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Fishing for blue shark near Baja California.

An Ocean Apart

Can two forces threatening the sustainability of sharks—the fishermen of Mexico and consumers in China—help the fish survive?

Cod World

"Did you see the northern lights last night?" Captain Geiry asks. He smiles and tosses up his right hand, which is gloved by red insulated rubber, then shakes his head. "They were . . . amazing."

Rough Seas: Senegal’s Threatened Fisheries

In the late afternoon, the Soumbe-dioune Market in Dakar is mostly empty—populated by women rolling peanuts into bags as snacks, a few people brewing up vats of Cafe Touba (a spiced and sugary coffee), and others wiping down their cleaning stations in anticipation of the evening ahead. But when the sun starts to set on the Atlantic Ocean, the market comes alive.