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Jann Turner

Jann Turner is an award-winning filmmaker and journalist. She won an Emmy for her work on the National Geographic film “Wolves of the Air” and the Foreign Correspondents Award for Journalism for her documentary on the South Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission. She is also the author of The Southern Cross (Orion, 2003), Home Is Where You Find It (2001), and Heartland (1997). She lives in Johannesburg, where she is currently at work on a new novel.



Winter 2006 | Essays

t is so hot here the highway melts everyday. Vehicles flattening it to oily, gleaming blacktop. I am sitting at a plastic table on a hot concrete step at the Pensao Montes Namuli, watching the road, drinking a dark, malty domestic beer called Manica. The bottle is cool and slippery in my hand. The air smells of tar. The earth simmers in the brown heat, even as dusk approaches. Guy reckons it’s 35 degrees centigrade. I smoke another cigarette. The sun sinks towards the dust-hazed horizon.