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Martin Ochs


Citizen Hearst

The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst. By David Nasau. Houghton Mifflin. $35.A great many journalists devote their working lives to the principles of objectivity, fairness, and accuracy to which William Randolph Hearst paid little tribute. T [...]

The Sage of Atlanta

Ralph McGill: A Biography. By Barbara Barksdale Clowse, Mercer University Press. $29.95. Thank the gods for Ralph McGill, the great editor of The Atlanta Constitution. When the editor of the this journal handed me this book for review, the thoug [...]

Ross and Alsop: Genius and Gadfly

Genius in Disguise: Harold Ross of The New Yorker. By Thomas Kunkel. Random House. $25. Joe Alsop's Cold War. By Edwin M. Yoder, Jr. North Carolina. $24.95. Wether or not it was, is, or will be the best magazine ever, The New Yorker was the creatio [...]

Search for Racial Justice

Civil Rights and Wrongs; A Memoir of Race and Politics, 1944—94. By Harry S. Ashmore. Pantheon.$25. "If e pluribus unum —from the many, one—still represents the nation's goal," writes Harry Ashmore of the racial sphere, "we have been moving [...]

Courage In the South

Hadding Carter: The Reconstruction of a Racist. By Ann Waldron. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. $23.95. For more than 30 years, Hodding Carter was down there in the cauldron—where the moderates were practically none and the lash of hostility was [...]