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Scott McKendry

Scott McKendry is currently studying toward a Ph.D. in poetry at Queen’s University Belfast. His work has been included in the future always makes me so thirsty: New Poets from the North of Ireland (Blackstaff, 2016). His poems have also been published in the North, the Tangerine, Public Illumination Magazine, the Manchester Review, Magma, Cyphers, and Poetry Ireland Review.   


Clover Mites

Winter 2018 | Poetry

I was daubing s onto our front step with the blood and guts of clover mites
when Speccy Rab headbutted BA—which didn’t end well for Rab’s glasses.

Duck, Duck, Goose

Winter 2018 | Poetry

You can go down for a jouk, I want to say, a gander 
at the greylags on the green
that’s not so much a field as a grassy space 
where the flats once stood.


Winter 2018 | Poetry

The Earth spun on the Universal fanfare and the three of us were settled on 
the settee when the doorbell sung Big Ben’s [sic] dong, dang, ding, dung.

Who Separates Us?

Winter 2018 | Poetry

It wasn’t so much that we burnt tires, releasing a toxic stew of nasties,
or that each Eleventh Night, as a spat crescendoed, some fella got battered