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The Green-Room

ISSUE:  Spring 1944

When D. W. Bhogan agreed to write an article on France for the Virginia Quarterly Review, he wrote the editors: “I have, as you know, views about the French question and its relation with the United States, but I shall try to do it as objectively as possible.”

Mk. Brogan is well qualified to interpret France to the United States and England—and these latter countries to each other and to France in turn. A Scot by birth, he was educated at Glasgow University and Ballioi College, Oxford. He taught American Government at the London School of Economics and was later Professor of Political Science at Cambridge. Currently, he is working with the BBC in London and interested in learning what the American public thinks of British radio broadcasting. He is the author of a number of keen analyses, including “The American Political System,” 1933; “Abraham Lincoln,” 1935; “The Development of Modern France, 1870-1989,” 1940; “Is Innocence Enough?”; and “Polities and Law in the United States,” 1941. Mis most recent book, “The English People: Impressions and Observations,” was published last year. An earlier contribution to the Virginia Quarterly, “Recipe for Conservatives,” appeared in the Summer, 1937, issue.

Two views on a subject of great moment, how to maintain peace after this war, are presented in this issue. One of these, “With Power to Preserve the Peace,” is written by a Canadian, Lionel Gelber. Mn. Gelbeii is the author of “Peace by Power,” 1942, which appeared in separate editions in the United States, Canada, and England, of “The Rise of Anglo-American Friendship,” 1938, and of several war pamphlets.

Mn. Gelder was educated at Upper Canada College, the University of Toronto, and at Ballioi College, Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. At the University of Toronto, where he has been a

lecturer in the Department of he taught International Relations. ‘%{ Power to Preserve the Peace” is his contribution to the Virginia Quarterly.

In “Should the United States Join „ Alliance?,” Louis Fischeii answers tin question posed in the title. A writer and journalist, he has lived in and analysed many countries and their peoples, will special emphasis on studies of the Soviet Republics and of European politics, Mi Fischer is the author of numerous boolu, including “The Soviets in World ArTairj” 1930, “Machines and Men in Russia,” 1932, “The War in Spain,” 1937, and ti autobiography, “Men and Politics,” His most recent work is “Empire,” which his just been published.

Nik a Standen, who wrote—and ate— “A Meal in Anacapri,” has lived in manj places in Europe and America, “I ra born in Rome,” she writes us, “and went to Convent School there, the kind whtr< you take your weekly batli in a vhiti shirt and wash as well as you con, tiro proving that cleanliness and godliness have no direct connection. Later on 1 went to finishing schools in Switzerland Germany, and England. College was tbe London School of Economics.” Mm Standen has been a reporter in Gcnevi. London, and Germany; a travellerinSoiitl America; a researcher for Fortune; anJi is currently a housewife in Annapolis.

A distinguished Irish man of letter*. Sean O’Faoi.ain was first introduced li readers of the Virginia Quarterly in 1921 through the medium of an essay on “Tin Cruelty and Beauty of Words.” Sin « that time his work has often appeared.

Mr. O’Faolain’s latest books tools* “The Great O’Neill,” 1942, and “Ai Irish Journey,” which appeared abrtd in 1940 but has only recently been lishcd in this country.

Andrew Glaze, born in Alabama,’ graduate of Harvard, is a communication officer in the Army Air Force. “An h> eatitation against Ghosts” is his first poe*

OCiVOS to appear in the Virginia Quarterly. For over a year Frederick Ebiugut, author of “Chorus for Unsung Heroes/’ lias been serving with the Finance Department of the Air Forces in the Aleutian area. A short story by hira will appear this spring in “Cross Section,” an anthology ‘of the work of contemporary experimental writers edited by Edwin Seaver. Humphrey F. Noyes, a graduate of Yale, has also studied in Geneva as a mera-her of the Students’ International Union Seminar, and worked as a lumber jack. He is now an aerial torpedoman in the Naval Reserve. “So Many Lovers” is his first contribution to the Virginia Quarterly.

In the spring of 1942 Hayden Norwood went to Asheville “having time and money enough to stay a month.” “In all that month of April,” he writes, “Thomas Wolfe’s mother never wearied or slackened for a moment. We sat in the austere old parlor before a crackling coke blaze in the fireplace, and the dead Wolfcs looked down upon us from their photographs. I was particularly awed by Mr. Wolfe’s pale, cold stare. Often we sat in the sun-parlor, littered with articles from the past, and she talked while I I” Id in my hands pages scrawled in Thcmas Wolfe’s own script.

“One Sunday we went out to a restau-< rant for dinner. The soup crackers that were left she carefully deposited in her purse, and we departed to spend the afternoon in the countryside of her childhood in search of the unmarked resting place of a brother of hers who had died in infancy. She wanted to get the forgotten child a stone to rescue him from oblivion. We didn’t find the grave, but she talked on and on, causing me to marvel all over again how much Thomas Wolfe owed to his mother, and once she had me stop the automobile so she could get out and dig rome dandelion greens, which she tucked iato her purse with the soda crackers and some war bonds.”

Mr. Norwood is a native of Rhode Island, a graduate of Cornell, and at present on the staff of the Lehigh University Library. This is his first contribution to tin Virginia Quarterly.

In commenting on recent developmenti abroad, Albert Guerakd writes, “Tht Soviet-Czechoslovak pact and the recent puzzling move giving diplomatic autonomy to the sixteen republics do not invalidate my thesis. I do not claim to know whal Stalin has in mind. I do not believe in the consistency and inerrancy of Stalin, I believe that if Europe did form a democratic Union, friendly to Russia, he wool accept the situation. There is no rea why the fate of Europe should be decld in Moscow—or in Washington either,’!

Since 1934 Mr. Guerard has been frequent contributor to the Virgr/ Quarterly. “Frontiers of the So World” represents one phase of his rent analyses of Europe’s future.

In the Winter issue of the Virglnlt; Quarterly Lloyd Mallan wrote on ” gentina: Postwar Threat to the Am icas.” In this issue he carries his stu of forces at work in South America Is another country, and in “Bolivia: Revol and Countcrrevolt” analyzes the reason! back of the Bolivian revolution.

Mn. Mallan has been a foreign correspondent for the Argentine newspaper, Argentina Libre, and a research assistant in the Division of Intellectual Co-operation of the Pan-American Union. He is now Literary Editor of the Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America. He is working on a book dealing with two factors, in particular: the growth of I New World Fascism and the development of cartels in South America.

Ernest K. Lindley, nationally known columnist and chief of the Washington bureau of Newsweek, has a point ojj vantage in surveying the growth and effectfl of Lend-lease. Author of numerous booij and magazine articles on political figurjjj and the political scene, Mr. Lindlbvdi|J frequently contributed significant artlcffl to the Virginia Quarterly Review, nl eluding “Cutting Democracy’s Budget! (Spring, 1940), “The New Deal $m 1940” (Summer, 1939), and “Agei* for a Second Term” (Winter, 1936). ]â– 

Josef Hanc is Director of the CzeaH slovak Economic Service in this countâ„¢ He has taught at the Fletcher School â– 

xecoeii Law and Diplomacy in Boston and was  One of these, “French Canada: A Feudal

formerly Czech Consul in New York.  State,” appeared in the Spring, 1941,(5.

F. II. Michael taught nt the National  sue of the Virginia Quarterly Review

Chekiang University in China for five  Information in another article, dealing

years, until 1938. During 1937 and 1938  with the aluminum industry and the Ship,

he went with the University on the march  saw power deal in Quebec has recently

inland to escape the Japanese advance,  been used as the basis of one of the main

From 1939 to 1942 Mr. Michael was Re-  issues in Canadian political life today,

search Associate at tbe Walter Hincs  Strinoeellow Barr, a former editor of

Page School of International Relations  the Virginia Quarterly Review, has been

at Johns Hopkins University. At present  president of St. John’s College since 1937,

he is acting Chairman of the Far Eastern  John Calvin Metcalk is an advisory

Department at the University of Wash-  editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review,

ington in Seattle. He is the author of  Charles T. Harrison is professor of Eng.

the “Origin of Manchu Rule in China.”  lish at the College of William and Mary,

Burton LeDoux, a native American of  James Southall Wilson lectures on the

French-Canadian ancestry, is the author  novel at the University of Virginia. He

of numerous articles on American rcla-  was the founding editor of the Virginia

Hons and on French-Canadian culture.  Quarterly Review.


Charlotte Ko/ikr, Managing Editor

Advisory Editors

James Southall Wilson  John Calvin Metcalf

Garrard Glenn  Thomas Perkins Abernethy

In the national service Archibald Bollino Siiepperson  Hardy C. Dillard

R. K. Gooch  FnANK A. Gkldard


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Ashley G. Davis, Secretary

Distir credit ud I tral Depa (tour ithlel luptr The value lo If Iter ttry

A NationnI Journal of Literature and Discussion published since 1925 on the fifteenth of March, June, September, and December. Subscription rates: oneye «i|^— $8.00; two years, $5.00, Canadian and Foreign: one year, $3.50; two years,!”” Single copies, 75 cents. Indexed in The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literolvt and in Public Affairs Information Service, Title page and annual index available in November.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by postage for return and addressed to Tbe Editor. The magazine docs not assume responsibility for the views expressed bj contributors of articles.

All letters relative to advertising and other business matters should be ti’ dressed to The Managing Editor.

editorial and publication offices: one west range, charlottesville, VM0M


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