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H.L. Hix

H. L. Hix was a finalist for the National Book Award for his poetry collection Chromatic (Etruscan, 2006). His recent work includes Lines of Inquiry (Etruscan, 2011). His poetry has been recognized with the Grolier Prize, the T. S. Eliot Prize, the Peregrine Smith Award, and an NEA fellowship. He teaches in the University of Wyoming’s creative writing program.


About the Lakeshore

Summer 2012 | Poetry

Sculptural works serve also as drawings, songs also as autumn afternoons. Ceramic vessels, spun to perfect circularity, stand, so few testaments to so many lives lost, so much time past. Only tragedies are only themselves. The year house finches nest [...]

These Underwatered

Spring 2012 | Poetry

If even thumbnails bear me messages— your blood is borrowed but the bruises yours to keep— then where am I, and who? Was my disappearance reported to the authorities before I learned of it myself? I could know I have gone missing only by report, [...]

This Body a Sea

Spring 2012 | Poetry

She wrote what she wrote. Her digging dug her out of Dark down here and hard to breathe into Bright enough to turn my stomach, gotta squint, can’t tell where I am. Can’t tell what season this is supposed to be, can’t guess what sort of storm is [...]