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Frederick Ebright



CARIBBEAN The clock in the Cathedral sounds a single solemn chime: it is the first hour of the afternoon: under a silent sky tall bearded palms are motionless in their own shadows in the blazing square and the jewel-eyed lizard with smouldering fire [...]

Antarctic Journal

The Antilles gone, and the Great Bear wheeling lower under Polaris in a far blue storm of light, swinging lower in its arc with the coming of each night toward the soft flare of the Southern Cross; we, traversing invisible parallels and fabulous [...]

Chorus for Unsung Heroes

We are the ones on whom the cranes slipped at the docks, The ones who missed the gangplank and were ironically drowned, The ones who were lost in a blinding storm a few feet from the hut, Who died without any struggle, who perished without sound. [...]