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John Hawley Roberts


Huxley and Lawrence

If the low point in a man's spiritual career is the loss of all faith in humanity, Aldous Huxley reached that nadir with the publication of "Those Barren Leaves" in 1925. Here he repudiated all the left-over nineteenth-century formulas by w [...]

The End of the English Novel?

The Years. By Virginia Woolf. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. $2.50. Most great novelists illuminate life: they have something to tell us about existence and they help us understand our fellow men more fully and more sympathetically than ot [...]

Toward Virginia Woolf

Virginia woolf, once only a priestess and of Bloomsbury alone, has now become the reigning goddess of contemporary English letters. Her novels sell even when the buyer knows, either from past experience or from reviews, that he probably will not unde [...]