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Maxwell Geismar


The International Novel: 1944

Lieutenant Bertram, By Bcxlo Uhsc. (Translated from the German by Catherine Mutter.) Simon and Schuster. $2.50. A Walk in the Sun. By Harry Brown. Alfred A. Knopf. $2.00. Valley of the Sky. By Hobert Douglas Skid-more. Houghton Mifflin Company. $2. [...]

Mars and Psyche

The Human Comedy. By William Saroyan. Harcourt, Brace and Company. $2.75. The Conspirators. By Frederic Prokosch. Harper and Brothers. $2.50. Happy Land. By MacKinlay Kantor. Coward-McCann. $1.25. Wide Is the Gate. By Upton Sinclair. The Viking Press [...]

No Man Alone Now

"You could always come back," said Hemingway about the American culture he had renounced to stand in exile among the green hills of Africa. And it is with a writer who left us and returned that we must deal. The center of Hemingway's work u [...]