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Lambert Davis


The Reviewer

hmocence Abroad. By Emily Clark. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. $3.00. Ifirst made the acquaintance of The Reviewer in 1925, about a year after it left the hands of its founders for its valedictory year at Chapel Hill. I had no thought that I was bei [...]

Armageddon - Twelve Years After

Armageddon: The World War in Literature. By Eugene Lohrke, New York: Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith. $5.00. Good-Bye to All That. By Robert Graves. New York: Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith. $3.00. A Roumanian Diary. By Hans Carossa. New York: Al [...]

Byways in Fiction

The Pathway. By Henry Williamson. New York: IS.P. Dutton and Company. $2.50. The Burning Fountain. By Eleanor Carroll Chilton. New York: The John Day Company. $2.50. The Innocent Voyage. By Richard Hughes. New York: Harper and Brothers. $2.50. [...]