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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Autumn 1941

“Here’s a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal/’

« «ttt is either moral disintegration that  to move, these are the only facts I am

I lies ahead or ‘the last full measure of  sure of.” Her historical essay, “Twilight

JLdevotion.’” These are the words  at Monticello,” is the first of her work

with which William Yanoell Elliott  to be published.

closes the article which we have entitled After receiving his M. A. degree from

“A Time for War.” He plaecs the issue  Columbia University, Maxwell Geismar

of our entrance into the war against  held a teaching fellowship at Harvard in

Hitlcrism on moral grounds, exhorting  1983; since then he has been a member

Americans to put an end to the “Hamlet-  of the literoture department at Sarah

like indecision nnd futility of our genera-  Lawrence College. “I’ve been reviewing

tion” and by so doing to achieve “a new  for The Nation and Herald Tribune

security for our souls.” We have given to  Books over the last three or four years,”

this article, written at our special request,  he writes, “but the Hemingway piece will

the position in the Virginia Quarterly  be the first longer job of criticism to be

which we believe the ideas and conclu-  published. The larger manuscript from

sions which it sets forth ought to have in  which it is taken, ‘Writers in Crisis,’

the minds of all Americans today—that  will also be my first critical book. . . .

of first importance.  It is really a great pleasure to be intro-

Mr. Elliott is Chief of the Shipping  duced by the Virginia Quarterly.” “Writ-Imports Section of the Oih’ce of Produc-  ers in Crisis,” for which publication has tion Management and Professor of Gov-  been arranged, will include studies of eminent at Harvard University; at the  King Lardner, Wolfe, Dos Passos, and opening of the academic year he intends  Steinbeck, as well as Hemingway, to “commute” between Cambridge and Charles Edward Eaton, an instruc-Washington, where he is also active as a  tor in English nt the University of Mis-member of the National Business Advisory  souri, contributed the poem “Landscape Council. He is the author of “The  of the Mind” to the Spring issue of the Pragmatic Revolt in Politics,” “The New  Virginia Quarterly. Glenn Ward Diies-British Empire,” and “The Need for  hach is the author of ten volumes of Constitutional Reform.”  verse, the latest of which is “Selected

Denis de Rouoemoxt is a native of  Poems.” Doha Haoemever of California

Switzerland who is at present on a visit  has published a number of volumes of

to this country. Since his arrival here  lyric verse. A new volume of her poems

he has contributed to a number of Amer-  will appear in November. The distin-

ienn magazines. He is the author of  guished poems of Baiiette Deutsch have

half n score of distinguished books, which  often appeared in this nnd other Amerl-

havc been translated into eight languages,  can magazines. “Open House,” the first

The most recent is “Love in the Western  volume of verse by Theodore Roethke

World,” published last year. A forth-  to be published, was reviewed by Ben

coming work, “The Heart of Europe,”  Belitt in our Summer issue; Mr. Roethke

will be published in October. “The Idea  is a teacher of English composition at

of a Federation” was translated from the  Pennsylvania State College. French by Edward M. Mnisel.  A. Whitney Ghihwold is widely recog-

In reply to our request for biographical  nized as an authority on our policy in the

information, Barbara Mayo writes: “I  Far East and his volume, “The Far Eas-

am a native of Mississippi, n graduate of  tern Policy of the United States,” pub-

Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, and  lished in 1988, has gained recognition as

the wife of Bernard Mayo, author of  one of the most profound contributions

‘Henry Clay.’ In the midst of packing up  which have been made to this subject. He

n has published articles on this nnd other topics in most of the outstanding magazines of this country. Notwithstanding all which, he writes: “I do not consider myself an ‘expert’ on foreign policy nor do I aspire to that Delphic company. The war has been too rough on these tripod-sitters, most of whom make the fatal mistake of studying international affairs in the void, completely divorced from the true well-springs of political action which arc national in origin.” Mr. Griswold is Assistant Professor of Government and International Relations at Yale University. Pie is at present engaged in a long term study of agrarian influences on American political and economic theory.

Newspaper correspondent, biographer, novelist, short story writer, and traveler, Helen Auouh has seen and described a large portion of the earth’s surface and the people on it. As special Moscow correspondent for the Chicago Tribune in 1921, she visited the famine region on the Volga and sent out to the world the first news of the tragedy there. Later she was correspondent for the New York Herald in Rome, where she was a witness of the launching of the Fascist regime. “My dispatches were scathing,” she writes us, “but even among the Black-shirts chivalry forbade that a woman— especially one young and blonde—be escorted to the border and given oilo di ricino as a parting gesture. Mussolini himself treated mc as a press colleague, misled but zealous, and called mc ‘La sifjnorina coslante’ for being always at his heels.” Miss Augur, who has scaled Mt. Aetna during an eruption and seen Haiti during its “dark spring revels,” finds Mexico “inexhaustible in small, delightful adventures,” one of which she records in “Festival of the Young Corn.” Among her other published works are “An American Jezebel,” a biography of Anne Hutchinson, and “The Book of Fairs,” a history of trade for young people.

Edwin Bekkv Buiuium, who contributes ” ‘Ulysses’ nnd the Impasse of Individualism,” received his education at Dartmouth, Harvard, and at the University of Illinois, where he studied under Stuart Shcrmnn.

“I still have admiration for his liberal conception of formal university training,” writes Mr. Burgum, “though I have since passed beyond any conception of liberalism he would have subscribed to as a literary critic.” Mr. Burgum has been teaching English nt New York University for the past fifteen years; he is also an editor of Science and Society.

WAnnEN Chappell is a native of Richmond, Virginia. “My practical printing experience was with George Grady at the Strawberry Hill Press, and it was his enthusiasm for the necessity of hand type-cutting which started mc toward the Of-fenbacher Werkstatt where I worked with Rudolph Koch cutting type punches and designing letters.” He states further, however, that his interest “is and always has been drawing, nnd my work in typography and typecutting has always been considered as an allied trade.” He is the designer of the Lydian family of type, Among the books he has illustrated arc editions of “Don Quixote” and “Dr. Dogbody’s Leg,” and Saroyan’s “Fables,” which is to appear this fall.

“To H-ll with H-tl-r” by Gkohoe Dan-GERPiiai) is an essay on the fine art of pamphleteering as well as being a review of seven pamphlets against the German F- -hr-r. Mr. Dangcrficld, a native of England, has been a resident of the United States since 1980. He has worked for a New York publishing house, served as literary editor of Vanity Fair, nnd written three books. The latest of these, “Victoria’s Heir,” a biography of Edward VII, was released at the end of August; it is reviewed in this issue.

Our regular review department begins with n discussion of “The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature,” by Archihald B. Shepperson, editor of the Virginia Quarterly nnd Associate Professor of English at the University of Virginia. “My annals,” writes the distinguished historian, Charles A. Beard, “like those of the poor, nre short nnd simple—and in ‘Who’s Who.’ ” To this invaluable source of informntion we refer the uninformed reader. William Harlan Hale, historian and novelist, is the author of “Challenge to Defeat” and of magazine articles on the subjects or’ strategy nnd defense. Dan S. Norton is instructor in English at the University of Virginia and is a member of the staff of the Virginia Quarterly. Widely known political scientist and author, R. K. Goocii has frequently contributed reviews to the Virginia Quarterly, of which he is an advisory editor. John Temple Graves, II, is a member of the editorial staff of the Birmingham Age-Herald and the writer of a widely circulated editorial column.

Gardiner C. Means, economist and author, resigned from the staff of the Columbia Law School in 1935 to become Economic Adviser on Finance to the Secretary of Agriculture; sinee 1910 lie has been Chief Fiscal Analyst in the Bureau of the Budget, Executive Office of the President. For the past dozen years Bernard Smith has been a member of the staff of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; he is the. author of “Forces in American Crit-

icism” and editor of a forthcoming anthology entitled “The Democratic Spirit.” Oron James Hale, historian, is most recently the author of “Publicity and Diplomacy, 1890-1914,” a study of the relationship between the press and pre-War diplomacy in Europe. A specialist on Southern history and the contemporary South, Frank L. Owsley was one of the contributors to “I’ll Take My Stand,” and more recently to “Who Owns America?” He has often reviewed for this magazine. Graham II. Stuart a few weeks ago returned from a twenty thousand mile trip, visiting the principal republics of South America as a guest of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace—”not on a good will mission but purely one of observation and study,” he writes. Albert Viton was introduced in the Summer issue of the Virginia Quarterly, to which he contributed the article “After Imperialism—What?”


Edited by Archibald Boiling Shepperson William Jay Gold, Managing Editor Advisory Board

John Calvin Metcalf  James Southall Wilson

Garrard Glenn  Hardy C. Dillard

R. K. Gooch  Carroll Mason Sparrow

Ashley G. Davis, Secretary

A National Journal of Literature and Discussion published since 1925 on the fifteenth of March, June, September, and December. Subscription rates: one year, $3.00; two years, $5.00. Canadian and Foreign: one year, $3.50; two years, $6.00. Single copies, 75 cents. Indexed in The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature and in Public Affairs Information Service. Title page and annual index available in November.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by postage for return and addressed to The Editor. The magazine does not assume responsibility for the views expressed by contributors of articles.

All letters relative to advertising and other business matters should be addressed to The Managing Editor.

editorial and publication offices: one west range, charlottesville, virginia


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