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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Spring 1937

Here’s a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal”

“DICTATORSHIP AND PROPERTY” is the I â–  third essay on the structure of the totalitarian state that Calvin B. Hoover has contributed to the Virginia Quarterly. In “Dictators and Democracies,” in the April, 1934, number, and in “The Dictators March,” in the July, 1936, number, Mr. Hoover discussed the Russian, German, and Italian states from the point of view of their political methods and their economic tendencies. “Dictatorship and Property” carries on the discussion with an analysis of the status and control of property in these three states. Mr. Hoover is professor of economics in Duke University. He is the author of “The Economic Life of Soviet Russia” and of “Germany Enters the Third Reich.”

As G. R. elliott remarks in his imaginary speech, “The Anglic Vices,” he has had an opportunity, both in literature and in life, to study the characteristics of the English-speaking peoples. He was educated at the University of Toronto and at the University of Jena. After engaging in journalism for two years, he taught English literature in a number of American universities, and he is now professor of English in Amherst College. He is the author of “The Cycle of Modern Poetry,” and contributed to “Humanism in America.” A volume of essays by Mr. Elliott, “Human Place: A Critique of the Modern Imagination,” will be published this year.

David Cushman Coyi.e is a consulting engineer by profession, and in recent years he has served in an advisory capacity on a number of agencies of the Federal government and written widely in the field of social and economic problems. In “The South’s Unbalanced Budget,” he discusses the deficit economy from which the South, like most other agricultural regions, suffers today. Mr. Coyle is the author of “Brass Tacks” and “Age Without Fear,” the latter being a study of old-age pensions published this spring.

The author of “High Road to Heaven,” James Mc Bride Dabbs, has led a varied life which has included service in the United States army, farming, and teaching. Mr. Dabbs is a native of South Carolina. lie was educated at the University of South Carolina, and later attended Edinburgh University and Columbia University. He has contributed to a number of magazines, and is now engaged on an autobiographical study of his religious development. “High Road to Heaven” is Mr. Dabbs’s first essay to appear in the Virginia Quarterly.

“The Letters of Edwin Arlington Robinson to Daniel Gregory Mason” published in this issue of the Virginia Quarterly continue, and conclude, the first series published in the Winter, 1937, number. The two groups together form, according to Mr. Mason, the editor of the two scries, the most considerable body of Robinson letters that has yet appeared. Mr. Mason met E. A. Robinson in 1898, when the former was assisting in the classes of Barrett Wendell and the latter was working in a magazine office in Cambridge. The letters deal with the years in which Robinson worked with almost no recognition whatever, except from a few friends. “Captain Craig,” the poem whose vicissitudes among the publishers play such an important part in these letters, was finally published in 1902, and thereafter Robinson’s reputation slowly increased. Daniel Gregory Mason is the well-known composer and music critic.

Poetry and prose sketches by Robert P. Tristram Coffin have appeared frequently in the Virginia Quarterly. His “Strange Holiness” won the Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1930, and his latest novel, “John Dawn,” was published last autumn. Poetry by Robert FrancIs has also been published in earlier issues of Ibis magazine. Mr. Francis’s first collection of verse, “Stand With Me Here,” was published last autumn. Dudley wynn’s first magazine essay, “A Liberal Looks The Green-Room at Tradition,” appeared in the January, 1936, issue of the Quarterly. Mr. Wynn has been engaged in the past year on a study of the work of Mary Austin, of which his essay in this issue, “Mary Austin, Woman Alone,” is the result. Mr. Wynn, a native of Texas, now lives in New Mexico.

In the October, 1933, number of the Virginia Quarterly, Lionel Stevenson’s “Romanticism Run to Seed” described the “gin-and-water” critics of the great days of Blackwood’s Magazine: Wilson, Lockhart, and Maginn. “Prude’s Progress” discusses another aspect of the same literary scene: the writers and critics of the early nineteenth century in England who formulated the moral censorship which has since been so closely associated with the label “Victorian.” Mr. Stevenson is professor of English in the Arizona State Teachers College. A biography of Lady Morgan by Mr. Stevenson was published last year in England, under the title “The Wild Irish Girl.”

Kerker Quinn, author of “Blake and the New Age,” is a member of the English faculty of the University of Illinois. He edited the literary quarterly, Direction, and has contributed verse, critical essays, and fiction to a number of periodicals. “Blake and the New Age” is the first essay by Mr. Quinn to appear in this magazine.

Julius W. Friend, who lives in New Orleans, is the coauthor, with James Feibleman, of “Science and the Spirit of Man” and of “The Unlimited Community.” His “Odyssey of the Idea” appeared in the April, 1936, number of the Quarterly. R. P. Blackmur, poet and critic, contributed a critical study of Henry Adams, “The Expense of Greatness,” to the July, 1930, number of the Quarterly. A volume of verse by Mr. Blackmur, “From Jordan’s Delight,” has been recently published. Walter L. Myers is a member of the English faculty of the University of Pittsburgh and the author of “The Later Realism.” Ford K. Brown is professor of English in St. John’s College, The Green-Room Annapolis, and has contributed frequently to the Virginia Quarterly. Charles Frederick Harrold is the author of “Carlyle and German Thought, 1819-1834.” J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton is professor of history in the University of North Carolina. He contributed “The Passing of the Constitution” to the July, 1935, number of the Virginia Quarterly. “Western Lands and the American Revolution” is the title of Thomas Perkins ABernATHy’s latest book, which is announced for publication this spring. He is also the author of “From Frontier to Plantation in Tennessee.” Eugene M. Kayden is professor of economics in the University of the South.


Edited by LAMBERT DAVIS Advisory Editors

Stringpellow Barr  John Calvin Metcaw

Garrard Glenn  Carroll Mason Sparrow

James Southall Wilson

The Virginia Quarterly Review is published at the University of Virginia: in April, July, October, and J[anuary. Subscription rates: $3.00 the year. Canadian, $3.25; Foreign, $3.50. Single copies, 75 cents.

Contributions must be accompanied by postage for return and addressed to The Editor op the Virginia Quarterly Review, 1 West Range, University, Virginia. The University of Virginia and the Editors do not assume responsibility for the views expressed by contributors of articles.

All letters relative to advertising and other business matters should be addressed to The Business Manager.



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