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Waldo Frank


Sigmund Freud

Autumn 1934 | Essays

To this new era, barely ushered in by men like Bergson, Whitehead, S. Alexander, Andre Gide, Franz Kafka, etc., Freud does not belong. But in the perspective of cultural history, he will be seen as a contemporary of Darwin, Schopenhauer, Dostoevski, Marx; and he may be known, by the fecundity of his work, as their equal.

Russian River

A s we sailed east almost into the shadow of the Urals, the Revolution shrank smaller, farther, unreal away. Even in my sleep in Leningrad its beat, bursting the old world, was in my ears and I had waked each morning to its thunderous music. Now, whi [...]

San Martin and Bolivar

On the morning of July 25, 1822, the schooner "Macedonia," proceeding from Callao, rounded the wooded isle of Puna just south of the equator and came to rest in the harbor of Guayaquil. It flew the flag of General Jose de San Martin. At the [...]


I There are places of earth like eyes. They have more than a proportionate share of the light and the fire. They hold, within a fragile cup of space, measures infinitely deep, journeys very far beyond the physical scope of their flesh and their bo [...]

Don Quixote: A Modern Scripture

Don Quixote is but the final name of the ingenuous knight of La Mancha. In Chapter One of his book, it is set forth that he was known as Quijada, Quesada or Quejana. Four chapters later a worker in the neighboring fields addresses him as Quijana and [...]