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Burton Ledoux


The Far North

Alaska Under Arms. By Jean Potter. The Macmillan Company. $2.00. Siberia. By Emil Lengycl. Random House. $375. Greenland. By Vilhjalmar Stefansson. Doubleday, Doran and Company. $3.50. Canada Today and To-morroiv. By William Henry Chamberlin. Little [...]

French Canada: A Modern Feudal State

When the British conquest of Canada officially-ended the one hundred and fifty years of warfare against the French way of life in America, French Canadians had already lost sympathy with the new religious and political trends in France which were pre [...]

Canadian-American Relations

Reconstruction in Canada. Edited by C. A. Ashley. The University of Toronto Press. $1.00. Canadian-American Relations, 1875-1911. By Charles C. Tansill. The Yale University Press. $3.50. Les Caiadiens Francois et Leurs Voisins du Sud. By Gustave La [...]