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Rebecca Onion

Rebecca Onion is a staff writer at Slate and the author of Innocent Experiments: Childhood and the Culture of Popular Science in the United States (North Carolina, 2016). Onion holds a Ph.D. in American studies from the University of Texas at Austin and is a visiting scholar in the department of history at Ohio University.


Photograph by Ben Rasmussen.

Codes of Exclusion

Winter 2018 | Photography

As he headed to the St. Louis neighborhood of Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, to photograph people protesting the police shooting of Michael Brown, Benjamin Rasmussen was reading about the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford, the 1857 c [...]

Furious 7. Directed by James Wan. Universal Pictures, 2015.  137 minutes.

Driving Off Into the Sunset

Summer 2015 | Criticism

The rest of the world eyes the lives of Golden State tribes—Hollywood “movie people,” surfers, gay San Franciscans, Silicon Valley programmers—with a mixture of fascination and longing. What is the powerful appeal of the California subcu [...]

"Pioneer Girl," by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Edited by Pamela Smith Hill.

Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Outtakes

December 5, 2014 | Criticism

My four-year-old nieces love the picture-book versions of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series, which extract small stories from the canon, representing them simply for young readers.

On Letters of Note

Fall 2014 | Criticism

Letters of Note, a five-year-old blog run by Shaun Usher, is now a book. The blog offers correspondence “deserving of a wider audience” (as its tagline runs). When possible, Usher’s blog presents the letters in their original scans, preserving the quaint typewriter fonts, pretty letterheads, and handwritten annotations of their paper selves.