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John Seelye


Attic Shape: Dusting Off Evangeline

Longfellow survives largely as a bad example, not a poète maudit but a maudlin poet, afloat on the lachrymose seas of a sentimental age. Still, he does prevail even if his poetry has not endured, and few critics who even now discuss his work are ab [...]


The Diaries of George Washington. Volume I, 1748—65; Volume II, 1766-70. Edited by Donald Jackson. Virginia. $15.00 per volume. WE have here the first fruits of a harvest begun in 1968, the bringing in of George Washington's papers for a monument [...]

Oceans of Emotion: the Narcissus Syndrome

When in ancient times men heeded John Masefield's call to set out to sea again, the business they did on great waters was serious stuff, in the words of the Psalmist to "see the works of the Lord: and his wonders in the deep." These last included Le [...]