James Peacock


I received my B.A. in Psychology from Duke Univresity and Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Harvard University after doing fieldwork in Southeast Asia and the United States. My fieldwork includes studies of proletarian culture in Surabaja, Indonesia (see Rites of Modernization, University of Chicago Press), of Muslim reformation in southeast Asia (see Muslim Puritans, Universityof California Press), symbols in social life (see Consciousness and Change, Oxford) and of Primitive Baptists (see Pilgrims of Paradox, Smithsonian). I am also the author of The Anthropological Lens (Cambridge University Press, 1988 and 2001). From 1996-summer, 2003 I was director of the University Center for International Studies here at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am currently a Kenan Professor of Anthropology at UNC-CH interested in global Souths. For photo and more information, see the web site.

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