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Preston Lauterbach

Preston Lauterbach is author of The Chitlin’ Circuit (Norton, 2011) and a forthcoming book about the music, underworld, and political chicanery on Beale Street in Memphis between the end of the Civil War and the onset of World War II. 


The original first manuscript page of Faulkner's Sanctuary, 1931. © 2014, Faulkner Literary Rights, LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission, Lee Caplin, Executor. Courtesy of William Faulkner Foundation Collection, 1918-1959, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, VA.

A Cheap Idea

Winter 2015 | Essays

Is there such a thing as an easy situation with William Faulkner? His name is synonymous with complexity. It pervades his style, his storylines, and the format of his novels. Interacting with the public, the man obfuscated, exaggerated, and misled.