Hanna Barczyk Biography Hanna Barczyk, an award-winning illustrator and visual artist, has exhibited her paintings in solo shows in the US, Germany, and Canada. See Work FICTION / Spring/Summer 2023 Lilies for Romina By Ximena Blanco , Illustration by Hanna Barczyk The day she decided to leave her lover, Romina was sitting in a plastic folding chair brought from home and waiting for her mother to be released from emergency services. FICTION / Spring/Summer 2023 Matanzas By Paul Yoon , Illustration by Hanna Barczyk They were gathered in a field, six boys, playing a game he didn’t know. FICTION / Spring/Summer 2023 Carry On By Eleni Linas , Illustration by Hanna Barczyk Pes mou, the driver said to us at the taxi stand, leaning against his car, all bored and beautiful. FICTION / Spring/Summer 2023 Penance By Fredrick Kunkle , Illustration by Hanna Barczyk Light cut through the darkness that filled the nave, rousing Pastor Kane from sleep. FICTION / Spring/Summer 2023 Quartet By Lydia Davis , Illustration by Hanna Barczyk An itinerant photographer has set up his camera, lights, and chair in a local grocery store. This was many years ago. I was there, I saw it myself.