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James Hart


A Volume Against the Pragmatists

The Pragmatic Revolt in Politics. By W. Y. Elliott. New York: The Mac-millan Company. $3.75. Cassius j. Keyser has suggested that an educated man is one who reads books he can not understand. Mr. Elliott's volume is highly recommended as a means w [...]

Jefferson’s Commonplace Book

The Commonplace Book of Thomas Jefferson, A Repertory of His Ideas on Government. With an Introduction and notes. By Gilbert Chinard. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, and Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France. $4.00. It is no tribute [...]

The Presidency in Action

The Use of Presidential Power, 1789-1943. By George Fort Milton. Little, Brown and Company. $3.00. "It is easier," remarked Woodrow Wilson, "to write of the President than of the presidency." In his recently published volum [...]