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Anne Helen Petersen

Anne Helen Petersen received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, where she wrote her dissertation on the industrial history of celebrity gossip. She is a member of the media studies faculty at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. She writes the “Scandals of Classic Hollywood” column for The Hairpin and blogs semi-regularly at Celebrity Gossip, Academic Style.


Pre-Christmas Media Consumption List

December 10, 2013 | Editor's Desk

This is no “Best Of” List. It’s no Top Ten. Rather, it’s a highly subjective list of the most compelling media objects, broadly defined, that I’ve encountered and endorse in my capacity as a media studies professor-doctor of celebrity gos [...]

Summer Media Consumption List

September 4, 2013 | Articles

This is no “Best Of” List. It’s no Top Ten. Rather, it’s a highly subjective list of the most compelling media objects, broadly defined, that I’ve encountered and endorse in my capacity as a media studies professor-doctor of celebrity gos [...]

Spring Media Consumption List

April 16, 2013 | Criticism

ALL OVER THE INTERNET Recycled Movie Costumes: The costume from Downton Abbey that looks curiously familiar? This Tumblr will tell you where you've seen it before. Guaranteed to suck away at least thirty minutes of your valuable time. Your LL Bea [...]

Those Glorious Fan Magazines

January 31, 2013 | Criticism

The following post by Anne Helen Petersen is part of our online companion to our Winter 2013 issue on Classic Hollywood. Click here for an overview of the issue. ——— We know what Hollywood publicity looks like today: proliferating [...]

The Rules of the Game

Winter 2013 | Essays

While the primary objectives of the publicity game endure—achieve fame; maintain fame; profit from fame—the rules have changed. The transformation of the studio system, the subsequent transition to “freelance” Hollywood labor, and the rise of digital technologies have fundamentally altered both basic and advanced strategies for “winning” the publicity game.


The Media Consumption List: 2012 Edition

December 21, 2012 | Criticism

This is no "Best Of" List. It's no Top Ten. Rather, it's a highly subjective list of the most compelling media objects, broadly defined, that I've encountered and endorse in my capacity as a media studies professor-doctor of celebrity gossip-Twitte [...]