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Harold S. Quigley


Sovereign Man or Sovereign State?

Our international community received formal recognition in the Peace of Westphalia of 1648. Sloughing off the universalism of the decadent Holy Roman Empire, it was based upon the principle of nationality, recognizing the existence of states—such a [...]

The Far East and the Future

The Far Eastern War has been in progress since September 18, 1931, for seven of these years intensively. Japan has occupied, more or leas effectively, one-fourth of the old Chinese empire and one-third of China Proper. Although she has not advanced h [...]

The Japanese Mission

Japan over Asia, By William Henry Chamberlin. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. $3.50. Children of the Rising Sun. By Willard Price. New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, $3.00. William henry chamberlin and Willard Price are American journalists who [...]

America in the Far East

The Par Bast cm Crisis: Recollections and Observations. By Henry L. Stimson. New York: Published for the Council on Foreign, Relations by Harper and Brothers. $3.75. Strange but apparently true it is that the people of the United States are far mo [...]

Yesterday and Today in the East

In China. By Abel Bonnard. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. $3.50. China and Her Political Entity. By Shushi Hsu, New York: Oxford University Press, American Branch. $3.00. The Development of Japan. By Kenneth Scott Latourette. New York: Mac [...]

Asia Is Awake

The Political Awakening of the East. By George Matthew Dutcher, Abingdon Press. $2.00.Western Civilization and the Far East. By Stephen King-Hall, Charles Scribner's Sons. $5.00.The Challenge of Asia. By Stanley Rice, Charles Scribner's Sons. $2.25.O [...]