Martha Collins


Martha Collins is the author of four collections of poems, the most recent of which is Some Things Words Can Do (Sheep Meadow, 1999). She has also co-translated, with the author, The Women Carry River Water, a collection of poems by Vietnamese poet Nguyen Quang Thieu which was published by UMass in 1997 and won an award from the American Literary Translators Association. Other awards include fellowships from the NEA, the Bunting Institute, the Lannan Foundation, and the Witter Bynner Foundation, as well as three Pushcart Prizes. Collins founded the Creative Writing Program at UMass-Boston, and since 1997 has taught at Oberlin College, where she is Pauline Delaney Professor of Creative Writing and one of the editors of FIELD. She has recently completed a book-length poem called Blue Front, and has a collection of co-translations of poems by Vietnamese poet Lam Thi My Da in press with Curbstone.