Current Issue

For our 2024 biennial fiction issue, we bring you stories from Anna Badkhen, A. J. Bermudez, Claudia Sims Black, Gabriel Brownstein, Nikki Ervice, Bret Anthony Johnston, Matthew Lansburgh, Juli Min, Susan Minot, Koye Oyedeji, Derek Palacio, and Corinna Vallianatos. These are accompanied by poetry from Megan J. Arlett, Jai Hamid Bashir, Martín Espada, Philip Metres, and Paul Yoon; as well as #VQRTrueStories from Kelle Groom and J. D. Landis; and the first column from our new Open Letter contributor Woshibai. Our portfolio features Adam Ekberg’s whimsical, kinetic portraits of everyday objects—milk, lawn chairs, skateboards, lighters—launched into daredevil performances.

Fiction 2024

Volume 100, Number 2

Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
Print: $20.00
Digital download: $20.00

Table of contents

Editor's Desk 
Open Letter 

Contributor Profiles

Lauren Simkin Berke is a Brooklyn-based artist, illustrator, and educator whose clients include the New York Times and Smithsonian magazine.

A. J. Bermudez is the author of Stories No One Hopes Are About Them (Iowa UP, 2022), winner of the 2022 Iowa Short Fiction Award and a 2023 Lambda Award Finalist.

Adam Ekberg is a photographer with exhibitions at museums around the world, including the George Eastman Museum in Rochester and CLAMP in New York.

Bret Anthony Johnston’s most recent novel is We Burn Daylight (Penguin Random House, 2024). His work appears in the Virginia Quarterly Review, the New Yorker, and The Best American Short Stories.

Koye Oyedeji’s work has appeared in a number of publications including Ploughshares, the Virginia Quarterly Review, AGNI, Wasafiri magazine, the Believer, and elsewhere.

Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
Spring 2024
Volume 100, Number 1
Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer 2023 cover
Spring/Summer 2023
Volume 99, Number 1
Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2023 cover
Fall 2023
Volume 99, Number 3
Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 2023 cover
Winter 2023
Volume 99, Number 4