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Joseph Warren Beach


Fiction Leaves the Home

The Forest and the Fort. By Hervey Allen. Farrar and Rinehart. $2.50. W< Regulators. By William Degenhard. The Dial Press. $3.00. Citizen Tim Paine. By Howard Fast. Duell, Sloan and Pearce. $2.75. Jake Home. Bjr Ruth McKenney. Harcourt, Brace and [...]

Literature and Modern Man

Prom These Roots. By Mary M. Colum. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. $2.50. Towards the Twentieth Century. By H. V. Routh. Cambridge: The University Press. New York: The Macmillan Co, $3.50. Modem Paction; A Study of Values. By Her1)crt J. Muller. [...]

Shakespeare and Harlequin

The busiest spirit of the moment in Paris is M. Jean Cocteau. As a critic he is the discoverer of the Northwest Passage in music and painting. He has proclaimed the merits of certain modern composers until no program is complete without something of [...]

The Holy Bottle

One has a way of setting up principles in haste and repenting them at leisure. So it is with my principle—or prejudice—against the use of archaic words. I am strongly of the persuasion that a writer, and especially a writer of prose, should keep [...]

Self-Consciousness and Its Antidote

Cannery Row. By John Steinbeck. The Viking Press. $2.00. The Leaning Tower. By Kathcrine Anne Porter. Harcourt, Brace and Company. $2.50."Cannery Row" is a book to like and then to pan. If you skip the opening pages, it is fun to read, but it leaves [...]