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Oron James Hale


Lloyd George at War

War Memoirs of David Lloyd George. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Volumes I and II (1914-1916). $8.00. Ask any English boy if his mother is at home and he will invariably answer: "I think so," or "I believe she is." Eve [...]

The Memoirs of Prince Von Bulow

Mcmoirs of Prince von Bulow. Translated by F. A. Voigt and Geoffrey Dun-lop. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Vols. I, II, and III. $15.00. When the last trumpet sounds, I shall present myself before the Sovereign Judge with this book in my h [...]

Turkey—Bridge or Bulwark

Who are the Turks? What have they been? And what do they hope to become? This substantial volume, "Turkey," by the well known scholar and publicist Emil Lengyel, undertakes to supply the answers. It offers a survey of the history, religion, [...]