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Rachel Hadas

Rachel Hadas is the Board of Governors Professor of English at the Newark campus of Rutgers University, where she has taught for many years. She is the author of numerous books of poetry, essays, and translations. Her new books include the poetry collection The Golden Road (Northwestern UP, 2012) and her memoir of her husband’s dementia, Strange Relation (Paul Dry Books, 2011).


The Hive

Winter 2013 | Poetry

Waiting in a lofty hotel lobby
honeycombed with entrances and exits,
feeling weak, I find a corner, lean


Coldly flushed at dawn, swallowing sun each evening, brooding visible world's end: I finally take the challenge, go to meet the mountain. Windless sizzle of resiny pines. Heat devils dance in gorges. I fumble up and up, look down at a lineny wrinkle [...]