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Andrea Werblin Reid

Andrea Werblin Reid (1965 – 2022) is the author of Lullaby for One Fist (Wesleyan UP, 2001) and Sunday with the Sound Turned Off (Lost Horse, 2014). She was a finalist for Missouri Review’s Perkoff Prize and had work published in the Massachusetts Review, Pank, and Smartish Pace. In her last three years, Werblin Reid wrote more than one hundred poems–including these–about living with terminal ovarian cancer.


Driving While Grateful

Winter 2023 | Poetry

the ogre of gratitude dangling like a chandelier from the rearview mirror asks if
you know how lucky you are, if you’ve meditated on that yet, if your heart

Clinical Trial

Winter 2023 | Poetry

in exchange for a public chance at a longer private life, you give them
not your body, but your body’s one error in calculation. the swerve,