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Carolina De Robertis

Carolina De Robertis is the author of the novel, The Invisible Mountain, forthcoming from Knopf in August 2009, and translator of Alejandro Zambra’s Bonsai, which first appeared in the Winter 2008 issue of VQR and was recently published in book form by Melville House. She is currently at work on her second novel.


The Askers

Winter 2009 | Fiction

Seven years after the dictators left, their luggage stuffed with whorls of clothes and cash, we found out what Mateo Musco really was. We’d all seen him, walking his dogs around the neighborhood, smoking his cigar, letting ash scatter at his feet. Musco only walked the dogs at night. He had a maid who walked them in the morning, though God knows what happens in that house now in the morning, or, for that matter, at any time of day.


For Alhelí “Years passed, and the only person who didn’t change was the young woman in the book.” —Yasunari Kawabata “Pain is measured and detailed.” —Gonzalo Millán I. Mass In the end she dies and he remains alone, [...]