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Jimmy, Jesus and the Japanese Beetles

The five kids, their parents, the grandmother and Jesus sit down to dinner. Pink, dry flakes of canned salmon lie on the plastic plates like eczema. New burns, from the day's ironing rise like small roses on the grandmother's wrists. Because they h [...]

Buying Wine

When we were boys, we had a choice: stay in the car or else follow him into Wine Mart, that cavernous retail barn, down aisle after aisle, California reds to Australian blends to French dessert wines, past bins loaded like bat racks with bottles, [...]

Night Story: Window …

Last night, Jimmy was still alive. Thin as a kid in his soft green robe. Everyone happy to help. I figured he'd made it onto the new medicine in time. You were cooking a big pot of shrimp for friends and nurses. Our friend Kishio had just drawn the J [...]

Eight Bucolics

what color is your collar Boss
is your backbone sore from bending over
when you clap your hand against your thigh
does a little cloud of dust fly off


We are the oldest people in line waiting to pet a baby sand shark. Hundreds of children pat the baby on the back, avoid extra splashing. But when it's our turn, I pause. The guide says just rub in one direction or you might get burned from the [...]
