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NY Press on the Most Loathsome New Yorkers

PUBLISHED: March 30, 2006

The New York Press has released their annual “50 Most Loathsome New Yorkers” and two writers made the list: James Frey (no surprise) comes in at #6 and Jonathan Safran Foer at #28:

This very paper dubbed him [Safran Foer] not just a bad author, but a vile one. Everything but the box office was illuminated for the big-screen bomb of his first book. Both 2005 efforts came crashing down like the towers he writes so badly about.


Anne M.'s picture
Foer’s book should have been named “Everything is Over-rated.” Finally, someone in the press has wised up to that clown.
J.T. Christopher's picture
J.T. Christopher · 17 years ago
Lovely about the loathed New Yorkers! They got no clothes……..

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