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Robert C. Binkley


Peace in Our Time

The wars of modern nations are not wagers of battle, but crusades. The wars that threaten on the so- called ideological front between Communists and Fascists, or dictatorships and democracies, will be crusades. The first secular crusade of modern [...]

Myths of the Twentieth Century

The story of the Tower of Babel has for the twentieth century a profound and desolating relevance. It is told in the Book of Genesis that there was a time when "all the world was of one language and one speech." The fortunate denizens of Sh [...]

Post-War Europe

Democratic Governments in Europe, By Buell, Chase, and Valeur (English Government and Politics, by Eugene Chase; French Government and Politics, by Robert Valeur; Swiss Democracy, by Raymond Bucll). New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons. $2.50. World Pi [...]

New Debts for Old

When the American national bonded debt rises from the present thirty billion dollars to eighty billion dollars, it will be equivalent, per capita, to the British national debt. When an American with a five-thousand-dollar income pays an income tax of [...]

An Anatomy of Revolution

When friends and enemies of the Roosevelt administration united in calling it revolutionary, the word revolution entered the vocabulary of American politics in a new way, for which no adequate preparation has yet been made. However hard the political [...]

Europe Faces the Customs Union

The Austro-German customs union project has two meanings which tend to become confused with each other. On the one hand it is an episode in the long-drawn-out duel between France and Germany; on the other hand it offers a pattern to which Europe may [...]

Of Freud and the Future

Freud and Marx. By Reuben, Osborn. New York: Equinox Co-operative Press. $2.50. Freud, Goethe, Wagner. By Thomas Mann. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. $2.00. I warn you, Thomas Mann! I warn you, Reuben Osborn! You have given the devil your little f [...]