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Notes on Current Books

ISSUE:  Summer 1943

New Books from


Action. Saint-Exupery met the little nrince, he says, in the desert where he lift made a forced landing. There he heard of the planet on which the little .1 orjnce lived, with its three volcanos (one extinct), which he cleaned out every day, and the vain flower that he tended with love. He learned of the planets that the little prince had visited before he reached the earth, of the yellow snake and its riddles, of the fox that longed to- be lamed. He learned, too, the wisdom of the fox and the little prince—”the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart „,” And that, perhaps, is his maxim for a well-ordered planet.

Reynal cf Hitchcock $2


The American Spirit, by Charles A. and Mary R. Beard.

This fourth volume in the series, “The Rise of American Civilization,” by the Beards, is an attempt to arrive at the meaning of “civilization” in the United States as set forth in books, articles, and speeches by eminent Americans and others. From Thomas Paine and de Toc-queville to Henry Adams and John Dewey the political and philosophical implications of democracy in this country are explored. By their interpretations of hundreds of opinions, liberally quoted and commented upon, the authors of “The American Spirit” seek to discover what is that spirit today. The intellectual and moral qualities inherent in the word “civilization” as repeatedly used in written and spoken statements are deduced by an illuminating analysis. It is shown how the thoughts of our statesmen, philosophers, and literary and social historians have gradually developed from provincial interest to I world-wide concern. Statesmen like Jef-| ferson and John Quincy Adams, in the earlier period, and Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the Inter, are quoted to illustrate our increasing understanding of and participation in international movements and to make clear our purposes and programs as a nation. Thus the authors of “The Rise of American | Civilization” conclude that it has been a I steady and systematic development. The tendency to attain “a world mission under aims is revealed in our advocacy of



Reiuhold Niehnhr: “A very profound analysis of the history of our lime. It ought to have a wide reading for it will certainly help America to understand the meaning of the struggle we arc in.”

Dorothy Can field Fisher: “I have read it with care, and fully appreciate its depth and philosophic interpretation of the great catastrophe of our times . . . I think the book a fine one, provocative, stimulating, and wise.”

Samuel McCrea Cavert: “A most fascinating and stimulating book. It is one of the best interpretations of the struggle against Nazism that I have ever seen.”

Maurice Mandlebaum: “. . far and away the best book of its kind . . . the clearest, soundest, and most penetrating.”

George IS. Shusler: “A very sensitive intelligent book.” $2.50



An introduction to the life and works of the Reverend Laurence Sterne. $3.00



The part played by the English clergy in developing the concept of British imperialism. $2.00


By ERV1N HEXNER. $6.00



The University of North Carolina Press

CHAPIl Hill n. c.

loci world democracy in two great wars. The conclusion is that the American idea of civilization has as its chief aim social betterment, “expressed in the endless becoming and persistence of life—life ever engaged in a struggle for a decent and wholesome existence against the forces of barbarism and pessimism wrestling for the possession of the human spirit.” This culminating volume in the study of Americanism is a thoughtful and brilliant exposition of the political, spiritual, and social forces that have determined the American way of life in theory and practice.  Macmillan $6

A New Constitution Now, by Henry Hazlitt.

For any American genuinely interested in making his national government reflect his will and opinion more closely than it now does, this book is indispensable reading. Inspired chiefly by Bagchot, Bryce, and Laski, it is a clear primer of argument for abandoning presidential government in favor of a cabinet system somewhat after the English method. The reader is shown explicitly how such a change in the executive and legislative branches would make for greater political democracy. Realistically aware that sweeping changes may not at once find wide support, Mr. Hazlitt suggests that we can at least start at once with a series of minor reforms. For these, too, he makes an excellent case.

Whittlesey House $2.50

The Age of Enterprise, by Thomas C. Cochran and William Miller.

The history of the growth of American industry and business has attracted many writers, but few have succeeded as well as Messrs. Cochran and Miller in writing a book that is both authoritative and entertaining. Based upon a survey of the chief scholarly monographs, “The Age of Enterprise” views American industry and business in a comprehensive sweep from its inception to the present time. The authors do not confine themselves to a mere history of the development of business, but go beyond in stimulating discus-

sion of the influence of industrialisatiori upon American culture and political life,

Macmillan ft

Pioneer to the Past, by Charles Breasted, The first person to hold a chair of Egyptology in this country was James Henry Breasted of the University of Chicago, whom his son aptly calls “Pfo. ncer to the Past.” More than forty yearj of Professor Breastcd’s busy life were devoted with singular consecration to exploring, deciphering, and interpreting Egyptian and other Oriental remains. A great linguist, he was familiar with the languages, ancient and modern, of the1 j peoples among whom his archaeological labors were carried on. He raised large sums of money for numerous expeditions to the Nile Valley, old Mesopotamia, and Palestine, and also for endowing a museum in his own university and in Jerusalem. He was present twenty years ago at that thrilling event, the excavation of Tutank-amen’s tomb. In the last decade of his fruitful life Breasted wistfully remarked to his son: “A man like me ought to hare nine lives and the strength of Goliath.” Into his own life of seventy years, indeed, he crowded work enough as explorer, teacher, and author for several lifetimes. To this Illinois country boy came recognition from famous European scholars and universities as America’s foremost Orientalist. Through all the honors, detractions, praise, and indifference that cheered and chilled him, Breasted maintained a fine humanity tempered by the scholar’s humility. Much of his son’s biography consists of extracts from the journal which the elder Breasted regularly kept through his years of Oriental travel and exploration. This journal is both a record and a commentary, a valuable document for future historians of America’s contribution toward unveiling the hidden life of the mystic East. His son’s biography is a fascinating picture of a great scholar and humanist, presented in a style of lucidity and distinction.  ’  Scribner’s $3,60

Georqe Washington Carver, by Rackham Holt!

Few live.s have been as worth recording

Jaeii js that 01* George Washington Carver, scientific wizard of Tuskegee. Born of I slave patents, stolen in infancy, rescued 11. „ yndly Missouri family, working his »ay through school and college in Kansas and Iowa, Carver finally became a teacher at Tuskegee Institute where he spent forty-seven years. He early became known as “the plant doctor” because of his curative skill with various species of diseased or stunted flora. He freely applied his wide knowledge of chemistry to the discovery and development of agricultural products for the common good. All the world now knows of his three hundred derivatives from the peanut and more than a hundred from the sweet potato. He was, moreover, a discoverer of dyes from Alabama clays and plants and vras himself a successful painter of trees and flowers. Dr. Carver worked with no thought of financial reward, spending his time and strength for the benefit of all, living frugally and dressing more like a beggar than a famous scientist. His humility was as noteworthy as his devotion to his task. “Never in his life,” says Mrs. Holt, “did he discuss the race question publicly. He was a thinker, not a lighter—a laboratory scientist, not a sociologist, and he realized that if once he should become involved in controversy he would have no time for his work.” When lie appeared by request before Congressional committees and other groups his modesty, his great knowledge, and his sense of humor won admiration; thoso who came to scoff remained to applaud. From Negro cabin to fellowship in the Royal Society of England and international acclaim is a progress rare, perhaps unique, in race history. Without being dramatic, Dr. Carver’s life was a series of quiet triumphs in applied science. He early found out his work and stuck to it wjth singular consecration to the end. This biography, vividly written, though somewhat uneven in style, stresses the personal qualities of Carver; a later one should deal more fully with the teacher »nd the scientist. Doubleday, Doran $3,60

Sunrite in the South, by Walter Russell Bowie.

The title of this book refers to the educational renaissance in certain Southern states in the earlier years of the century.

Two Recent Books

from the Vanderhilt University Press

RufusWilmot Griswold: Poe’s Literary Executor


New light on a dominant literary figure. The first full-length study of this colorful character and his various literary controversies in the second third of the nineteenth century.

320 pages $3.50

Planning for the South:

An Inquiry into the Economics of Regionalism


An economist appraises the South in terms of regional differences. An able and timely analysis.

256 pages $2.75

Vanderbilt University Press


iiiiiiiiiiiiii .iiiihiiii ri’iiiiinniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiin I in. . .. . .. . ..imiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LuiTrmrmmr One of the leading spirits of this revival, particularly in Virginia, was Mary Cooke Branch Munford (Mrs. B. B. Munford) of Richmond, to whom this brief biography by her kinsman, Dr. W. Russell Bowie of Union Theological Seminary, New York, is a tribute. This brilliant, public-spirited woman spent many years in unselfish service in behalf of education in her native state. Born of an old Southern family of social position and wealth, she chose to devote her energies to arousing interest in the public schools, white and colored, through organized effort. The Co-operative Education Association of Virginia, of which she was for many years president, is one monument to her far-sighted abilities; in her later years she was a member of the Board of Visitors of William and Mary College and the University of Virginia. All Mrs. Mun-ford’s various activities, including her almost successful fight for a co-ordinate college for women at the University of Virginia, Dr. Bowie sympathetically discusses. His little book is a clearly-drawn portrait of a women who was endowed with rare qualities of head and heart.

The William Byrd Press $1.50

Morgan and His Raiders, by Cecil Fletcher Holland.

Exploiting a wealth of new material, the author has written an entertaining, penetrating biography of the Blue Grass woolen manufacturer who within fourteen months became a brigadier-general and one of the South’s most dreaded raiders. He shared the romance and glamor that attraches to Jeb Stuart and Stonewall Jackson. One of his troopers said that in time of peril he never once thought of trusting in God, but relied wholly on the skill and wisdom of Morgan. .Throughout the book the guerilla fighter and his men move against a background of war in rowdy, exciting procession.

Macmillan $8.50

With Sherman to the Sea, by Theodore F. Upson. Edited by Oscar Osburn Win-ther.

This journal of a simple Indiana farm boy, who at seventeen became a scout in

Sherman’s army, gives a realistic picture I of war as experienced by the men in tin ranks. The reader —  at least the Southern reader—will not be unduly exercised over the “great shock, hunger, and pain” undergone by the writer, in view of tht death and desolation inflicted in their sweep through the South, where, as Upson boasted, they left “nothing but the ground.” His attitude toward the Negro is interesting. He was aghast at the prospect of being offered a commission In a Negro regiment, stating that he would rather be a private among his comradei than a captain among the blacks. His fellow-soldiers shared his views, insisting that the struggle was “a white man’s war.”


Confederate Mississippi, by John K. Betters worth.

Beginning with the Secession Convention, the author presents a well written, properly documented story of Mississippi during the war years. The concluding chapters dealing with the impact of war on the cultural, social, and economic life of the state are a distinct contribution, Throughout the upheaval many public and private schools continued to function; books were bought and read—there being, for instance, several Confederate editions of “Lcs Miserables”—; but the havoc of war finally stopped all advance in the arts and sciences as well as in industry. This book goes far toward explaining why, in some quarters, the South is considered to be the “problem child” of the nation.  Louisiana, $$


American Opinion and the War, by Archibald MacLeish.

Mr. MacLcish’s Rede Lecture, delivered at the University of Cambridge in July, 1912, is reprinted in this booklet. His address is an affirmation that this is the people’s war and that the people of Britain and America have seen the war as a cause for liberty and humanity. 1” I America the isolationists have tried to dc- I stroy and obscure this fact. He is firm in his conviction that the people will not ujjt a mere termination of hostilities but will firmly stand behind Roosevelt and Churchill in their determination to make (his the century of the common man.

Macmillan $0.76

]’t Can Win This War, by Colonel W. F. Kernan.

The title of this book is ambiguous in that it can run the gamut from doubt to smugness, depending on the word chosen for emphasis; but there is no ambiguity in the book itself. To win this war, Colonel Kernan states bluntly, “we must abandon the method of ‘whittle’ and take up wholeheartedly the method of ‘punch.’” But besides a revolution in strategy, another revolution must be accomplished — a revolution within ourselves, based on a recognition of the fact that “there exists an intimate and indissoluble bond between Democracy and Christianity . . .” and that “to win this

Iwar the Cross must be placed once more in our hearts and the classic strategy returned to our battlefields.”

Little, Brown $1.50

1 Saw the Fall of the Philippines, by Colonel Carlos P. Romulo.

Colonel Romulo’s book is not only a record of his hair raising experiences on Bataan and Corregidor, but also a commentary on the whole system of western imperialism written from the point of view of a cultured Filipino patriot. In the months before the attack on Pearl Harbor he travelled about the East and was saddened by the disrespect of Europeans for the natives and the hostility of the native toward the Europeans. The Filipinos were an exception because they had been promised freedom and had faith in the promises of America. It is not an entirely favorable account of America’s war effort in the Philippines, as the deletions made by the War Department indicate, but it is a fair and intelligent summary of a trying time for his country.

Doubleday Doran $8

Guadalcanal Diary, by Richard Tregaskis.

This day-to-day account of the first few months of the Guadalcanal campaign well compensates in realism and sincerity for what it lacks in literary grace. Mr. Tregaskis hns given an account of the




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hvv jungle fighting much as it must have appeared to the soldier, confused and disorganized, with an elusive and dangerous enemy. Wisely he has concentrated on the men and their reaction, leaving aside the questions of strategy and tactics.

Random House $2.50

Into the Valley, by John Hersey.

This account of a short and unsuccessful (in the sense of gaining the immediate objective) skirmish in a valley on Guadalcanal well deserves the acclaim with which it has been greeted. Hersey records with truth and sincerity—and yet with discretion—what it was like to go down into that jungle valley, to meet the enemy there, not in open battle, but in a trap, and to withdraw again. There is great skill in the apparently simple way in which he presents the situation, the men, and what happened. Knopf $2

They Came as Friends, by Tor Myklebost Translated by Trygve M. Ager.

An authentic resume of the Nazi conquest of Norway shows how the subtle plans for friendly nazification fail under Quisling and his kind and arc replaced by stronger measures—terror and force—under Heydrich. Tor Myklebost is a journalist and in vivid, timely episodes he pictures the smoldering Norwegian hatred as it develops into an organized resistance—resolute and determined.

Doubleday, Doran $2.50

A Surgeon’s Fight to Rebuild Men, bv Dr. Fred H. Albee.

This autobiography of a great American surgeon is an intensely interesting record of extraordinary achievement. Dr. Albee, eminent specialist in bone plastic surgery, wholly or partly restored six thousand soldiers and sailors in the first World War and has, during his professional career, performed thirty thousand operations. Decorated by sixteen countries, where he has wrought miracles of restoration besides lecturing before scientific bodies, he continues his work at his great New Jersey hospital. As a small boy in Maine the future surgeon watched an uncle graft apple-trees and this observation stood him in good

stead later in the practice of bone graft, ing. He invented a “bone-mill” by which broken or injured legs and arms can be built back into normal condition, And he demonstrates that men crippled in industry or unfit for military service may be reclaimed by plastic surgery. While war and machinery are wrecking the human anatomy, here is one reconstructive agency that emphasizes at once the beneficence of modern surgery and the tragic wastefulness of war. The “Fight to Rebuild Men” is a tribute to human ingenuity working to conserve life against the devastating forces of our once-boasted civilization.  Dutton $8M0

Miracles of Military Medicine, by Albert Q. Maisel.

This is a very good book on three counts. Its information appears to be strictly accurate, although Mr. Maisel is not himself a physician. Its simple, lucid, and logical exposition makes extremely interesting reading. It provides a convincing demonstration that technical material can be made fascinating without resort to the pyrotechnic rhetoric of a de Kruif; indeed, if the descriptions that open each chapter were more concise, the book might be a model for those who would make knowledge available to the millions. Duel!, Sloan «$ Pearce $2.15

Flying Men and Medicine, by E. Osmun Barr, M. D.

This is the first book on medicine and aviation for prospective flyers and laymen interested in this increasingly important war activity. Its author, Dr. Barr, earned his wings as a pilot during the first World War and was an instructor in aviation, and is consequently able to speak as an expert on the medical needs of both military and civilian flyers. The technique of aviation and medical treatment of wounded aviators in preventive and curative aspects are discussed in non-technical language. Dr, Barr is ft distinguished alumnus of the University of Virginia who has been honored by various scientific societies for his numerous publications in surgery and anthropology. This latest book of his is highly


pr fi



lorn jded by officials in the United jtates Chemical War service and Medial Corps. The volume should be of interest to the general reader as well as h those directly involved in aviation.

Funk <$ Wagnalls $2.50

jjr0Wnstone Eclogues and Other Poems, |>y Conrad Aiken.

The stream of Conrad Aiken’s never tomplacent talent takes yet another turn-in this latest volume of his distin-8„.Jed poetry. He has chosen a series }f realistically studied aspects of life in I large city for the subjects of his so-tallcd eclogues, whose stanzaic form is in unusual but curiously effective quanta, There are occasional passages jhich felicitously recapture the haunting, very lyrical cadences which marked (is earlier verse, and there are also a somber of poems reminiscent of his formerly characteristic sense of mystical (lustration and spiritual isolation; but pervading the whole is not only a new preoccupation with concrete imagery and littily manipulated language, but also a new profundity, a broadened acceptance ind understanding of life.

Duell, Sloan % Pearce $2

Mm Maria Rillce. Poems, translated ly Jessie Lemont.

Miss Lemont has lavished many years in translating the poems of the most powerful and the most elusive of modern German poets. Her translations have achieved an unusual perfection in recap-nring the loveliness, fragility, and mysti-al atmosphere of Rilke’s work. Since ler theory of translation docs not involve literal transcription, Miss Lemont has occasionally refined and condensed Rilke’s Itought to the point of complete obscurity. Fortunately, this occurs rarely.

Columbia $8

American Idealism, by Floyd Stovall. “American philosophy has been domi- » «ntly Idealistic from the beginning,” Mr. Stovall holds; and he has written a surety of the history of American literature i » terms of a study of its idealism. There

(Continued in back advertising pages.)


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hvvii (Continued from front advertising pages.)

are special studies of Emerson, Whitman, Robinson, and Frost, and especial essays on contemporary fiction and poetry. The author writes entertainingly and develops some interesting thoughts. For example, he finds both Poe and Emerson “searching for perfection through ways transcendental.” “Emerson turned to ‘reason* for guidance, Poe to the “imagination.” And, says Mr. Stovall, they both meant “the intuitive sense.”

Oklahoma $2.76

Anglo-American Literary Relations, by George Stuart Gordon.

Published posthumously under the editorship of R. W. Chapman, this series of slightly fragmentary lectures constitutes one of the h.ost sympathetic and revealing modern English treatments of Anglo-American literary associations. Gordon surveys the relationship during the rise of American literature, in terms of authors’ correspondence, and in the bitter copyright controversy.  Oxford $1.60

Conrad and His Contemporaries, by J. H. Rctingcr.

J. H. Rctingcr is a Pole who for a period in Conrad’s life saw the great novelist at his home on terms of intimacy. He traveled with him to Poland in the momentous summer of 1914. This is not a biography and not a literary study: it is rather a footnote on the man. Conrad as a younger man saw him. The personality of Rctingcr is almost as prominent as that of Ford Madox Ford was in his portrait study of Conrad. It is an interesting book to read, sketchy and personal, and giving some information about Conrad that has value. Roy Publishers $2.60


The Fighting South, by John Temple Graves.

The belligerent spirit of the South before World War II began and its eagerness to join Britain in the fight for democracy, the extent and significance of renewed agitation on the race question, the persistence of the “aristocratic tradi-

tion,” and the economic outlook in the South—these are a few of the matters considered in this entertaining book by the well-known Southern journalist. Mr. Graves writes out of a varied experience as contributor to American magazines and newspapers and as lecturer in various parts of the country. Much autobiographical material makes personal and even intimate several chapters of sentimental recollection, philosophizing, and industrial comment. A chapter on the “aristocratic tradition” and one on “woman Is pleasing” treat favorite old romantic themes in discriminating modern fashion.

The chapter entitled “Far Tight” is an admirable little lecture on chivalry in the South, romantic and practical. In Southern tradition and present thinking the author finds “robust qualities outnumbering the decadent, hope stronger than despair, and certain persistent ideals of living which, even though unsoundly based or without base at all, are proper ideals for all people at all times.” A refreshingly sane and hopeful volume for reading in these critical times. Putnam $2.15

Evolution: ‘The Modern Synthesis, by Julian Huxley.

While Mr. Huxley’s book is primarily intended for the specialist, and consequently contains much technical matter, it will no doubt appeal to a wider public, not only because of the weight of the author’s name, but also because of his ability to state clearly and concisely the chief problems involved. It is a comprehensive survey and synthesis of the evidence and theories underlying the modern concept of evolution, and reaffirms the validity of Darwin’s theory of natural selection as the most significant factor in the evolutionary process. The last chapter con-’ tains a provocative discussion of future evolutionary trends.  Harper $5

The Value Doctrine of Karl Marx, by Albert G. A. Balz.

In this essay Professor Balz contends that in his analysis of value Marx assumed an Aristotelian point of view, and (hat in nis fauurcto recognize fully the consequences of his own analysis, he reveals his philosophical inadequacy.

King’s Crown Press $1

facts on File Yearbook: 19)$, edited by R. I. Lapica.

Published with a Foreword by Hendrik Willcm Van Loon, this Yearbook, with its comprehensive Annual Index, provides a handy chronological news record of the year’s events. The important facts in each week’s news are grouped concisely under headings such as World War II, UationnI Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and so-forth, and reference to any given fact is made easy through clear and comprehensive indexing.

Person’s Index, Facts on File, Inc. $20

Southern Harvest, by Clare Leighton.

This book, according to the author, is her endeavor to push her roots deep into America and to establish her kinship here. So she pictures the South, in words and in wood-engravings, as she found it— strange, and yet strangely familiar in many ways. One may wish for more engravings like those of the cotton pickers, the hog killing, the water mill and the sorghum mill, of spring flowers, of houses, and of people; for while Miss Leighton’s prose is sensitive and clear, it cannot equal the distinction of her drawings.

Macmillan $81)0

Good Neighbours, by Walter Rose.

Anyone who reads this book will learn a great deal, not only about life in an English village fifty years ago and the people who worked and plnycd and died there, but also about the qualities bred in the bone of these people that still serve their descendants well. The English village that Mr. Rose records has changed with the years, and will change again; but in his book we have a memorable account of the village crafts and craftsmen, of work on the land, of market day, of customs as old as the village and as full of life. Reminiscences of this kind are frequently over-roseate and sentimental. Not the least virtue of Mr. Rose’s book is its complete freedom from these weaknesses. Macmillan-Cambridge $2.76

In the past two years

The Virginia Quarterly Review

printed the work of such men as:

Herbert Agar

Hanson W. Baldwin

Carlcton Beals

Carl Becker

Claude G. Bowers

Herschcl Brickell

Bernard Brodie

Gilbert Chinard

Walter Van Tilburg Clark

Avery Craven

Bruce Crawford

Donald Davidson

J. Alvarez del Vayo

Peter F. Drucker

William Yaudell Elliott

Robert Frost

Maxwell Gcisniar

John Temple Graves

Albert Guerard

Hans Habe

Julian Huxley

Robinson Jcffcrs

Joachim Joestcn

Gerald W. Johnson

Alfred Kazin

W. F. Kernan

Max I.enicr

Robert Morss I.ovett

Dumas Malone

Thomas Mann

Karl Menninger

Theodore Morrison

Sean O’Faolain

William Schack

Mark Schorer

Wallace Stcgner

Philip Van Doren Stern

Albert Viton

Robert Penn Warren

Dixon Wecter

The articles in this magazine are chosen for permanent value as well as for immediate interest. You will not want to miss future issues.

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