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Louis Untermeyer


New Meanings in Recent American Poetry

The common objection to poetry is not distaste (as is so often assumed) but distrust. It is a distrust of the unpredictably and often uncomfortably revealed truth, the fear of sudden clairvoyance which breaks through intellectual pretense and defensi [...]

Epilogue in Heaven

EPILOGUE IN HEAVEN THERE, God, they go— The man and woman dedicate to you— Out of the Paradise they thought they knew Into a world that they will never know. "You let them eat, Who could have held their too inquiring hand. How will your mute [...]

Submission to Unreason

A Masque of Reason. By Robert Frost. Henry Holt and Company. $2.00. On the eve of his seventieth birthday, the most respected of our living poets and the (seemingly) most recognizably traditional of New England voices has published his most [...]


Will it be always nightmare, always fever, Now and hereafter? Will nothing stop the currents running ever Darker and swifter? Let me forget. . . . It happened in my boyhood. We rose up early, Saddled the ass, took fire, a [...]