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Harry Clemons


A Stream of Humanity

All Men Are Brothers (Shui Hu Chuan). Translated from the Chinese by Pearl S. Buck. New York: The John Day Company. Two volumes. $6.50. For out of olde feldes, as men seith, Cometh al this newe corn fro yeer to yere; And out of olde bokes, in go [...]

The Dream of the Red Chamber

Dream of the Red Chamber. By Tsao Hsuch-chin and Kao Ngoh. Translated and adapted from the Chinese by Chi-chen Wang, with a preface by Arthur Walcy. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran, and Company. $3.00. The story of "The Dream of the Red [...]

The Taiping Rebellion - Inside and Outside

Tseng Kuo-fan and the Taiping Rebellion; with a short sketch of his later career. By William James Hail. New Haven: Yale University Press. $4.00. In the Days of the Taipings; being the recollections of Ting Kienchang, otherwise Meisun, sometime Sco [...]

Of the Making of Books

The Golden Book; the Story of Fine Books and Bookmaking—Past and Present. By Douglas Crawford McMurtrie. Chicago: Pascal Covici. $6.00. Of the making of books there have been many beginnings. In this publication, conceived by Pascal Covici [...]