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Katie Ford

Katie Ford is the author of four books of poems: Deposition (2002), Colosseum (2008), Blood Lyrics (2014), and If You Have to Go (2018), all published by Graywolf. Her poems have appeared in the New YorkerPoetry American Poetry Review, the Paris Review, Ploughshares, Partisan Review, Poets & Writers, and Pleiades. She is a professor of creative writing at the University of California, Riverside.



Winter 2014 | Poetry

I once believed in heavenly clarity—
do you know how good it feels to sing
of certainty, the wild apricot

Our Long War

Spring 2012 | Poetry

If we are at war let the orchards show it,
let the pear and fig fall prior to their time,
let the radios die
and the hounds freeze over their meat.