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Gerald W. Johnson


A Question of Measurements

Spring 1970 | Articles

The distance between the administrations of Calvin Coolidge and Richard Nixon is calculable in sundry ways. Chronologically, it is forty-five years. Technologically, it is the distance from the Tin Lizzie to the moon—immense.

The Conquest of Inner Space

Spring 1959 | Essays

In the intellectual climate prevailing in the mid-twentieth century it is almost a scandal to quote Alfred Tennyson, and to profess admiration for his work brands one as a tasteless Boeotian if not a subversive character yearning for the restoration [...]

Billy With the Red Necktie

The President of the College was a short man and somewhat rotund. His massive head was bare on top, and his features would have been heavy and formidable had it not been for an irrepressible twinkle in his eyes that usually defeated his best effo [...]

The Changelings

Mr. talleyrand, during his exile in Philadelphia, passed by the house of the American Secretary of the Treasury late one night and observed a light burning in the study where the Secretary, having finished his official duties for the day, was slaving [...]

Justice as Realpolitik

Exactly what the Axis powers have done to the American people will not be clearly understood for a generation, or, perhaps, for a century. Certain effects, and probably some of the more important effects, of the blow will appear slowly; therefore any [...]

Two Reports on the South

A Southerner Discovers the South, By Jonathan Daniels, New York: The Macmillan Company. $3.00. forty Acres and Steel Mules. By Herman Clarence Nixon. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. $2.50. It is eight years now since a group [...]

When to Build a Barricade

Time was when the ordinary, middle-class American contemplated no other end than to die quietly in his bed, attended by his physician and, presumably, by his parson or his priest as well. Today that is no longer true. Not only do all of us now envis [...]

Since Wilson

Thirteen years ago, the thirtieth day of last May, I attended Memorial Day exercises in a military cemetery and saw a man there. In that gathering there were, according to my hasty estimate at the time, a thousand civilians, three thousand Red Cross [...]

After Appomattox

The Tragic Era: The Revolution after Lincoln. By Claude G. Bowers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. $5.00. The series of events culminating in the conviction of Albert B. Fall, charged with accepting a bribe while he was a member of the Presi [...]

Southern Image-Breakers

Once upon a time I taught, or at least was a professor of, Journalism, and I suppose that for the rest of my life whenever my liver grows sluggish, reviving a latent faith in Predestination and Infant Damnation, I shall reflect miserably upon the ter [...]

A Tilt With Southern Wind-Mills

Having been born of white parents in a county in the Black Belt of North Carolina, I, of course, supported Davis in the last campaign. As it happened, I also wished that he might win. He seemed to me a good man for the job. That, however, is beside t [...]

Prometheus Patton

The appalling thing about the late Big Bill Thompson, sometime Mayor of Chicago, is not how wrong he was, but how nearly right he was in some of his most unpleasant manifestations. Bill's contribution to diplomatic protocol, you remember, was a promi [...]

The Advancing South

The Advancing South. By Edwin Mims. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. 1926. $3.00 net. There are thirty million people in the South. Dr. Mims has carefully searched for and catalogued the liberals among them. The index of his book lists th [...]

“The Southerner”

The Training of an American: The Earlier Life and Letters of Walter H. Page. By Burton J. Hendrick. Boston and New York: The Houghton Mifflin Company. $5.00. The massive literary monument erected by Mr. Hendrick in memory of Walter Hines Page [...]

The South Faces Itself

An American Epoch: Southern Portraiture in the National Picture. By Howard W. Odum. New York: Henry Holt and Company. $3.50. King Cotton Is Sick. By Claudius T. Murchison. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. $2.00. The Industrial R [...]

Trappings of a Tin God

Beveridge and the Progressive Era. By Claude G. Bowers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. $5.00. It may be the privilege, as it is certainly the practice, of each generation to regard its immediate predecessor with a marked lack of enthusiasm. [...]

The American Peerage

Who Rules America? A Century of Invisible Government. By John Mc-Conaughy. New York: Longmans, Green and Company. $3.00. The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists, 1861-1901. By Matthew Josephson. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. $3. [...]

Live Demagogue, or Dead Gentleman?

Mr. H. L. Mencken once wrote of the ante-bellum South, "It was a civilization of manifold excellencies—perhaps the best the Western Hemisphere has ever seen—undoubtedly the best that These States have ever seen. . . . In the So [...]

To Be Living At This Time: An Assessment of Values

Preface "I have not yet joined the ranks of the doomsday prophets," Gerald Johnson wrote to his sister Kate Parham during the summer of 1978. "The twentieth century has undoubtedly gone sour—not here only, but in the rest of Western civilization [...]

The End of the Beginning

BERTRAND Russell's "Human Society in Ethics and Politics," published when he was eighty-three, ends with these lines: "Those who are to lead the world out of its troubles will need courage, hope, and love. Whether they will prevail, I do not know, [...]