Summer 2013

Garret Keizer on loving his father-in-law Tess Taylor on being a Jefferson descendant Benjamin Rachlin on an iconoclastic beekeeper Audrey Niffenegger on becoming an artist Fiction by Ann Beattie, Brendan Mathews, Joyce Carol Oates, and Tyler Stiem Poetry by Sandra Beasley, Dexter L. Booth, Kevin Hart, Hailey Leithauser, and Tess Taylor
Summer 2013

Volume 89, Number 3

Virginia Quarterly Review, Summer 2013 cover
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Table of contents

Editor's Desk 

Contributor Profiles

Lauren Markham is the author of The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an American Life (Crown, 2017).

Audrey Niffenegger is a visual artist and writer who has published six books, including the novels The Time Traveler’s Wife (2004) and Her Fearful Symmetry (2009).

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