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Gideon Lewis-Kraus

Gideon Lewis-Kraus is a contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine, a contributing editor at Harper’s, and a contributing writer at WIRED. A former Fulbright Fellow, he was a 2007 finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing. He is the author of A Sense of Direction (Riverhead, 2012).


Photography by Mathias Depardon

Boomtown on the Caspian

Fall 2016 | Reporting

The nation of Azerbaijan, wedged into the Caucasus Mountains between Russia and Iran, is small, geopolitically vulnerable, and relatively new to the contrivance of nationhood. Most of its history has been spent on the fringes of someone else’s empire; millennia of successive imperial occupations ended with the crumbling of the Soviet Union, and, over the twenty-five years since, Azerbaijanis have been experimenting with novel forms of national pride.