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John Gould Fletcher


The Christmas Tree

I have lived long, Longer by far than once my heart desired; Have seen the race not given to the swift, nor the victory to the strong, Have felt the salty taste of kisses and the cold ache of being tired: Have watched the wide earth covered Wi [...]

In Mount Holly

Here beyond hope is all that death shall hold of me, This brown Arkansas hillside, dreaming through depth of mid-winter, alone in the southland; Under the dove-grey low-swung cloud come up from the Gulf to scatter Its benediction of deep rain, en [...]

Three Fables

I. The Garden of Epicurus In the old days the garden of Epicurus was a pleasant place. On the right there was a slope covered with olive trees. Most of this belonged to a neighbour, but the wall between Epicurus' property and the neighbour's propert [...]