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Walter Pach


The Role of Modern Art

The city of Paris bears on its shield a device that might well be taken as a symbol for art. A ship rides the waves, proclaiming its triumph over danger with the Latin phrase, fluctuat nec mergitur. "It rocks but does not founder" has often [...]

Our Ancestors of the Soil

It is always a satisfaction to feel that one has made progress, and one wants to share the sense of it with other people. So I will begin by saying that I have made progress since the time, just twenty years ago, when, returning from Mexico, I wrote [...]

America’s Ancestral Art

Medieval American Art. By Pál Kelemen. The Macmillan Company. Two volumes. $22.50. To mark something of the grandeur of the subject treated in becoming fashion by the monumental work before us, I know nothing so appropriate as Lessing's story [...]

The Position of Ingres in the Modern World

Since the close of the eighteenth century, which is to say from an early time in the life of Ingres, there have been people who believed in his greatness. He won the all-important Prix de Rome when barely twenty-one years of age, and deserved to win [...]

The Raphael From Russia

Everyone knows the remark of John Adams that he wouldn't give five cents for the finest Michelangelo or Raphael; but not everyone knows the comment made on it a half century later, by William Morris Hunt. That admirable painter, to whom Boston owes s [...]

John Sloan To-Day

At a lunch table in one of our great art-museums, the staff of the institution were discussing its problems. One veteran of the half-century struggle to build up worthy collections finally broke out with the question, "Well what's the good of a museu [...]