This is the year strangerswill say terrible things
about you
There would have been chaos,confetti mined from the cliffsof Michoacán.
We made a dance of all the ways
we’d hurt our bodies.
His noiseless blooming in the callous earth. I followed a dry-bone branch, spiderweb-cracked, off the Running Turkey.
I chose it,went willingly,put in
the timewith the dioceseand my sponsor,
—a spectrum, an immeasurable gradient, during and after which
the places where you were can be tracked over a sprawling landscape
Be careful—I’m filled with glass.
I wanted to play Gabriel in a tinsel crown,but was cast as the Little Drummer. I hoped to carry the crucifix, to ferry the chalice down the long corridor of St. Aloysius
The forest opens wide then closes once