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Jesse Bier


The Man on the Bicycle Machine

HENRY Ardmore felt in better and better condition. This was mainly because of his jogging, prescribed after the EKG he took in 1974, to combat a somewhat too high cholesterol count. So he had been running up and down the roads outside of Boulder, C [...]

Now—And Then

(Bringing A Man's Theories, Hints, Entertainments, and Nuances to the women's movement)  By now everybody knows about the pretty cadets at West Point—and Annapolis and Colorado Springs. Well, from the men's point of view, if Mars is going t [...]

Vive L’Indifférence!

Little by little Paris is disappearing. If you stand at the Maison de Radio or anywhere near the left bank of Pont Crenelle and look across the Seine, your view is of full or semi-skyscrapers crowding the opposite bank. A film director, framing his [...]