Martha Zweig


Author of 3 collections:WHAT KIND, Wesleyan University Press, 2003; VINEGAR BONE, Wesleyan University Press, 1999; POWERS, Stinehour Press & The Vermont Council on the Arts, 1976. POWERS was a winner of a Vermont statewide competition; VINEGAR BONE received a Writer’s Award from the Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation in New York. Individual poems have been widely published in magazines including: Manoa; The Journal; Northwest Review; Gettysburg Review; Field; The Beloit Poetry Journal; Boston Review; The Kenyon Review; Notre Dame Review; New Orleans Review; The Progressive; Literary Imagination, The North American Review and Conduit. I received Hopwood Awards at the University of Michigan, a grant at the Vermont Studio Center, & my MFA from Warren Wilson College. I’ll be attending a residency at Everglades National Park in 2004.

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