his wife. Not always clear in his ideas, he nevertheless hates the imperialists of his country with a passion which leads him into bitter caricature. It is unfortunate that because of omission and incoherence of parts, his account should lack the impressiveness which in its sincerity it seems to deserve.

Holt $2.76

Tchaikovsky, by Herbert Weinstock.

Within the past twenty years so much new biographical material about Tchaikovsky has been discovered that the publication of a new life of the composer has been inevitable. Mr. Weinstock is the first to write an extended biography in English based upon this new material. He has done a competent piece of work, and this volume will undoubtedly be the standard biography for some time to come. “I a laudable attempt to deal objectively with this most subjective of composers, die author at times gives the impression oHeing out of sympathy with his subject. ” this seeming indifference be a fault *’

The Plain Man’s Guide to the Key Issue of the War and the Post’War World



“An articulate and honest statement in defense of the status quo raised to the level of a post-war system.”—-New Republic. “Mr. Gclbcr’s tough-minded little book redresses the balance of much discussion of peace programs.”-—N. Y. Times Rook Review. “Sharp and incisive, thoughtful and brilliant.”-—Saturday Review of Literature. $1.50

Winner of the Southern Author’s Award for 1943


Confederate Statesman


“The most illuminating biography of ‘the Brains of the Confederacy’ that has yet come from the presses.”—A7. F. Herald ‘Tribune Boole Review. “This biography is compact, impartial and exhaustive. It gives us a skilful picture of a striking Civil War personality, and for all its candor is by no means devoid of sympathetic warmth.”—Saturday Review of Literature. $3.75

OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1 Id Fifth Avenue New York 11


xxccvii is excusable, since Tchaikovsky has suffered too often at the hands of the overly emotional writer. The excellent list of compositions, the bibliography and the indexes are not the least valuable parts of the book.  Knopf $6

Charles T. Griff es; the Life of an American composer, by Edward M. Maisel.

The years which have passed since the death of Charles Griffes have done little to dull the beauty of the music which he wrote, and although he may not ultimately rank with the greatest of American composers, his work is of sufficient importance to merit the present detailed and sympathetic biography. Mr. Maisel has written with understanding of the man and his music. It is to he hoped that the volume will stimulate further interest in Griffes’ music, particularly in the all too rarely performed songs. Knopf $3.50

The Autobioe/raphy of Joseph Addison Turner, 1826-1808.

The subject of this brief autobiographical sketch was a lawyer, a farmer, a politician, a publisher, and a minor literary figure of Central Georgia in the period just before and during the Civil War. He was a contributor to the Southern Literary Messenger, DcBow’s Review, and other journals. He wrote poetry and essays but his main claim to fame is that the youthful Joel Chandler Harris came, for a time, under his influence, This sketch, reprinted from the pages of one of Turner’s publications, is simple, frank and revealing, Turner was probably a fairly typical Southerner of his generation, but he does not fit the usual picture of such a character.

Emory University Publications 50 cents

James Moore Wayne, Southern Unionist, by Alexander A. Lawrence.

Wayne was a Georgian “who made love of the Federal Union the governing principle of his political and judicial career.” After serving as Mayor of Savannah, Judge of Circuit Courts, and Congressman, he was appointed by President Jackson to the Supreme Court where he played a significant part in the expansion of the

jurisdiction of federal courts. Particularly interesting is his connection with the Dred Scott decision, and the dramatic days of 1801 when his son went South to fight while Wayne remained in Washington. The lack of Wayne manuscripts makes the picture sketchy and the overload of judicial cases makes it dull in spots, but the biography does portray a gentleman of the South representative of many of his times.  North Carolina $$

Celestial Homespun: The Life of Isaac Thomas flecker, by Kathcrine Burton.

A sympathetic portrait of one of the most interesting and likable Brook Farm-Concord social reformers of a century ago, whose questioning and seeking led him to embrace Roman Catholicism, to become a priest in the Redcmptorist order, and ultimately to establish a distinctively American missionary order, that of the Paulist Fathers. Mrs. Burton, herself a com-crt to the same church, writes of this Yankee priest for the general reader with understanding and appreciation, and with little of the over-zealous partisanship that so often mars works on religious subjects, Unfortunately, the value of her portrait for the student of our cultural history is lessened considerably by her resort to such devices as invented conversations and by her failure to point up, by a fuller and more critical development of the ecclesiastical and social background, the significance of Hecker’s insistence upon the compatibility of Catholicism and American democratic institutions.

Lone/mans, Green $$

Orestes Brownson, by Theodore Maynard, To this generation the New England transccndentalists, with the exception of Emerson, are little known. Of late years, however, Margaret Fuller and Dromon Alcott have found competent biographers. The most picturesque and vocal of the religionists and philosophers associated in the public mind with that group was Orestes Brownson, whom his latest hiog-raphcr labels “Yankee, Radical, Catholic.” After uneasy allegiance to several Protestant sects, Brownson in middle life became a Catholic, and to his connection

ceccccviii New Books from





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vjth this faith Dr. Maynard, himself a Catholic convert from Protestantism, devotes nearly three-fourths of his hook. fjrownson, vigorous editor and lecturer jnd a roaring controversialist, was much given to the logic-chopping and metaphysical shadow boxing which characterized theological discussion a century ago. He was an able political philosopher who had a genius for stirring up hornets’ nests in church and state, as his co-religionists well know. The present biography is fnllv and carefully documented, the work of a thoughtful scholar who knows his man and his church. For the general reader of today, however, who shies at tendencies toward tacdium theologicum, expositions of Brownson’s philosophical and theological views are of far less interest than more intimate revelations of his ebullient personality. Macmillan $8

Good Night, Sweet Prince, by Gene Fowler.

For sheer entertainment there have been few biographies to equal Gene Fowler’s life of John Barrymore. The author knew Barrymore well and loved, and admired him, He has told his story with an abundance of anecdote and no inhibitions. The earlier part of the book is laid in Philadelphia with the household of the, elder Mrs. John Drew as the setting. The whole tribe of Drews and Barry-mores supply the narrator with a roistering variety of vigorous lives. Barryrnore’s grandmother and his father arc especially (fell portrayed. There is much comedy and not a little pathos in the story of this “heart-break Hamlet.” but the final effect is one of tragedy, Mr. Fowler has the reporter’s art of making the reader see what he has seen and the. vivacious manner of narration of the good raconteur. His hook deserves a great current popular success and will have lasting value for students of the history of the theatre.

Viking $8.60

WAR & PEACE Common Cause, by G. A, Borgese.

Here is a challenge to America and “dtain, together with Russia, to rise to real vision in the crisis of our times. A leading historian and philosopher, Professor Borgese carefully examines the causes



By Aubrey Lee Brooks. Tho story of n great “dissenter”—who fifty years ngo advocated the eight-hour day, property rights for women, mid lashed out against the monopolies and child labor interests.

Illustrated, $3.00



By Philip Boardman, with n Foreword by Lcwi9 Mumford. The life and work of a pioneer in city and regional planning, source of many of the ideas now current among planner*.  April 8, $5.00


By Laurence Sfaplclou. How can Nazism be criticized and condemned if no universally valid idea of justice exists? How did this concept disappear from the social sciences?  March 11, $2.00


By Buhl J. Bartlett. The story of a powerful peace movement at the close of the first World War, of tlie organization that hncked Wilson’s plans, of how those plans were wrecked, and who did the wrecking.

March 4, $3.00


By Adelaide L, Fries. Illustrated, $4.00


By Benjamin F. Bullock.

Illustrated, March 18, $2.50


Edited by Hardin Craig March 25, $3.50


By Leland B. Schubert. March 25, $3.50

The University of North Carolina Press

CMAPIl HH^J h}c.

wwoticc of the war, the characteristics of our present concepts, and convincingly outlines the common philosophy which is basic common action if we would reject tbe domination of a world empire, such as Nazism implies, and renounce a return to chaos. This is a deeply significant book, beautifully written, and well rooted in our heritage and in the realities of today. It deserves wide attention and discussion.

Ducll, Sloan # Pearce $3.50

Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, by Harold J. Laski.

Laski sees our time as a political and economic revolution of which the war is but a symptom. Systematically and ambitiously extending ideas expressed in his earlier works, he analyzes with considerable objectivity the Russian revolution, the significance of Fascism (perhaps treated too exclusively in economic terms), and the mixed-up currents of dying capitalism. Laski suggests, too, the basis of a better democracy in which a more just national economy would promise a foundation for improved international co-operation. His keen and brilliant dissection is often marred, alas! by his involved and obscure style.  Viking $3.50

The Pillars of Security, by Sir William H. Beveridge.

On the authority of Beveridge the fact-gatherer, Beveridge the advocate makes a cogent case for social measures against Want, Ignorance, Squalor, and Idleness. In the light of the twenty-two essays and addresses included here, the famous “Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services” is seen as part of a larger scheme for British social reform, More fully elaborated than in the “Report” is Beveridge’s belief in his plan as a stimulus to help win the war: “Democracies, like Cromwell’s armies, need to know what they fight for and to love what they know.” ’  Macmillan $2.50

Empire, by Louis Fischer,

Mr. Fischer’s attention is devoted especially to India, for which he. advocates a guarantee now of complete freedom after the war. No attempt is made to

examine exhaustively the problem of inj. perialism or the complexities of the In. dian question, although Mr. Fischer pre-sents some interesting information gathered during his recent visit to India. To assure the welfare and advancement of the more backward colonies he recommends international control. The full co-operation of the colonial peoples in this war, and a genuine peace following it, cannot be attained without the dissolution of empires. While this thesis is not new, the virtue of this little book lies in its timeliness and in the eloquence, sincerity, and logic of its attack upon im-peralism. Ducll, Sloan ty Pearce $1

Mother America, by Carlos P. Romulo.

In “Mother America” Colonel Romulo, outstanding Philippine journalist, presents a forceful and provocative plea for the end of an imperialist system which brought to tbe Far Fast the hated dominance of the white man, with his racial arrogance, economic exploitation, and political authority. This imperialism led to disaster when the colonial peoples, excepting the Filipinos, refused to support the Western powers against Japan. Colonel Romulo’s contention, deserving of widespread consideration, is that America has offered, in the successful program of Philippine evolution toward independence which he describes, a unique solution to the problem of Asiatic imperialism. Extension of the Philippine experience, which has won respect for America in the East, to other colonial areas would, he hopes, foster harmony between the East and the West Doubleday, Doran #50

Behind the Steel Wall, by Arvid Fred-borg.

Here is news from inside Germanji authentic and encouraging. Arvid Fred-borg, who was Berlin correspondent fori leading Stockholm daily until he was warned to leave the Reich last spring, has set down vivid and exciting first hand impressions of how war’s fury affected Germany’s people from the June, 1911* attack on Russia up to the Allied invasion of Italy. Writing of what he has seen and heard, Mr. Fredborg describes the « a-






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You can order your books through the Virginia Quarterly Book Service. difficulties of newspaper work in Germany, balances Nazi power against underground opposition, praises the efficiency of Allied military intelligence, appraises the declining strength of the Wehrmaeht, and adds a few pointed suggestions on the making of the peace. Viking $8

Makers of Modem Strategy, edited by Edward Mead Earlc.

This book is one of the by-products of the seminar on military affairs which Edwin Mead Earh: has been conducting at the Institute for Advanced Study these past few years. These chapters by military, naval, economic, and political experts tell the story of developing military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler, giving appropriate space to such non-military men as Adam Smith, Marx, Trotsky, and Clemenceau, but excluding many important military leaders such as Marlborough, Lee, Jackson, Grant, and Sherman “either because they were more tacticians than strategists or because they bequeathed to posterity no coherent statement of strategical doctrine.”

Princeton $8,16

Beyond Victory, edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen.

“What will man do with his new opportunities after the war?” To find an answer to her question Dr. Anshen has obtained the advice of experts from many lands. In her introduction the author says she is seeking agreement about basic, changeless principles toward which “the inner dynamism of necessity can be our only guide.” After her nineteen contributors have made thought-provoking comment on various segments of the broad problem, Dr. Anshen voices doubt that the right question needed to evoke the right answer has been discovered.

Harcourt, Brace $8.60

Toward a Better World, by Jan Christiaan Smuts.

In this collection of twenty-one of his outstanding speeches delivered during the period from 1017 to 1918, Field Mar-

shal Smuts, Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, sets forth his views on a wide variety of subjects. These range from the race problem in South Africa to the League of Nations, from biologj to his own contribution to philosophic theory, “holism.” Although the introductory historical and biographical material is too sketchy, the speeches provide an insight into the constructive and humanitarian ideas of a most eminent statesman, scientist, fighter, and philosopher of on? time.  Ducll, Sloan <y Pearce $$.11


Freedom’s Ferment, by Alice Felt Tyler.

This is a study of the various cults and reform movements that developed in the, United States between 1800 and 1860. Revivalistie religions and humanitarian crusades furnish most of the materials, with such groups as the communistic societies, the Millcritcs, spiritualists, Rap-pists, Mormons, Shakers, and abolitionists coming in for serious consideration, It is difficult for most writers to avoid facetiousness in dealing with many of these manifestations of the early American mind. Not so with Professor Tyler, She treats them all as significant manifest* tions in the development of the life of the nation. But her seriousness is not deadly. The human element comes to the fore in all her discussions, and her narrative is as entertaining as it is instructive. This is certainly one of the best boolo yet produced in the field of social historv.

MhinCSOttt $

The, Complete Jefferson, containing hit major writings, published and unpublished, except his letters. Assembled and arranged by Saul K. Padovcr.

This fat volume of thirteen hundred pages is a compilation of Jeffcrsonl major writings, drawn almost without exception from his published works, and arranged without explanatory background commentary under the headings of politic* and government; speeches; books, jour* nnls, and essays; religion, science, and

(Continued in bach advertising pages.)

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THE great literature of the Greeks and Romans has remained alive throughout the centuries because of the deeply satisfying pleasure it has given to each new generation of readers. The Odyssey of Homer, the poems of Ovid, the philosophy of Plato, the adventures of Aeneas — these are old friends of the classroom. But many other books, by both familiar and less well-known authors, provide reading as stimulating today as it was two thousand years ago. The witty dialogues of Lucian, the brilliant comedies of Aristophanes, the travels of Strabo, and the botanical discoveries of Theo-phrastus, founder of modern botany, are only samples of the wide range of subjects included in the Loed Classical Library of over 360 titles.

In the Loed Classical Library the original Greek or Latin text is printed on left-hand pages with a line-for-line translation on facing pages. Write for a descriptive catalogue. The price is uniformly $2.50 a volume.




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philosophy; education; and personal papers. Although two poems not written by Jefferson are included, the documents on the whole arc well-selected, and each is given in full. It is far from being “The Complete Jefferson”—for that one must await the promised fifty-volume Princeton edition, which will of course include the private letters so essential to an understanding of the man.

Duell, Sloan ty Pearce $5

Jefferson and the Press, by Frank L. Mott.

This little book attempts “to bring together in epitome Jefferson’s philosophy of tbe press and to recount briefly bis experiences with the newspapers of his times.” Jefferson, says Mr. Mott, “stands out as the foremost exponent in history of the necessity of a free press in any system of popular or democratic government. No other man has stated that principle so well.” Here the facts are collected and arranged to prove Mr. Mott’s statement, and here is refutation of the charge that Jefferson was inconsistent in his attitude toward the press. This is a worthwhile contribution to tbe literature of tbe bicentennial.  Louisiana State $1

Free Negro Labor and Property Holding in Virginia, 1880-18G0, by Luther Porter Juckson.

A first-rate, monograph, sponsored by tbe American Historical Association, which will force a revision of views commonly held respecting the economic status of the free Negro in the thirty years preceding the Civil War. In spite of general hostility and drastic restrictive laws, the free Negroes of Virginia made remarkable progress during this period. They were enabled to do so because of the economic revival that began about 1830. Diversified and scientific farming, tbe growth of commercial manufactures, and of transportation facilities caused an increasing demand for their labor, and this demand nullified the severity of discriminatory laws. The author, who is professor of history at Virginia State College, ex-

amines with scholarly minuteness tlielcgj) status of the free man of color in a sl «t economy, the impact of the economic revival on labor, the occupations of the fr « Negro in town and country, and the gaim made in property holding. Contrary it the usual opinion, these gains were impressive and they were made in the main not by tnulattoes but by blacks. Althoojl restrictive laws seemed to spell their doom, the free Negroes in I860 wen twice as well off as in 1830, and perhapi three times as prosperous as in 1800 oi 1810. Moreover, contrary to the vier that the Negro has made progress in property holding only since the emancipate of the entire race in 1805, the Virginii group of free Negroes held as much land in 1800 as tbe entire race held in this state in 1891.  Appleton-Century $S.U

Jiehind the Lines in the Southern Cot-federacy, by Charles W. Kamsdcll.

The life-work of the late Professor Ramsdell is, at least in part, summarid in these posthumously published lecture*. They constitute the best exposition thai has yet been made of tbe non-military causes of the collapse of the Confederacy, The conclusions arc concise, and to the effect that a disorganized currency and tin; failure of transportation facilities wen the primary causes of defeat. Back of these lay tbe lack of a balanced economy and of experience in dealing with com plicated economic problems.

Louisiana Stale P.

New Viewpoints in Georgia History, hy Albert ]J. Suye.

The first two chapters of this little volume discuss the proprietary period ol Georgia history, the new viewpoint being that there is no evidence that dehtor’l prisons furnished any of the settlers, though some of them landed in such qua’-tcrs after they reached the colony. It is also pointed out that the prohibition ol slavery and of the rum traffic were not “noble experiments,” but “practical” ei-pedients which proved to be impractical The remainder of the volume amounts to

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a constitutional history of Georgia to 1789. Though the last of the colonies, Georgia iras in many ways distinctive, and this 5tudy is helpful in assessing the significance of her institutional peculiarities.

Georgia $2.50

Czechoslovakia in European History, by S, Harrison Thomson.

Here is an effort to trace the development of several of the more acute problems of the most westernized of tbe Serb States, in a competent and sympathetic manner. Mr. Thomson has carefully examined historical origins of the present difficulties, and has wisely related them lo the whole European picture from the Middle Ages to the present, considering as he does so, Czechoslovakia’s contacts with such international organizations as the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic and Mctternich systems, and the prewar alliances of the 1900’s and tbe 1930’s.

Princeton $8.76

.1 Short History of Russia, by B. II. Sumner.

Seven chapters deal with the basic influences which have shaped the destinies of Russia: the frontier, the state, the land, the church, the Slavs, the sea, and the west. It is not so readable as Bernard Pares’ one-volume history of Russia, but a good deal more critical.

licynal and Hitchcock $8.76

The. Soviet Far Fast and Central Asia, by William Mnndcl.

As a part of the Institute of Pacific relations Inquiry Series, this concise and k’cll-documented study carries on the investigations into the political and economic policies of the bar East. It as-scmhlcs and spotlights available information on the natural resources, transportation, population, cultural and economic development, and relation to the present crisis which will help to point out the probable future importance and rhanging policies, Maps, statistical tables, “”d appendices are included. Dial $2.50

The Russian Enigma, Hiamhcrlin,

by William Henry

Mr. Clminhcrlin starts untangling the Plli «lc that is Russia by giving a running




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George h. Newton —cManager i account of her past heritage, the peoples and the vastness of the land they inhabit, the wars that have swept over them, the absolute autocracy of the government, and the various uprisings that had a climax in the revolution of 1.917. Then he points out the chnnges which he saw as a foreign correspondent through the next stormy period up to the present and looks to the future of Russia, offering some speculations about her role in a postwar world. It is an easy reading introduction to a rich country. Scribner’s $2.76

A Literary Journey through Wartime Britain, by A. C. Ward.

In the lover of English literature this short pilgrimage evokes two emotions, one of gladness that he once saw these shrines intact and the other of sadness at their mutilation or destruction. Along with this goes a prayer of thankfulness that so many escaped. St. Paul’s looms wounded among the ruins, Canterbury is badly scarred, the great Abbey likewise, St. Mary le Bow is gutted, the Inner Temple wrecked; but John Milton at St. Giles is only thrown from his pedestal and Samuel Johnson still sits outside the roofless St. Clement Dane’s. Outside of London, monuments and buildings fared better. Those memorials that are left and those capable of restoration arc still numerous enough to tell the vivid and heroic story of “this sceptered isle.” Mr. Ward’s little volume is an artistic, timely, and cheerful sketch of battered England and her monuments.  Oxford $2

Literary England. Photographs by David I’i. Schcrman and Descriptive Text by Richard Wilcox.

In the. preface that he has written for this book, Christopher Morley recalls that “When I was a boy on a bicycle exploring England, more than thirty years ago, I wrote among earnest notes of ambition a memo that a wonderful book of English literature could be made, with bicycle and kodak.” This is not that text book, but, with its fifty photographs and

their accompanying descriptions and appropriate quotations, it makes a brave start in that direction. Tbe photographs range from Stonehenge and Tintagcl Castle to the Spaniard’s Inn on Ilnmpstcad Heath and what is left of the Thirty-nine Steps. The photographer may be a little too fond of silhouettes; the margins may seem a little generous for a wartime book; but any scrutinizcr will be sure to find much to delight him and make him wish for more. Random

The Earliest English Poetry, A CrHkd Survey of the Poetry Written before Ik Norman Conquest with Illustrative Tram-lotions, by Charles W. Kennedy.

Intelligent readers who lack a knowledge of the first forms of our language sometimes regard Anglo-Saxon poetry a) a small body of verse completely surrounded by scholars—with the scholars noting not as guides but as guards. This impression may be heightened for the fe* who attempt to storm the sanctuary without help. They arc beaten back by vocabulary and grammar and baffled by articles which argue obscure points and apparently have, nothing to do with poetry, Professor Kennedy’s scholarly and readable book should go far toward providing the common reader with the rapport which be has lacked. Surveying the whole field of Anglo-Saxon poetry, Professor Kennedy describes the life out of which the poems came and supplies the frames of reference necessary to an understanding of the individual poems. His ability in criticism and translation has already been proved; his new book shows an unusual skill in synthesis. He summarizes all important scholarship in such a masterly fashion that lie makes an endlessly perplexing task look easy. Doubtless some things are lost in the summary, but the remarkable thing is not what Professor Kennedy may have omitted but what he has been able to include. He does not set out to “popularize,” and the qualities of blurred generality and partial if!’10’ ranee which often belong to that kind of activity certainly do not attach to Ms work. ’ But the’ excellence of his book is that it will serve not only as a survey of

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iho rct «rn ^romtncirn °^ *ncamc thrower to the pursuits of peace and tbe {re that burns in the belly of tbe dragon in “Beowulf”) but also as a means of interpretation for tbe intelligent reader tf)io lacks a scholar’s tools. Oxford $8

from Shakespeare to Joyce, by Elmer Edgar Stoll.

That eminent Shakespearean critic, if not the ablest certainly one of the two or three ablest in America, E. E. Stoll, has gathered, in what be predicts will be bis last volume, twenty-one essays on literature and life. In some of these papers he returns to topics that he has discussed before, Lear, Hamlet, Shylock, Jaques, and Falstaff. In others, such as “Poetry and Passions” he ventures upon comparative literature or presents studies of >lmses of Milton as a “romantic.” There a great variety of topics in the essays, ranging through Middleton, Byron, Dickens, and Browning. The essay that will ilcasc conservative readers most (and arouse the ire of certain critics) is entitled “Psychoanalysis in Criticism.” In it Mr. Stoll says be is moved not so much In question “the sanity or the. sensiblcncss” of Joyce as be is of the critics who eulo-pzc him, or else bis own. Many of his readers will have bad Hie same feeling. Mr. Stoll writes a prose that is not easy to read nor does he wear his scholarship lightly. His essays are packed with lliought and based upon great erudition. The best papers in this volume, are, as might be expected, tin; Shakespearean ones, They make a substantial epilogue to Mr, Stoll’s several volumes of Shakespearean studies. Doubleday, Doran $S/tO

The Elizabethan World Picture, bv E. M. Tillyard.

For the “ordinary reader” Mr. E. M. W. Till.vard, the Milton scholar, has attempted in this little book “to extract and npound the most ordinary beliefs about the constitution of the world as pictured die Elizabethan age.” His chief topics ire order, sin, “tbe chain of being,” the ‘orrcs};ondencies. nnd the “cosmic dance.” The ordinary reader may be disappointed m finding the, discussions less easy rcad-

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iiiiv ing tlian he may have been led to believe, but he will certainly find them good preparation for a more understanding reading of his Shakespeare, Spenser, or Donne. Mr. Tillyard does not attempt, as Theodore Spencer does in “Shakespeare and tbe Nature of Man.” to indicate the extent to which a changing view of the, universe disturbed tbe Elizabethan, lie rather tries to give the commonplaces so taken for granted that the Elizabethan scarcely thought about them.

Macmillan $1.7f>

Milton’s lioyalism, by Malcolm M. Ross.

Scholars have long recognized in the poems of John Milton a marked dualism of sentiment and imagery, attaching him to two periods. He was a belated Elizabethan, employing Renaissance symbolism and indebted to Spenser, and at the same time a literary Puritan, abhorring the trappings of that kingship of which Elizabethan poets were inordinately fond. In this scholarly study Mr. Ross “attempts to analyze and explain the use of royalist symbolism in the. antiroyalist context of Milton’s poetry.” In Ids earlier verse Milton made free use of the royalist tradition, but in “Paradise Tost” he evidently felt the contradiction between the symbol and the republican idea, though he was unable to free his work from royalist coloring (the epic genre seemed to demand it). In bis later verse, however, he is no longer the singer of royal pomp, but the Puritan saint. Hut even the Puritanism of “Paradise Regained” and “Samson Agonistes” is touched with Renaissance humanism. lie was evidently caught between the afterglow of an old tradition and the sunrise of a new society. This dilemma Mr. Ross discusses acutely and appealingly, with illustrative quotations from the poetry. One willingly agrees with him that the poet’s “royalisui is an involved and difficult thing.”

Cornell $2.M

The. Anulomu of Nonsense, by Yvor Winters.

Winters regards himself as a reactionary in the realm of literary criticism, lie attempts in the four essays of this

work to clarify his own position while attacking the positions of others. Hjj first essay, “Henry Adams, or the Creation of Confusion,” brilliantly traces lion Adams came to regard the universe at meaningless and estimates his worth as a historian. “Wallace Stevens, or the Hedonist’s Progress” contains excellent analyses of several of Stevens’s poems and attempts to show that his Epicurean theories have weakened his art. “T. S, Eliot, or the Illusion of Reaction” argues that Eliot’s conversion to Classicism and Catholicism was merely nominal ami thai he has done no more than reflect chaos, “John Crowe Ransom, or Thunder without God” examines in detail and condemns without exception the bitter’s doctrines. Winters can be very perverse, but he » always readable. Nexv Direction! $

The New Treasuri) of War Poetry, edited by George Herbert Clarke.

“This anthology,” says Professor Clarke in bis introduction, “attempts a poctie survey of the objectives, deeds, and experiences of the United Nations- and ol their subjective defences and advances as well.” The contributors to the volume arc well-known British and American (including Canadian) poets, with a few others less famous; the subjects of the verses are various aspects of the second World War besides general reflections on the conflict and the ultimate victory. Some of the finest war poetry of the past fo »’ years is here; perhaps the most moving section of the book is the one. entitled “The Fallen,” ending with Canadian Agnes Aston Hill’s noble “Recompense.” As in bis “Treasury of War Poetry” ol World War I, Dr. Clarke has made in this new anthology an altogether admirable collection. Tndecd. in range, quality, and variety this volume surpasses the earlier, though in some of the poetry there arc, inevitably of course, cc hoes of the older, Only an editor-poet could so aptly illustrate in these selections his assertion that “the poet’s interpretation of war is a spiritual enterprise, conditioned upon liis peculiar quality rather than upon this or that objective contact.” The motives and significance of the global conflict in its vliilt


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mj phases have been deeply sensed in tee spiritual interpretations.

Houghton Mifflin $3

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Ctronoh DV ^’au’ Claudel. Translated Sister Mary David, S. S. N. 1). ,h the publication of some of Claudcl’s best Catholic verse, Pantheon increases the debt of gratitude »hich many readers must already feel for Ihc recent, handsome editions of work by ‘e’gny, George, de Coster, and Aragon, is well ns several other modern Continental writers, nil of whom deserve the American recognition now given them for Ihc first time. This sequence of poems inspired by liturgy and celebrating the lives of the saints and the great feast Jays of the. Church year, communicates heantifully a virile mysticism and faith, diy Claudcl writes in long-lined couplets, his language colloquial and earthy. The translations accompanying the French often come verv near their originals in spirit.  ’  Pantheon $2.75


The Land of the Great Image, by Maurice Collis.

In retelling the journeys and adventures of a scvcnteenth-ccntury Augustin-ian Friar, named Manriquc, Mr. Collis employs his penetrating and sympathetic knowledge of the East to beautiful advantage. His strange account is of such variety as to embrace. Portuguese conquests and rich settlements in India, astonishing customs and events in the small Indo-Chinese kingdom of Arakan, Catholic and Uuddhist dreams of n world state, the Inquisition at Goa, and the amazing fortunes of the corpse of St. Francis Xavicr. It comes ns an added pleasure that in Ins concluding observations on the “wide, conceptions” sketched in his hook, ti.e author should assume the role of a serious and philosophical historian, contributing to an understanding of tlie present problems facing Asia and America.  Knopf $3

Horace Walpolc: Gardenisl, by Isabel Wakclin Urban Chase. Horace Walpole’s versatility embraced

many interests—art, architecture, writing, printing, gardening, and, to a small extent, politics—and he expressed himself freely on all of these subjects in letters and books. Among his permanent influences gardening ranks high, for it was through his writings and those of his poet-gardener friends that we enjoy the naturalistic gardening prevalent in this country today. Mrs, Chase, lias made a memorable contribution to our knowledge of the part Walpolc played in the informal garden design. Her well-edited “The History of Modern Taste in Gardening” gives us firsthand insight into his concepts of gardening. Her explanatory notes illuminate Walpole’s ideas. In an estimate of Walpole’s contributions to landscape architecture, Mrs. Chase discusses the background of his ideas on landscape design and shows the inter-relations of poetry, landscape painting, and gardening. She discusses tbe part that poets and landscape painters contributed towards molding the ideas of gardenists. Especially well treated are the chapters on Walpole’s ideas on gardening. This required a sound background of landscape gardening as well as of literature in general. Mrs. Chase possesses both of these.

Princeton $3.50

An Irish Journey, by Sean O’Faolain. Specially illustrated by Paul Henry.

There is much to excite and absorb the reader in this acute and sensitive interpretation of Ireland, north, south, east, and west, good and bad, old and new. For this is not an ordinary travel book. Scan O’Faolain knows and loves his Ire-lanu. All through the book, one is aware of that, and aware, too, of his strong feeling that the Irish problem now is “to find a formula of life as between the old traditions and the new world pouring into us from every side.” If all Irishmen were, like O’Faolain, there would be no difficulty.  Longmans, Green $8.50

God’s Englishman, by I.eland DeWitt Haldwin.

As the .subtitle—”Tlie Evolution of the Anglo-Saxon Spirit”—suggests, this volume traces the British love of liberty from early times to the present. This passion for individual freedom is grounded in the Common Law, whose flowering is the English and American (predominantly Anglo-Saxon) character. Out of the Common Law heritage stemmed tbe theory and practice of democracy, winch today is not simply a racial but a world force, many races having been transformed by it. And in this triumph of the Anglo-Saxon spirit lies the emancipating hope of the future. Various aspects of the English character as shown in England’s social and political history are cited, with illustrations from poets, philosophers, and statesmen. Indeed, one of the most striking features of this commentary on England’s contribution to world democracy is the frequent apposite quotation from Eng-

lish literature. Many familiar versenj prose passages point a moral and a talc. The book is a brilliant interpret, tion of the English mores through ft centuries, enlivened with wit and hum “The gospel according to the AnA Saxon,” says Mr. Baldwin, “is that borship in the British Empire is a got antce of freedom.” And he acutely n marks of the Saxon: “His sound cotnti sense taught him that in a practical woil while there might be some good, tha must also be considerable evil and bn tality; therefore God must agree to wij at a reasonable modicum of wickedness.’ This volume is an illuminating additit to the many current books on the groit eHV.ctiveness, and promise of (lemocria which the present war has stimulated hi torians to write.  Little, Ikotn^i ’.’it «â– ’,’




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“THE CONDITION OF MAN is one of the most important books of our day. It is a masterly history of our civilization and is filled with the profoundest historical insights. It will make a great contribution to the spiritual and historical reorientation of modern man.”— Reinhold Niebubr, 16 pages of photographs, $5.00


Virginia Woclf

Before her death Mrs. Woolf had planned a volume of her collected short stories, and Leonard Woolf has now carried out her intention. The book includes twelve stories which have never before appeared in book form. 42.00




Essays on Beliefs in Poetry

“He restores the literary essay to a position of balance and integrity.,. and his originality of viewpoint and humor furnish genuine entertainment.” -William Rose Benet $2.50


Uotert Venn Warren

“Sometimes his touch is fleeting, sometimes positive . . . but his words arc not the worn coins of poetry and his figures are brilliant in their orig-inality.”-Hijrry Hansen, N, Y. World-Telegram




New Books from


fadmira, by C. S. Lewis. In this sequel to “Out of the Silent flinct,” Ransom the philologist is called a the planet Venus, which he finds to be nother Garden of Eden and in which he a pitted against his old enemy, Dr. Wes-

10  in the drama of the temptation of a K* Eve. Their lengthy pleas for her ml exhibit much Screwtapish psychology md give tbe book its moral reason for tiug. The novel is an extraordinarily tilertaining Christian tract, filled with Venture and description, both of a high imaginative order. No one seems to have noted that a great part of the freshness

11  Mr. Lewis’s fantasy derives from bis knowledge and appreciation of the

medieval cosmos. Like the Scholastics’ icres, his too have each an angelic in-iigence; and he is at his best in de-the cosmic dance. Macmillan $%

hoss’m, by E. M. Almedingen. The most stimulating qualities about Frossia, a girl who tries to bridge the ;ip between the old Russia and tbe new n 1917, are her intense joy in being alive ind her love for her country. When Frossia’s family refuses to meet tbe knging conditions and chooses to die nstead, she returns to struggle in a kotic Petrograd to become a part of an solving system. Her path is made too mooth by fortunate circumstances for much inner development, but in the attempt to work out her destiny she associates with a motley and interesting poup of people. Harcourt, Brace $2,50

Ik Rainbow, by Wanda Wasilewska. The president of Moscow’s Union of Polish Patriots tells the story of a Uk-iiinian village from the time the Ger-Mns take it over until the Red army hives them out. The heroism of tbe Russians and the brutality of the Germans arc enlarged beyond credulity, but “we is revealed a spirit of courage, a termination to resist the invaders, and jn irreconcilable hate which are power-“’ and real. Simon cy Schuster $2.50

Mronkle of Daivn, by Ramon J. Sender. Translated by Willard R. Trask. Here is a short novel of classic con-tars and compelling density of meaning.


By RuM J, Bartlctt. The story of n powerful peace movement at the close of the first World War, of the organization that backed Wilson’s plans, of how these plans were wrecked, nnd who did the wrecking. $3.00


By C. E. Ayres. A pioneer work in the development of n new appronch to economics, more radical than the current Ricnrdo in reverse Marxian socialism. Bound to arouse controversy and to originate fundamental changes in economic thinking. $3.00


Ry Luurencc Stapleton. How can Nazism be criticized and condemned if no universally valid idea of justice exists? How did this concept disappear from the social sciences? Why is its revival cssentinl to the maintenance and further development of civilization? $2.00


Ry Benjamin F, Bullock



Edited by Hardin Craig $3.50


By Bronislaw Malinowski



By F. E. Mineka $4.00


By W. F. Dunaway




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lost It is the story of a few months out of a Spanish childhood, during which time the hero experiences first love and learns of tragic destiny. The hoy Pepe’s life is fraught with petty but at the time insurmountable troubles, all of which are seen in memory through an idyllic film of beauty; and the innocent love borne his young sweetheart, Valentina, still is intoxicating. Not the least important element of Sender’s artistry is the significant dramatic texture he gives the story by making the narrator a soldier who is dying in a concentration camp. Pepe is aware that since his cause has met with defeat and all hope is gone, the recording of his memories is his only means of affirming his faith in life and remaining “a man of substance.”

Doubleday, Doran $21)0

Home Is the Hunter, by Gontran de Poncins.

This almost static story of the French chateau country before tlie first World War is a colorful bit of portraiture with a few dramatic touches. An old domestic, who had served an aristocratic family for forty years, returns after a forced retirement of ten years .and reflects upon the changes wrought hy later occupants and the decadence of the place and its surroundings. The book is a prose epic of strangeness and beauty evolved by the author from the mind of Jean Menadieu, the “hunter” who came home and went away again, a prolonged record of intimate introspection done in leisurely, rhythmical, speech.

Reynal $ Hitchcock $21)0

The Bay of Silence, by Eduardo Mallea. Translated by Stuart Edgar Grummon.

Here is a novel of ideas describing with sincerity and intensity the intellectual climate of modern Buenos Aires. Martin Tregua, addressing his story to a woman who seems to represent the soul of his country and whom he has loved at a distance for many years, reveals himself as a young man of good will who has tried, along with his several companions, to rouse his countrymen to a sense of their responsibilities and of the flaws


of their civilization. As the book standi in its abbreviated English translation the narrational methods and the handling of several of the characters are unsatlsfj. ing, while the various themes fail to attain convincing unity. But there art many pages nevertheless of spirit and distinction; they increase our understanding of Argentina at a time when such a> understanding is important. Knopf $%,(/)

Canape-Vert, by Philippe Thoby-Marcc-lin and Pierre Marcelin. Translated br Edward Larocque Tinker.

There is a bare thread of namtivt here, not enough, certainly, to keep ali « any interest in the characters, were it not for the wealth of Haitian folklore and folk customs that fill the pages. The authors are clever in manipulating their puppets in order to show how completely the Haitian simple folk are dominated Ij Vodun gods and beliefs. They show as well how these loas and mysteres are used for their own material advantage h shrewd and unscrupulous Vodun priests. The life revealed is simple in detail and action, complex in motive and fcelirij and tropical as well as primitive in even word and deed. Farrar $ Rinehart $M

A Treasury of Russian Literature, edited by Bernard Guilbert Guerney.

Beginning with Friar Nestor in tlx eleventh century, this collection offers ii its 1000 pages of readable print a wealtl of Slavic literature with particular emphasis on the nineteenth century Ret-aissance. It does not include the Soviet period but among its contents are tit complete novels by Turgcncv and Dos-toievski—”Fathers’and Sons” and “Note from Underground”; three plays li Chekhov, Gorki, and Gogol—”The Thru Sisters,” “The Lowest Depths,” tf “The Inspector General”; nnd selection! of short stories from Pushkin and poem from Lermontov. Vanguard

A Treasury of Great Russian Skt’ Stories;’ Pushkin to Gorky, by Avrah Yarmolinsky.

Dr. Yarmolinsky has been chief of t> Slavonic Division of tbe New York H lie Library for tlie past twenty-five years and is well qualified to select stories from the field of Russian Literature. He adds to the value of this anthology by a competent introductory essay and brief biographical essays about each author. The selections are made mostly from the great figures, starting with Pushkin, including Gogol, Turgcnev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, an undue proportion of Chekhov, and ending with Gorky.  Macmillan $j

Traditional Chinese Tales, translated by Chi-Chen Wang.

Readers who desire to acquaint themselves with traditional Chinese fiction will find twenty excellent samples in this collection. Tales written in classical Chinese and those written in the vernacular are represented here, tales whose origins were remote centuries ago, but which still possess vitality and charm. An elusive fragrance, gentle humor, mysterious comings and goings, loyalty and betrayal, with more than a clash of villainy, compound to ensure regret that the twenty short stories are soon read. They are not soon exhausted. Columbia $2.75

Contemporary Chinese Stories, translated by Chi-Chen Wang.

The modern Chinese writer finds little romance to lend smoothness to his pen. Instead it is pushed by the force of hunger, danger, fear, and pain, becoming an hectic instrument for political agitation. In this anthology, covering the years from 1918 to 1937, Mr. Wang presents a few of the stories which have been written by men and women who are keenly alive to trends of thought and action in their country. Realistic and tough, these stories reveal the temper of a strong, brave people.  Columbia $2.75


The Road to Salem, by Adelaide L. Fries.

The road was the pioneering journey of the Moravians from Pennsylvania to Salem, North Carolina, and the settlement there in the middle of the eighteenth century. The story is told in tbe autobiography of one of that sect, Anna Kath-arina Antes (who survived four husbands),

A distinguished reappraisal of

Our Heritage




Chairman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

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A brief biography of Congressman Bloom, by Ira E. Bennett, for 25 years editor of the Washington Post, deals vividly with the progress of one who chose to pull his own weight from boyhood—and who has since made countless contributions to the American Way.


32 illustrations. Index. 662 pages G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS

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Icciii and is translated from the original German, supplemented from other contemporary documents, by Miss Fries, who is archivist of the Southern Province of the Moravian Church. The religious devotion, the hardships, the thrift, philanthropy, educational activities, and the patriotism of these sturdy colonists are vividly recounted. The Bible was their guide in things temporal as well as spiritual; each settlement was a little religious community. But the members were intensely loyal to the new government. “The Road to Salem” is a valuable contribution to early American religious and secular life and deserves wide general reading.  North Carolina $Jf

William Penn, by William Wistar Comfort.

This “Tercentary Estimate” of Penn approaches the subject from the Quaker point of view, but it presents a well-reasoned and balanced judgment. The problem of reconciling the stipulations of a royal charter, which required that all laws conform to those of England, with Quaker ideology and the practical interests of a colonial proprietor, was enough to tax the ingenuity and the conscience of any man. Penn was, through force of circumstances, a compromiser, but he did not compromise himself, and he stands with Roger Williams and Thomas Jefferson as one of the great founders of religious liberty in America.  Pennsylvania $8

The Innocents at Cedro, by R. L. Duffus.

The “innocents” were three students who lived for a year with the noted economist Thorstein Veblen in his cottage at Cedro near Stanford University where he was a professor. One of thenij the well-known journalist and novelist R. L. Duffus, calls his book “a memoir of Thorstein Veblen and some others.” It is a sketchy study of the eccentric “master” and his agrarian household, a little California idyl of long ago. At times Mr. Duffus is almost lyrical, enveloped in an “imaginative mist” of memory. The coming of spring around Cedro, for instance, though not so violent as in his native Vermont where “it batters you

with ecstasy,” was sudden and overpowering: “You just relaxed. You let go. You didn’t give a damn. You wanted it to stay now, the present moment forever. You half believed it would.” This is delightful pastoral reminiscence touched with whimsical humor. The only irritating thing about the book is the author’s passion for distracting footnote comment, a Sternclikc weakness which he frankly acknowledges.  Macmillan $8

I Can Go Home Again, by Arthur G. Powell.

This book of reminiscences by Judge Powell of Atlanta is an anecdotal saga of southwest Georgia, the author’s native heath. Focal centers of folksy interest are courthouse and church; the Negro, the lawyer, the preacher are characters around whom the author weaves his many realistic stories, including his own happy tale of love. Most of them bear the authentic insignia of a folklore, entertaining to this generation and invaluable to the future sociologist. It is a racy record of local people and customs, a trngi-comic regional drama told with unfailing good sense and humor by a gifted son who lived there for thirty-odd years and who “can go home again” when he gets tired of the big city. But the little old Blakely of his youth and its Piney Woods people are of course better stuff for song and story than the later. Judge Powell has produced a vigorous, faithful, and salty human document from the rich and varied contribution of Southern life to American social history.  North Carolina $

Silly Girl, by Angna Enters.

The reader who shudders at the title and shuns the book will miss a charming autobiography written and illustrated by an artist of keen intelligence and vivid personality. It is hard to decide which is the more entertaining section: “Silly Girl,” which deals with her childhood and young girlhood, exotic in the, telling and by comparison with the ordinary American childhood; or “The Magic Cord,” which recounts in an unusual way the usual mixture of poverty, determination, and luck on which artistic success is built

Icciv The third section, “Paintings at an Exhibition,” compresses a little too tightly Miss Enters’ years of success as a mime, both in this country and abroad. The illustrations, botli in color and in black and white, are not the least attractive part of the book. Houghton Min $8.50

]hr Diary, by Jean Malaquais; translated from the French by Peter Grant.

An artist and writer portrays the life of a sensitive man—himself—as a private in the French army during the “phony war,” In his daily journal lie characterizes the men around him, their work, conversations, and amusements, sometimes cruelly, sometimes with humor. But the most penetrating^ passages concern his reflections on man, nature, and art in the war-world and reveal the change that occurs within him during the last months before the fall of France.

Doubleday, Doran #.75

The Eagle and the Dove, bv V. Sackville-West

In the lives of the two mystics, St. Teresa of Avila and St. Therese of Lisieux, Miss Sackville-West has seen great challenge to her powers as a mature biographer. With stylistic brilliance she evokes background, and characterizes each woman with n wealth of human detail. Her method proves more successful with the short-lived and only recently canonized finder of the Little Way than with the complex Spanish reformer of the Carmelites, Where her double biography fails most seriously is in its rigidly objective treatment of religious experience.

Doubleday, Doran $2M


The Idea of Nationalism, by Hans Kohn.

Nationalism, one of the basic social forces of our age, has been constantly discussed and recently deplored but little understood, perhaps because of the dearth of comprehensive and penetrating analytical material on the subject. Here is a scholarly book which, because it goes a long way toward supplying such material, is indispensable to those concerned with the problem. After more than twenty years of research and writing on the subject, Hans Kohn has produced a momi-

Ideas in America

By Howard Mumford Jones

A distinguished man of letters expresses clearly and persuasively the doctrine that a mature interpretation of our own intellectual and cultural history ought to be one of the important concerns of American Scholarship. $3.00

Sleuthing in the Stacks

By Rudolph Altrocchi

Curious tales and strange information gathered by a scholar in his years of literary research and now related with a gay humorous touch.


A Century of Latin-American Thought

By W. Rex Crawford

The social and political problems of Latin America as interpreted by their leading moralists, critics, publicists, political scientists, and sociologists,


Shakespeare and the Actors

By Arthur C. Spraoue

From prompt books, reviews, and other sources information has been collected on Shakespearean stage business from 1(560 to 1905, including business used by many famous actors. $5,00

Moira: Fate, Good, and Evil in Greek Thought

By William C. Greene

An important group of ideas prominent in Greek literature and philosophy and of continuing interest and influence in modern thought is for the first time discussed in a single volume. $5.00


Cambridge 38 Massachusetts mental study covering the historical genesis of the idea of nationalism from the time of the Hebrews and Greeks to the eve of the French Revolution. We await with eager anticipation the promised companion volume which will bring the study up to date.  Macmillan $7.50

The Constitution and World Organization, by Edward S. Corwin.

It will be unfortunate if the small size of Professor Corwin’s “The Constitution and World Organization” gives the false impression that it is a little book. It discusses the important principle of “sovereignty” and the practical problem of the entry of the United States into an international organization. The argument is clear and succinct. An unusual power of compression has made it possible for the author to give the effect of authoritative completeness in fifty-seven pages of print. His conclusion is that “When Total War is the price of Total Sovereignty, the price is too high. What, indeed, is ‘Sovereignty,’ as we see it daily at work, except the freedom of decision and action with which the Constitution and laws endow our governing agencies; and always the important question is: How can this freedom of decision and action be exercised by such agencies so as to serve best the real freedom of the American people . . .” Princeton $1

World Wars and Revolutions, by Walter Phelps Hall.

Although the subtitle of his book is “The Course of Europe Since 1900,” Mr. Hall, Dodge Professor of History at Princeton, merely summarizes events to 1914. The book not only is a survey of European history from that date to 1943; it also contains sections on the Near and Far East. The military and political aspects of the two world wars are discussed in detail. Despite certain inaccuracies and serious omissions, Professor Hall has written a readable account of events in a style interesting to the layman. Adequate interpretative material too often has been omitted, unfortunately not always for the sake of brevity.

Appleton-Century $4

Der Fuehrer, by Konrad Heiden.

In this account of the rise of Hitler to power much new material, heretofore unavailable in this country, has been used by Mr. Heiden, who is probably the greatest authority on the Nazi movement. He has painstakingly traced the life of Hitler and other Nazi leaders, the factors which influenced their actions, the antecedents of the heterogeneous concepts upon which Nazism is based, and the development of the movement from its origin through the bloody purge of 1984 which firmly established Hitler’s power. Not pleasant reading, but often exciting, this book is an invaluable historic document.  Houghton Min $8

The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere, by Antonin Bch.

The economic backwardness of the countries of the Danube basin, which made the area politically weak and subject to rivalry among the great powers, is here ably described by Mr. Bch, an eminent Czech economist now at Columbia University. The methods employed by Nazi Germany to gain economic dominance and the harmful results of the bilateral relationship for the smaller countries are presented in detail. In his conclusions Mr. Bch explores such proposals for the future of the area as industrial development and increase in production and home markets in the region itself, greater integration in the European economy, abandoning of autarky and the fostering of multi-lateral world trade, and parallel regional political pacts within the framework of international order.

Columbia $3.60

Russia and the United States, by Pitirim A. Sorokin.

Stimulated by the common war effort and the apparent need for post-war cooperation between Russia and the United States, a number of Russian emigres have recently attempted to interpret modern Russia to Americans. As a former law and sociology professor at St. Petersburg and a member of the Kercnsky cabinet, Professor Sorokin, now Chairman of the Department of Sociology at Harvard, is

rell nil equipped for this task. Despite some oversimplification, his hook is a riluable contribution because he stresses lie cultural, institutional, and ethical itaildtlties of the two countries which loia the basis for their post-war co-oper-itjon in building the peace. Especially raluable is his account of the progressive period in Russia, 1861-1917, so little understood in this country, and his em-(Jiasis on the necessity for common values is a prerequisite to a peaceful world.

Dutton $3

Spain, by Salvador de Madariaga. The Civil Warv appears, in this enlarged revision of a well-known study of Spain’s constitutional, economic, and cultural problems, as “a strictly Spanish trent,” the conflict between Leftist and Rightist extremes at the expense of a moderate Center with which the author seeks to align himself. Convinced that the Republicans themselves were primarily responsible for the Republic’s failure and tie War, Madariaga argues that they could have avoided the greatest disaster in modern Spanish history by submitting to the Fascist revolt and permitting the traditional follies of Spanish dictatorship to pave the way for further democratic advance. This new third of the book, essentially a bitter anti-Republican po-ic, lacks the balance and penetration of the older portion, and sounds like a curiously confused and often factually inaccurate hangover from the heyday of non-intervention and appeasement.

Creative Age $%

hradox hie, by Carol Bachc.

The isle of paradox is Japan, where Carol Bachc spent fourteen years as ‘gent of the American Military Intelligence Division. Her keen perception of Ike Japanese character, way of life, and pervasive antagonism to foreigners is cleverly recorded in this dramatic volume, ner varied experiences and impressions, ‘elated with lively penetration and numor, make a fascinating book. The Japanese, she thinks, have changed little

in their suspicious attitude toward us since the days of the first American minister there over eighty years ago. Despite their professed regard for Ambassador Grew, their polite speeches to American visitors, and the response of the common people to the missionaries, the nation as a whole has remained inwardly hostile, and the treacherous attack on Pearl Harbor had been long prepared for. “Paradox Isle” is a revealing and colorful piece of interpretation of a people who, though much indebted to Western culture, remain ethically and politically Oriental, still inscrutable to the Occidental mind.

Knopf $2.50

Peoples of Southeast Asia, by Bruno Lasker.

Under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations, Mr. Lasker has made a thorough and able study of the various aspects of the civilizations of Southeast Asia in terms of their native heritage, the impact of contact with the West, and the conditions essential to future progress after liberation of the region from Japanese domination. Tins book is unusual in that it considers the area as a whole, and only incidentally discusses the character of any one country. Emphasis is upon the complex sociological and economic factors, rather than the romantic folklore and customs which have popularized the region. Mr. Lasker proposes that regional political, economic, and cultural advisory councils be established after this war to aid in the transition to self-government and in the solution of such problems as poverty, poor health, inadequate sanitation and education, and economic nnd social discrimination.  Knopf $3

Romanticism and the Modern Ego, by Jacques Barzun.

Mr. Barzun emphatically disbelieves “that any period has offered men the kind of peace and certainty that the modern ego is clamoring for”; and his conviction is that men of today, instead of desiring classical serenity, would do well to return

(Continued in back advertising pages.) (Continued from front advertising pages.)

to the romanticists’ view of life, which, being founded on the dual nwareness that the world must be remade and “thnt man is both creative and limited, a doer and a sufferer, infinite in spirit and finite in action,” leads to constructive activity inside the aTts and out. His argument is well-organized, but perhaps because of its brevity seems to produce its array of names and facts often by sleight-of-hand. There is a brilliant chapter defending Rousseau against the charge of fascism, Barzun holding that Rousseau’s thinking went beyond that of Hobbes and Ma-chiavelli and showed “the possibility of reconciling government with liberty.” Another chapter discusses the four phases of romanticism—Realism, Impressionism, Symbolism, and Naturalism; and at the end there is an amusing collection of quotations which reflect the unstable modern usage of the word “romantic.”

Little, Brown $2.75


The Way Our People Lived, an Intimate American History, by W. E. Woodward.

Ordinarily, he who reads history must visualize it. In this volume, however, Mr. Woodward has done the visualizing for the reader. He creates characters who, by means of conversations and letter-writing, and with timely assistance from the author, describe the scenes through which they pass. This is an attractive method of presenting social history and it is skillfully done, but such a combination of fact and fiction often leaves the reader uncertain as to where the borderline between the two is supposed to lie. Nevertheless, Mr. Woodward has done his work with reasonable care, and has explored many of the unfrequented by-paths of the American scene.

Button $3.96

Album of American History, Colonial Period. James Truslow Adams, Editor in Chief.

Under the same editorship as the “Dictionary of American History” and

the “Atlas of American History,” this ji the first volume of a companion work which is to cover American history pic. torially. The illustrations are carefully selected, attractively arranged, and accompanied by just enough text to identify and explain them. There is no better way to obtain a vivid impression of American colonial life than by a careful study of this volume. The eighteenth-century setting is fairly familiar to most readers, but the seventeenth is difficult to visualize because its remains are few. This “Album” helps to clarify the scene in man? details, such as the absence of log cabins and the presence of forks among the early English settlers. Scribner’s

The Plain People of the Confederacy^ Bell Irvin Wiley.

The Old South portrayed in this book will be something of a shock to Southerners who feed on memories of the planter-aristocracy. Here we have the Soutb’i bumble folk—black and white—who dwell in cabins and eked out a meagre Hvi hood. More than half of those who wj the grey were tillers of the soil; but autbor’s sampling of 107 muster representing seven states, 28 re] and 9,000 privates, revealed more 100 occupational groups ranging ii apothecaries to wheelwrights, and eluding such astonishing classifications gamblers, rogues, and speculators. The bulk of the Confederacy’s fighting forcf came from non-slavcholding families, erf the author depicts them vividly as til) display both the weaknesses and the virtues of the yeoman society from whid they sprang. This book is strongly recommended to those who wish to get â–  true picture of the Confederacy.

Louisiana $1M

Pills, Petticoats and Plows, by Tho| D. Clark.

“Pills, Petticoats and Plows” i «j history of the Southern country from the fall of the ConfederacfJ 1915. In the ante-bellum South were distributed by cotton factors^



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