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Matthew Josephson


Historians and Mythmakers

For two whole decades since the end of the last world war, the historico-literary medium which is biography has enjoyed an astonishing vogue among both the public and practitioners. This modern renascence or revival has reached proportions in output [...]

From Barbarism to Science

It Is Later Than You Think. By Max Lerner. New York: The Viking Press. $2.50. The dilemma we face at this late hour (an extended, inhumanly tense eleven o'clock for modern civilization) may be indicated for Americans under its two aspects: economi [...]

A Century After Tocqueville

Today there is a very animated debate among the public men of two continents over the value and prospects of democracy as a system of government. Our latter-day Caesars especially are disposed to moralize and generalize upon the "decadence" [...]